Jobs lost, obama’s fault, jobs created not?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Jobs lost not Obama’s fault. 8 million jobs were lost under Bush. January 2009 through March 2012, the country lost an estimated 740,000 jobs in total, and lost about 161,000 jobs in the private sector. In other words, job loss under Obama -- who inherited a recession deeper than any seen in generations, followed by a recovery that most would describe as modest -- was nevertheless dwarfed by job loss under Bush, at least for the majority of the two presidents' first terms.
Paul Krugman: Job Loss Under Bush Much Worse Than Under Obama

Jobs lost is not Obama’s fault. We are still feeling the effect of Bush’s policies and actions. Tax cuts for the rich and extended because Obama was blacked mailed to get tax cuts for middle America did not create jobs. Tax cuts for small business do not create jobs either. 2 trillion dollar wars unfunded was not Obama fault that contributed to the deficit. Obama stimulus did create and save jobs resulting in avoiding the worse depression ever. When you don’t have any money, every Penny spend is too much and adds to the debt
Government do not create private sector jobs, it creates government programs that result in jobs creation along with infrastructure building and repairing which leads to private sector job creation. Obama’s hands has been tied by congress. Instead congress has been successful in cutting Government jobs. Jobs lost and revenue lost.
Romney lies when he say he can create private sector without Government with tax cuts and cuts in government jobs and spending. 5th graders can understand that, but Reich Wingnuts cannot because they cannot see the forest for the trees. Romney’s record as CEO and Governor do not add up to jobs creation before jobs lost.
How is it that Obama’s 8% unemployment nation wide is because people have stop looking for jobs and not working but Mass, Texas and Wisconsin unemployment rate is 6% because of job creation and they have gone BACK to work and not because people have stop looking for work? Isn’t Mass, Texas and Wisconsin part of this nation?
Government infrastructure spending with no interest borrowed money will create jobs, revenue and pay down the deficit and balance the budget. And a fair increase in taxes. Help me out here 5th graders.
Obama has already created jobs despite tax cuts and cut in government spending. When he took office we were losing a million jobs a month.

Since the stimulus, there has been steady job growth and economic gains because President Obama did not fall into the austerity trap that is wreaking havoc on the European Union member countries……Romney is hell-bent on retarding the economy with drastic job-killing spending cuts and deficit-increasing lower tax rates for the wealthy to the tune of $10.7 trillion with the majority going to 1/10th of the 1% richest Americans.

'Job Creator' Mitt Romney Has Created 1.33% as Many Jobs as Obama
Rasmussen polling leans to the far right and is used by FOXNEWS. Rasmussen Reports is founded and owned by Scott Rasmussen, a politically active Social Conservative.
Case in point.
Rasmussen polling leans to the far right and is used by FOXNEWS. Rasmussen Reports is founded and owned by Scott Rasmussen, a politically active Social Conservative.
Case in point.

Rasmussen polls is also one of the most accurate polls.
Who gets the credit for any jobs created? Obama who is CEO of no private company that I know of, or the top executives that are using their resources and decide to hire these people. Those executives are evil though. So I guess Obama.
Unemployment remains very high, and I do not buy the Vichy right "they" cook the numbers bit either.
Unemployment remains very high, and I do not buy the Vichy right "they" cook the numbers bit either.

I heard a good cook the books with unemployment #'s tonight...
Don't know how true this is....

Obama's buddies projected a loss of 200k jobs recently.
This was a projection...
So when the actual number turned out to be 140k jobs lost
the Obama administration took credit for creating 60k jobs.....

Amazing if there is any truth to it.
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