Jobs Saved?

Indiana and Carrier made the agreement and Trump was instrumental to getting it done.

Carrier: State 'incentives' key to jobs deal

Carrier is getting a modest $7 million in financial incentives over the next 10 years from the state of Indiana to keep 1,000 jobs at an Indianapolis plant, sources familiar with the deal tells CNN.
That is just a fraction of the estimated $65 million a year it expected to save if it had moved those jobs to Mexico. It suggests that the incentives cited by Carrier were not the only factor in its decision to stay put.

The company will get $500,000 per year in state income tax refunds, as long as it keeps at least 1,069 manufacturing jobs in the state.
Great so we lost 1000 jobs and gave the first of many million dollar tax breaks.

How do we pay our bills if we give millions of dollars in tax breaks to EVERY corporation.

Looks like Trump's thinking about jobs staying in America. obama or clinton would have spent that money on bringing muslim refugees here. That's a far greater cost.

I knew Trump was fudging the numbers.

Jones has been pointing out since last week that not all of the jobs Carrier is talking about had been slated for Mexico in the first place.

“The actual number of jobs saved is 730 bargaining unit jobs ― the workers, the union members ― and another 70 office, supervisory clerical workers from management,” Jones said on CNN Wednesday. “And what they are doing is counting in 350 some-odd more that were never leaving this country at all.”

The company has not contradicted Jones’ explanation, and neither did Trump.

So Trump didn't save 1000 jobs. I claimed earlier that Carrier probably already had planned to send half of the jobs to Mexico, not all of them, so this whole "trump saved 1000 jobs" bs is just that, bs. The company basically sent just as many jobs as they wanted to Mexico. But with the spin it looks like Trump did something. What he did was lose some jobs to Mexico. How many? Lets say 1000. Since he can make up numbers so can we.

Oh so you would rather those jobs weren't saved?? You'd rather all those people lost those jobs??

Good to know asshole.

Na, but maybe telling the truth about what was really done would be good.

Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.
Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved. Remember? Now they're talking about how many jobs trump saved yesterday. Really? Because to me trump gave the company a huge tax break and we lost 1000 jobs yesterday
What jobs did obaba save again?

His own in 2012..he threw everyone else under the buss...
It's estimated Obungle's automotive bailout cost the American taxpayers between 9.3 billion and 16.6 billion dollars depending on source....7 million is chump change
To say nothing of how Big Ears really screwed GM bond holders, but that fact is glossed over by the left and their media.

GM bond holders forced to give up their legal ownership of GM assets under threats from the Federal government, even leading Dem's were very concerned with that precedent. Damn the law threaten citizens with government retaliation if they refuse to give up their property.
Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved. Remember? Now they're talking about how many jobs trump saved yesterday. Really? Because to me trump gave the company a huge tax break and we lost 1000 jobs yesterday
What jobs did obaba save again?

His own in 2012..he threw everyone else under the buss...

He got us out of the Great Recession. I wonder if people denied the Great Depression was happening while it was happening like you guys did. And then eventually blamed the wrong guy for it's cause.
Indiana and Carrier made the agreement and Trump was instrumental to getting it done.

Carrier: State 'incentives' key to jobs deal

Carrier is getting a modest $7 million in financial incentives over the next 10 years from the state of Indiana to keep 1,000 jobs at an Indianapolis plant, sources familiar with the deal tells CNN.
That is just a fraction of the estimated $65 million a year it expected to save if it had moved those jobs to Mexico. It suggests that the incentives cited by Carrier were not the only factor in its decision to stay put.

The company will get $500,000 per year in state income tax refunds, as long as it keeps at least 1,069 manufacturing jobs in the state.
Great so we lost 1000 jobs and gave the first of many million dollar tax breaks.

How do we pay our bills if we give millions of dollars in tax breaks to EVERY corporation.

Looks like Trump's thinking about jobs staying in America. obama or clinton would have spent that money on bringing muslim refugees here. That's a far greater cost.

I knew Trump was fudging the numbers.

Jones has been pointing out since last week that not all of the jobs Carrier is talking about had been slated for Mexico in the first place.

“The actual number of jobs saved is 730 bargaining unit jobs ― the workers, the union members ― and another 70 office, supervisory clerical workers from management,” Jones said on CNN Wednesday. “And what they are doing is counting in 350 some-odd more that were never leaving this country at all.”

