Jobs Saved?

Now as of yesterday Trump lost 1000 jobs. Can we say America is better off today than it was yesterday under Obama? Yesterday we had 1000 more jobs. Seems like we are going in the wrong direction and Republicans are spin masters. They want to give us shit and tell us it's chocolate.

Not sure what fucking lying news agency you're getting your facts from asshole but sorry, every media outlet was "outed" for dishonesty, lying and disinformation last election cycle. You need a more accurate source as to what's occurring in the US. Try Trump's homepage.

Yes, Breitbarf is not fake news. LOL
Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved. Remember? Now they're talking about how many jobs trump saved yesterday. Really? Because to me trump gave the company a huge tax break and we lost 1000 jobs yesterday

In lieu of 2000 that would have been lost, I suppose?

Why is it all I see on this subject is anti-Trumpsters condemning the man for saving some jobs (which he really didn't do), but not criticizing the current administration for allowing this to happen on their watch? Obama is still the president, yet all I hear are crickets about that fact.
Yes, Breitbarf is not fake news. LOL

I don't care if it is or isn't. Can't you make your own decision on issues? You need the help of a TV station or a website? Try growing a fucking brain - go out on a limb for once, and take a stand, vs. parroting a bunch of faggots burning the US flag whining how Trump won. Grow a set, faggot.
That's what the GOP said after their regulations caused the Great Recession. We didn't deregulate enough. So basically whenever their way fails its because we didn't go extreme enough.
I wish people would remember the American people rejected the GOP too this year. That's why Trump whipped their asses in the primaries. Lets not forget their ways aren't that popular. Trump sounds more like a liberal with tariffs talk.

Or we could employ the loony left economic method: double the number of regulations and require a $30/hr min wage. That oughta get things moving in the right direction!
Typical right wing response. If more and more trickle down isn't working, there's no other choice but to go just as far in the opposite direction.
Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved.

The government doesn't create or save jobs, shitbrain. They are a money-sucking beaurocracy, which will be trimmed down, rightsized and consolodated under President Trump. Did you miss that memo?
Regarding Obama - the man who hasn't worked a fucking day in his life. His failed presidency/legacy was bent over and assfucked, repeatedly, by Trump and Pence during their winning campaign. Did you miss those soundbites/facts? Happy to post some links.
You're brainwashed. But hey, the idiots won the election so the idiots get to run the government.

I don't know what you do for a living but I'll do alright under GOP rule. I hope. Know who won't? The masses. The working poor. Blue collar. That's how I'm going to judge you guys and your results. So far you just fucked 1000 workers.

OMG, what a scam. Carrier was never going to send all 2000 jobs to Mexico. Did you think for a second the white collar guys were going to Monteray Mexico? What a joke. So they say they were going to send 2000 and then our hero Trump steps in and "saves" 1000 jobs by giving the corporation huge tax breaks.

You know what? I shouldn't get upset because you guys won the election. You could just give the corporate tax breaks if you wanted without having to lie. So why lie? Oh yea, to spin it so it looks like you saved 1000 jobs. Because you promised you'd save blue collar jobs. So now you'll be able to point back to Carrier and say look we SAVED jobs. LOL. Now that you are doing what Obama did, now lets see you create jobs next.
I'm with you. I'll do alright too because I'm well educated in an occupation that's in high demand and if worse came to worst, I could retire tomorrow if I wanted. I'd prefer that the common man did alright though. It's depressing when you see stores, restaurants and mom and pop shops going out of business even if you can pick up some screamin' deals when it happens.
Yes, Breitbarf is not fake news. LOL

I don't care if it is or isn't. Can't you make your own decision on issues? You need the help of a TV station or a website? Try growing a fucking brain - go out on a limb for once, and take a stand, vs. parroting a bunch of faggots burning the US flag whining how Trump won. Grow a set, faggot.
You should care if it is or isn't. There are apparently a huge number of people who can't tell and base their opinions and decisions on the crap that they and Fox News put out there.
Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved. Remember? Now they're talking about how many jobs trump saved yesterday. Really? Because to me trump gave the company a huge tax break and we lost 1000 jobs yesterday

In lieu of 2000 that would have been lost, I suppose?

Why is it all I see on this subject is anti-Trumpsters condemning the man for saving some jobs (which he really didn't do), but not criticizing the current administration for allowing this to happen on their watch? Obama is still the president, yet all I hear are crickets about that fact.

The truth is, some jobs are going to go and we can't really save a lot of the blue collar jobs people think Trump's going to save.

I was just pointing out the hypocricy from the right. Remember how they acted when Obama was bragging about "saving" jobs? Yea, I do.

So normally I'd be like "fuck yea look at what Trump's doing before he even starts" but the more I think about it, the more I smell bullshit. Sounds like even though the GOP won, companies are still going to be leaving if we let them.

And trumps sending mix signals. He talks tough about companies who leave but ultimately he's going to do exactly what the GOP have wanted to do for years. ELIMINATE corporate taxes. So in the end that company sent 1000 jobs overseas and Trump looks like a hero?