The company has not contradicted Jones’ explanation, and neither did Trump.

So Trump didn't save 1000 jobs. I claimed earlier that Carrier probably already had planned to send half of the jobs to Mexico, not all of them, so this whole "trump saved 1000 jobs" bs is just that, bs. The company basically sent just as many jobs as they wanted to Mexico. But with the spin it looks like Trump did something. What he did was lose some jobs to Mexico. How many? Lets say 1000. Since he can make up numbers so can we.

Oh so you would rather those jobs weren't saved?? You'd rather all those people lost those jobs??

Good to know asshole.

Next you'll be bragging about all the jobs Trump created when he starts rebuilding infrastructure. We told you that's what every president does to speed up economic growth. But you wouldn't let Obama do it because you were so worried about the debt. Next 4 years you won't be concerned about the debt at all, other than cutting programs that help the poor, and yet the debt will still double because you won't save or pay down the debt. You'll spend it on other things, like on billionaires.

Nope. Just saying the people had their jobs saved whether you appreciate it or not. They sure do.

God suck a lemon you moron.
Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved. Remember? Now they're talking about how many jobs trump saved yesterday. Really? Because to me trump gave the company a huge tax break and we lost 1000 jobs yesterday
What jobs did obaba save again?

His own in 2012..he threw everyone else under the buss...

He got us out of the Great Recession. I wonder if people denied the Great Depression was happening while it was happening like you guys did. And then eventually blamed the wrong guy for it's cause.

How did he do it be specific...

Bush jr tax cuts?

Auto bail out was not needed GM would have been fine out of bankruptcy..

The feds pumping in 85 million a month to make wall street rich?

Shovel ready jobs?


Come on what did obama do?

Great so we lost 1000 jobs and gave the first of many million dollar tax breaks.

How do we pay our bills if we give millions of dollars in tax breaks to EVERY corporation.

Looks like Trump's thinking about jobs staying in America. obama or clinton would have spent that money on bringing muslim refugees here. That's a far greater cost.

I knew Trump was fudging the numbers.

Jones has been pointing out since last week that not all of the jobs Carrier is talking about had been slated for Mexico in the first place.

“The actual number of jobs saved is 730 bargaining unit jobs ― the workers, the union members ― and another 70 office, supervisory clerical workers from management,” Jones said on CNN Wednesday. “And what they are doing is counting in 350 some-odd more that were never leaving this country at all.”

The company has not contradicted Jones’ explanation, and neither did Trump.

So Trump didn't save 1000 jobs. I claimed earlier that Carrier probably already had planned to send half of the jobs to Mexico, not all of them, so this whole "trump saved 1000 jobs" bs is just that, bs. The company basically sent just as many jobs as they wanted to Mexico. But with the spin it looks like Trump did something. What he did was lose some jobs to Mexico. How many? Lets say 1000. Since he can make up numbers so can we.

Oh so you would rather those jobs weren't saved?? You'd rather all those people lost those jobs??

Good to know asshole.

Na, but maybe telling the truth about what was really done would be good.

Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.

You dont because they are caught in the 24 hour news cycle and are so weak mentally they dont know what to think unless Megan Kelly tells them what to think.
Looks like Trump's thinking about jobs staying in America. obama or clinton would have spent that money on bringing muslim refugees here. That's a far greater cost.

I knew Trump was fudging the numbers.

Jones has been pointing out since last week that not all of the jobs Carrier is talking about had been slated for Mexico in the first place.

“The actual number of jobs saved is 730 bargaining unit jobs ― the workers, the union members ― and another 70 office, supervisory clerical workers from management,” Jones said on CNN Wednesday. “And what they are doing is counting in 350 some-odd more that were never leaving this country at all.”

The company has not contradicted Jones’ explanation, and neither did Trump.

So Trump didn't save 1000 jobs. I claimed earlier that Carrier probably already had planned to send half of the jobs to Mexico, not all of them, so this whole "trump saved 1000 jobs" bs is just that, bs. The company basically sent just as many jobs as they wanted to Mexico. But with the spin it looks like Trump did something. What he did was lose some jobs to Mexico. How many? Lets say 1000. Since he can make up numbers so can we.

Oh so you would rather those jobs weren't saved?? You'd rather all those people lost those jobs??

Good to know asshole.

Na, but maybe telling the truth about what was really done would be good.

Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.

You dont because they are caught in the 24 hour news cycle and are so weak mentally they dont know what to think unless Megan Kelly tells them what to think.

And did you see how fast they threw Megan under the bus as soon as she crossed Trump? Being in the GOP is like being on the Lord of the Flies island.

Oh, look at Trump being a RINO Trump Says He’ll Spend More Than $500 Billion on Infrastructure

Donald Trump Just Contradicted Everything Republicans Have Said About The Economy For 8 Years | The Huffington Post
Looks like Trump's thinking about jobs staying in America. obama or clinton would have spent that money on bringing muslim refugees here. That's a far greater cost.

I knew Trump was fudging the numbers.

Jones has been pointing out since last week that not all of the jobs Carrier is talking about had been slated for Mexico in the first place.

“The actual number of jobs saved is 730 bargaining unit jobs ― the workers, the union members ― and another 70 office, supervisory clerical workers from management,” Jones said on CNN Wednesday. “And what they are doing is counting in 350 some-odd more that were never leaving this country at all.”

The company has not contradicted Jones’ explanation, and neither did Trump.

So Trump didn't save 1000 jobs. I claimed earlier that Carrier probably already had planned to send half of the jobs to Mexico, not all of them, so this whole "trump saved 1000 jobs" bs is just that, bs. The company basically sent just as many jobs as they wanted to Mexico. But with the spin it looks like Trump did something. What he did was lose some jobs to Mexico. How many? Lets say 1000. Since he can make up numbers so can we.

Oh so you would rather those jobs weren't saved?? You'd rather all those people lost those jobs??

Good to know asshole.

Na, but maybe telling the truth about what was really done would be good.

Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.

You dont because they are caught in the 24 hour news cycle and are so weak mentally they dont know what to think unless Megan Kelly tells them what to think.

Now its Megan? Dude you are so stuck on brady bunch reruns its not even funny..i betcha you couldnt even tell us who the V.P. is.

I knew Trump was fudging the numbers.

Jones has been pointing out since last week that not all of the jobs Carrier is talking about had been slated for Mexico in the first place.

“The actual number of jobs saved is 730 bargaining unit jobs ― the workers, the union members ― and another 70 office, supervisory clerical workers from management,” Jones said on CNN Wednesday. “And what they are doing is counting in 350 some-odd more that were never leaving this country at all.”

The company has not contradicted Jones’ explanation, and neither did Trump.

So Trump didn't save 1000 jobs. I claimed earlier that Carrier probably already had planned to send half of the jobs to Mexico, not all of them, so this whole "trump saved 1000 jobs" bs is just that, bs. The company basically sent just as many jobs as they wanted to Mexico. But with the spin it looks like Trump did something. What he did was lose some jobs to Mexico. How many? Lets say 1000. Since he can make up numbers so can we.

Oh so you would rather those jobs weren't saved?? You'd rather all those people lost those jobs??

Good to know asshole.

Na, but maybe telling the truth about what was really done would be good.

Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.

You dont because they are caught in the 24 hour news cycle and are so weak mentally they dont know what to think unless Megan Kelly tells them what to think.

Now its Megan? Dude you are so stuck on brady bunch reruns its not even funny..i betcha you couldnt even tell us who the V.P. is.

I knew Trump was fudging the numbers.

Jones has been pointing out since last week that not all of the jobs Carrier is talking about had been slated for Mexico in the first place.

“The actual number of jobs saved is 730 bargaining unit jobs ― the workers, the union members ― and another 70 office, supervisory clerical workers from management,” Jones said on CNN Wednesday. “And what they are doing is counting in 350 some-odd more that were never leaving this country at all.”

The company has not contradicted Jones’ explanation, and neither did Trump.

So Trump didn't save 1000 jobs. I claimed earlier that Carrier probably already had planned to send half of the jobs to Mexico, not all of them, so this whole "trump saved 1000 jobs" bs is just that, bs. The company basically sent just as many jobs as they wanted to Mexico. But with the spin it looks like Trump did something. What he did was lose some jobs to Mexico. How many? Lets say 1000. Since he can make up numbers so can we.

Oh so you would rather those jobs weren't saved?? You'd rather all those people lost those jobs??

Good to know asshole.