You have to understand us liberals are going to be skeptical and if we see bullshit we are going to call bullshit. And if we sense Republicans are flip flopping on things like the debt and REAL unemployment we are gong to call them on it. Please don't ask us to be better people than the Republicans were.

Oh, and why aren't you claiming that Obama saved 1000 jobs yesterday? That company decided to stay on his watch. Are you going to give him credit? Then I guess he's a lame duck and Trump isn't waiting till next year to get involved.
Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved. Remember? Now they're talking about how many jobs trump saved yesterday. Really? Because to me trump gave the company a huge tax break and we lost 1000 jobs yesterday

In lieu of 2000 that would have been lost, I suppose?

Why is it all I see on this subject is anti-Trumpsters condemning the man for saving some jobs (which he really didn't do), but not criticizing the current administration for allowing this to happen on their watch? Obama is still the president, yet all I hear are crickets about that fact.
The whole point electing Trump was that he was going to be so much better. We were going to get sick of winning. If losing 1000 jobs is winning I'm already sick of it. LOL
Yes, Breitbarf is not fake news. LOL

I don't care if it is or isn't. Can't you make your own decision on issues? You need the help of a TV station or a website? Try growing a fucking brain - go out on a limb for once, and take a stand, vs. parroting a bunch of faggots burning the US flag whining how Trump won. Grow a set, faggot.

I came up with this all on my own. I had a flash back to when Republicans were acting the way I'm acting, only it was 8 years ago. So learn to stop being a hippocrite. If you can't take it don't dish, faggot. And stop being a homophobe
There are apparently a huge number of people who can't tell and base their opinions and decisions on the crap that they and Fox News put out there.

That's where you, and people of your ilk, are still fucked up, and why you'll continue to loose.Thinking that a certain group relies on a certain network for the truth. They are ALL fucking liars, dipshit. Every last stinking one of them. That's why around June of this year - I turned off the fucking TV. And it's still off. I suggest you and your failed party try it.
There are apparently a huge number of people who can't tell and base their opinions and decisions on the crap that they and Fox News put out there.

That's where you, and people of your ilk, are still fucked up, and why you'll continue to loose.Thinking that a certain group relies on a certain network for the truth. They are ALL fucking liars, dipshit. Every last stinking one of them. That's why around June of this year - I turned off the fucking TV. And it's still off. I suggest you and your failed party try it.
I don't get much of my news from TV. Maybe that's why I'm neither democrat nor republican. If you want to get angry, focus on the dupes out there that buy it. Unfortunately, it still seems like you're one of them.
Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved.

The government doesn't create or save jobs, shitbrain. They are a money-sucking beaurocracy, which will be trimmed down, rightsized and consolodated under President Trump. Did you miss that memo?
Regarding Obama - the man who hasn't worked a fucking day in his life. His failed presidency/legacy was bent over and assfucked, repeatedly, by Trump and Pence during their winning campaign. Did you miss those soundbites/facts? Happy to post some links.
You're brainwashed. But hey, the idiots won the election so the idiots get to run the government.

I don't know what you do for a living but I'll do alright under GOP rule. I hope. Know who won't? The masses. The working poor. Blue collar. That's how I'm going to judge you guys and your results. So far you just fucked 1000 workers.

OMG, what a scam. Carrier was never going to send all 2000 jobs to Mexico. Did you think for a second the white collar guys were going to Monteray Mexico? What a joke. So they say they were going to send 2000 and then our hero Trump steps in and "saves" 1000 jobs by giving the corporation huge tax breaks.

You know what? I shouldn't get upset because you guys won the election. You could just give the corporate tax breaks if you wanted without having to lie. So why lie? Oh yea, to spin it so it looks like you saved 1000 jobs. Because you promised you'd save blue collar jobs. So now you'll be able to point back to Carrier and say look we SAVED jobs. LOL. Now that you are doing what Obama did, now lets see you create jobs next.
I'm with you. I'll do alright too because I'm well educated in an occupation that's in high demand and if worse came to worst, I could retire tomorrow if I wanted. I'd prefer that the common man did alright though. It's depressing when you see stores, restaurants and mom and pop shops going out of business even if you can pick up some screamin' deals when it happens.

I don't feel sorry for small business owners because they all voted GOP. They think that party is the party that looks out for them. They don't realize when Republicans say small business they mean ones with 500 employees.

And I don't care about the common man anymore. Know why? They didn't show up to vote OR they voted for Trump. So fuck them. I'm just ragging on Republicans because I know their way isn't really going to work for the masses. So what will they eventually start saying? Fuck those blue collar workers. That's what they'll say. They'll tell them to go back to school, start a business, they spend too much, you are responsible for you, they are lazy, overpaid or if you don't like it go find another job.

All true things.

Until poor start showing up to vote every 2 years they can piss off. I'm doing caring about the greater good. Maybe these people don't deserve a share of the profits?
And stop being a homophobe

How'd that homophobe, racist crap work out for you assholes the morning after election, shitstain. Your ass still tingling? Boy, are you people dopes. And you're still trying your failed "your a homophobe" crap? Got news for ya faggot - that ship don't sail. Ask Hillary.