Na, but maybe telling the truth about what was really done would be good.

Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.

You dont because they are caught in the 24 hour news cycle and are so weak mentally they dont know what to think unless Megan Kelly tells them what to think.

And did you see how fast they threw Megan under the bus as soon as she crossed Trump? Being in the GOP is like being on the Lord of the Flies island.

Oh, look at Trump being a RINO Trump Says He’ll Spend More Than $500 Billion on Infrastructure

Donald Trump Just Contradicted Everything Republicans Have Said About The Economy For 8 Years | The Huffington Post

Still dont want to answer me? What are you affraid of? I am just a little ol` maintenace guy

I knew Trump was fudging the numbers.

Jones has been pointing out since last week that not all of the jobs Carrier is talking about had been slated for Mexico in the first place.

“The actual number of jobs saved is 730 bargaining unit jobs ― the workers, the union members ― and another 70 office, supervisory clerical workers from management,” Jones said on CNN Wednesday. “And what they are doing is counting in 350 some-odd more that were never leaving this country at all.”

The company has not contradicted Jones’ explanation, and neither did Trump.

So Trump didn't save 1000 jobs. I claimed earlier that Carrier probably already had planned to send half of the jobs to Mexico, not all of them, so this whole "trump saved 1000 jobs" bs is just that, bs. The company basically sent just as many jobs as they wanted to Mexico. But with the spin it looks like Trump did something. What he did was lose some jobs to Mexico. How many? Lets say 1000. Since he can make up numbers so can we.

Oh so you would rather those jobs weren't saved?? You'd rather all those people lost those jobs??

Good to know asshole.

Na, but maybe telling the truth about what was really done would be good.

Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.

You dont because they are caught in the 24 hour news cycle and are so weak mentally they dont know what to think unless Megan Kelly tells them what to think.

Now its Megan? Dude you are so stuck on brady bunch reruns its not even funny..i betcha you couldnt even tell us who the V.P. is.


The question is, who's really running the country? I think it's Pence

Michael Moore Is Begging Donald Trump To Attend Security Briefings | The Huffington Post

Trump's just the front man. I'll tell you Trump is genius.
Oh so you would rather those jobs weren't saved?? You'd rather all those people lost those jobs??

Good to know asshole.

Na, but maybe telling the truth about what was really done would be good.

Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.

You dont because they are caught in the 24 hour news cycle and are so weak mentally they dont know what to think unless Megan Kelly tells them what to think.

Now its Megan? Dude you are so stuck on brady bunch reruns its not even funny..i betcha you couldnt even tell us who the V.P. is.


Didnt ask you

Oh so you would rather those jobs weren't saved?? You'd rather all those people lost those jobs??

Good to know asshole.

Na, but maybe telling the truth about what was really done would be good.

Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.

You dont because they are caught in the 24 hour news cycle and are so weak mentally they dont know what to think unless Megan Kelly tells them what to think.

And did you see how fast they threw Megan under the bus as soon as she crossed Trump? Being in the GOP is like being on the Lord of the Flies island.

Oh, look at Trump being a RINO Trump Says He’ll Spend More Than $500 Billion on Infrastructure

Donald Trump Just Contradicted Everything Republicans Have Said About The Economy For 8 Years | The Huffington Post

Still dont want to answer me? What are you affraid of? I am just a little ol` maintenace guy

View attachment 101248

I don't even have cable tv so you tell me if I'm under Megan's mental mind fuck. I do think she's hot though for a woman who was born a boy.
Na, but maybe telling the truth about what was really done would be good.

Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.

You dont because they are caught in the 24 hour news cycle and are so weak mentally they dont know what to think unless Megan Kelly tells them what to think.

Now its Megan? Dude you are so stuck on brady bunch reruns its not even funny..i betcha you couldnt even tell us who the V.P. is.


Didnt ask you

I thought you thought the right answer was Pence.
Oh so you would rather those jobs weren't saved?? You'd rather all those people lost those jobs??

Good to know asshole.

Na, but maybe telling the truth about what was really done would be good.

Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.

You dont because they are caught in the 24 hour news cycle and are so weak mentally they dont know what to think unless Megan Kelly tells them what to think.

And did you see how fast they threw Megan under the bus as soon as she crossed Trump? Being in the GOP is like being on the Lord of the Flies island.

Oh, look at Trump being a RINO Trump Says He’ll Spend More Than $500 Billion on Infrastructure

Donald Trump Just Contradicted Everything Republicans Have Said About The Economy For 8 Years | The Huffington Post

Still dont want to answer me? What are you affraid of? I am just a little ol` maintenace guy

View attachment 101248

Look, all you need to know is Trump is lying to you already. But what do you care? You're just a maintenance guy.

Donald Trump Tricks The Media Into Crediting Him For Creating More U.S. Jobs | The Huffington Post
Na, but maybe telling the truth about what was really done would be good.

Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.

You dont because they are caught in the 24 hour news cycle and are so weak mentally they dont know what to think unless Megan Kelly tells them what to think.

And did you see how fast they threw Megan under the bus as soon as she crossed Trump? Being in the GOP is like being on the Lord of the Flies island.

Oh, look at Trump being a RINO Trump Says He’ll Spend More Than $500 Billion on Infrastructure

Donald Trump Just Contradicted Everything Republicans Have Said About The Economy For 8 Years | The Huffington Post

Still dont want to answer me? What are you affraid of? I am just a little ol` maintenace guy

View attachment 101248

Look, all you need to know is Trump is lying to you already. But what do you care? You're just a maintenance guy.

Donald Trump Tricks The Media Into Crediting Him For Creating More U.S. Jobs | The Huffington Post

Oh HuffPo. You know their reporting has got to be accurate as hell. Not. LOL
Looks like Trump's thinking about jobs staying in America. obama or clinton would have spent that money on bringing muslim refugees here. That's a far greater cost.

I knew Trump was fudging the numbers.

Jones has been pointing out since last week that not all of the jobs Carrier is talking about had been slated for Mexico in the first place.

“The actual number of jobs saved is 730 bargaining unit jobs ― the workers, the union members ― and another 70 office, supervisory clerical workers from management,” Jones said on CNN Wednesday. “And what they are doing is counting in 350 some-odd more that were never leaving this country at all.”

The company has not contradicted Jones’ explanation, and neither did Trump.

So Trump didn't save 1000 jobs. I claimed earlier that Carrier probably already had planned to send half of the jobs to Mexico, not all of them, so this whole "trump saved 1000 jobs" bs is just that, bs. The company basically sent just as many jobs as they wanted to Mexico. But with the spin it looks like Trump did something. What he did was lose some jobs to Mexico. How many? Lets say 1000. Since he can make up numbers so can we.

Oh so you would rather those jobs weren't saved?? You'd rather all those people lost those jobs??

Good to know asshole.

Na, but maybe telling the truth about what was really done would be good.

Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.

You dont because they are caught in the 24 hour news cycle and are so weak mentally they dont know what to think unless Megan Kelly tells them what to think.
No you are the one listening to the media, not even realizing that Trump is trying to take credit for shit he didn't even do. Any doubt he will be lying to us the next 4 years?

Donald Trump Tricks The Media Into Crediting Him For Creating More U.S. Jobs | The Huffington Post
Do you see how these rwnj's think? They really believe we would rather the jobs not be saved. Yea, that's it.

How do you reason with people like this?

Oh well. America elected these assclowns so we are stuck with them at least 2 years. Trump 4.

You dont because they are caught in the 24 hour news cycle and are so weak mentally they dont know what to think unless Megan Kelly tells them what to think.

And did you see how fast they threw Megan under the bus as soon as she crossed Trump? Being in the GOP is like being on the Lord of the Flies island.

Oh, look at Trump being a RINO Trump Says He’ll Spend More Than $500 Billion on Infrastructure

Donald Trump Just Contradicted Everything Republicans Have Said About The Economy For 8 Years | The Huffington Post

Still dont want to answer me? What are you affraid of? I am just a little ol` maintenace guy

View attachment 101248

Look, all you need to know is Trump is lying to you already. But what do you care? You're just a maintenance guy.

Donald Trump Tricks The Media Into Crediting Him For Creating More U.S. Jobs | The Huffington Post

Oh HuffPo. You know their reporting has got to be accurate as hell. Not. LOL

Forget the source. Deal with the subject. The fact that Trump is already lying about jobs he saved. Jobs that were already saved in October before the election.

And he's trying to take credit for the great economy Obama is handing him. See you won't admit it's a great economy but as soon as Trump is in office you will.

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