You called me a faggot. I was just responding. Are you saying we now live in a country where calling people faggot is cool?

Oh, and faggots are another reason I am a Republican now. Now that they can share insurance adopt and marry they joined the GOP. Gays are super conservative other than the butt thing. So I hope you stop letting gays share health insurance, adopt and marry. Please do it!!! They didn't appreciate what us liberals did for them.

And take Obamacare away from poor people. They couldn't be bothered to vote so please take the free healthcare away from these schmucks. I'm not kidding.
Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved. Remember? Now they're talking about how many jobs trump saved yesterday. Really? Because to me trump gave the company a huge tax break and we lost 1000 jobs yesterday

Indiana and Carrier made the agreement and Trump was instrumental to getting it done.

Carrier: State 'incentives' key to jobs deal

Carrier is getting a modest $7 million in financial incentives over the next 10 years from the state of Indiana to keep 1,000 jobs at an Indianapolis plant, sources familiar with the deal tells CNN.
That is just a fraction of the estimated $65 million a year it expected to save if it had moved those jobs to Mexico. It suggests that the incentives cited by Carrier were not the only factor in its decision to stay put.

The company will get $500,000 per year in state income tax refunds, as long as it keeps at least 1,069 manufacturing jobs in the state.
Great so we lost 1000 jobs and gave the first of many million dollar tax breaks.

How do we pay our bills if we give millions of dollars in tax breaks to EVERY corporation.

You think we've been paying our bills for the last eight years?

Do you think we will start under Trump and the GOP? Go on record and predict what the debt will be in 4 years please.

We're at 20 trillion now right? What will it be in 4 years?
And stop being a homophobe

How'd that homophobe, racist crap work out for you assholes the morning after election, shitstain. Your ass still tingling? Boy, are you people dopes. And you're still trying your failed "your a homophobe" crap? Got news for ya faggot - that ship don't sail. Ask Hillary.

You called me a faggot. I was just responding. Are you saying we now live in a country where calling people faggot is cool?

Oh, and faggots are another reason I am a Republican now. Now that they can share insurance adopt and marry they joined the GOP. Gays are super conservative other than the butt thing. So I hope you stop letting gays share health insurance, adopt and marry. Please do it!!! They didn't appreciate what us liberals did for them.

And take Obamacare away from poor people. They couldn't be bothered to vote so please take the free healthcare away from these schmucks. I'm not kidding.
Jesus, I sure hope you got a matching set of luggage to go with the Crown and Regalia. :cool:

Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved.

The government doesn't create or save jobs, shitbrain. They are a money-sucking beaurocracy, which will be trimmed down, rightsized and consolodated under President Trump. Did you miss that memo?
Regarding Obama - the man who hasn't worked a fucking day in his life. His failed presidency/legacy was bent over and assfucked, repeatedly, by Trump and Pence during their winning campaign. Did you miss those soundbites/facts? Happy to post some links.
You're brainwashed. But hey, the idiots won the election so the idiots get to run the government.

I don't know what you do for a living but I'll do alright under GOP rule. I hope. Know who won't? The masses. The working poor. Blue collar. That's how I'm going to judge you guys and your results. So far you just fucked 1000 workers.

OMG, what a scam. Carrier was never going to send all 2000 jobs to Mexico. Did you think for a second the white collar guys were going to Monteray Mexico? What a joke. So they say they were going to send 2000 and then our hero Trump steps in and "saves" 1000 jobs by giving the corporation huge tax breaks.

You know what? I shouldn't get upset because you guys won the election. You could just give the corporate tax breaks if you wanted without having to lie. So why lie? Oh yea, to spin it so it looks like you saved 1000 jobs. Because you promised you'd save blue collar jobs. So now you'll be able to point back to Carrier and say look we SAVED jobs. LOL. Now that you are doing what Obama did, now lets see you create jobs next.
I'm with you. I'll do alright too because I'm well educated in an occupation that's in high demand and if worse came to worst, I could retire tomorrow if I wanted. I'd prefer that the common man did alright though. It's depressing when you see stores, restaurants and mom and pop shops going out of business even if you can pick up some screamin' deals when it happens.

I don't feel sorry for small business owners because they all voted GOP. They think that party is the party that looks out for them. They don't realize when Republicans say small business they mean ones with 500 employees.

And I don't care about the common man anymore. Know why? They didn't show up to vote OR they voted for Trump. So fuck them. I'm just ragging on Republicans because I know their way isn't really going to work for the masses. So what will they eventually start saying? Fuck those blue collar workers. That's what they'll say. They'll tell them to go back to school, start a business, they spend too much, you are responsible for you, they are lazy, overpaid or if you don't like it go find another job.

All true things.

Until poor start showing up to vote every 2 years they can piss off. I'm doing caring about the greater good. Maybe these people don't deserve a share of the profits?
I hear you.

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