Jodi Arias Penalty

For a simple misdemeanor, yeah...but not compared to what she did, imo. Her victim is 6 feet under...he doesnt get a cell...he gets a that is some cruel and unusual punishment.

If they did it to every convicted person it would be different. I believe she is being singled out for political reasons.


Well I dont think the sheriff is concerned about Jodi winning him reelection points. Hes the same sheriff that allowed her 5 hours of interviews only seconds after her verdict. Jodi abused it, so he cut it off. It was the right decision imo. She was using it to spout lies uncontested. She was also making demands for that of someone who sees themselves as a star....the sheriff doesnt want that circus in his jail...I wouldnt either....shes in Jail!

What I thought I heard about this...

The Sheriff allowed the interviews because he runs an 'open jail'--she was entitled to First Amendment Rights...

What do I know--at times I think she must be in 'another place' psychologically. Why she would want to deal with the media I can't say. I am thoroughly disgusted with the lot of them.

If there is an alternative to seating another jury that would be the better choice it seems to me. I just don't see how 12 people can return a unanimous verdict no matter how many times the facts are reviewed.
On a positive note. The Sherrif has her on complete lockdown right more nothing just a small cell and a metal cot. Reality has to be setting in for Jodi. She is essentially in isolation right now.

So, if you think about it....if she were to get LWOP and released to general pop, that would be a step up for her, so for at least two more months she is in complete isolation. Right now I think she is getting exactly what everyone wanted to see her get. Thats how im thinking about it anyway. She is living exactly how she would be on death row. So until this comes up again, thats where she picnic for sure.

That's cruel and unusual punishment.

For a simple misdemeanor, yeah...but not compared to what she did, imo. Her victim is 6 feet under...he doesnt get a cell...he gets a that is some cruel and unusual punishment.

I actually find the solitary more disturbing and cruel than the actual DP. It's just psychologically damaging and a form of torture IMO.
If they did it to every convicted person it would be different. I believe she is being singled out for political reasons.


Well I dont think the sheriff is concerned about Jodi winning him reelection points. Hes the same sheriff that allowed her 5 hours of interviews only seconds after her verdict. Jodi abused it, so he cut it off. It was the right decision imo. She was using it to spout lies uncontested. She was also making demands for that of someone who sees themselves as a star....the sheriff doesnt want that circus in his jail...I wouldnt either....shes in Jail!

What I thought I heard about this...

The Sheriff allowed the interviews because he runs an 'open jail'--she was entitled to First Amendment Rights...

What do I know--at times I think she must be in 'another place' psychologically. Why she would want to deal with the media I can't say. I am thoroughly disgusted with the lot of them.

If there is an alternative to seating another jury that would be the better choice it seems to me. I just don't see how 12 people can return a unanimous verdict no matter how many times the facts are reviewed.
If the prosecutors office takes death off the table the judge will then choose between lwop and lwp. Same thing if a 2nd jury is hung.
that’s a disgusting statement!! It has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with her crime. She brutally murdered a man just because he did not want to be with her any more. He was stab 29 times, had his throat slit from ear to ear, and shot in the head. She deserves nothing less than she dished out to him. Stoning would not be painful enough for this cold hearted girl.

Well, I happen to believe that she might actually have been provoked beyond what she could endure. I don't think Travis Alexander was the wonderful guy some people are trying to portray.

And you can quit listing his injuries, I've seen the autopsy photos and am not appalled.

And it does have to do with religion. Anyone who is Christian should be praying for her everlasting soul, and forgiving her, and leaving it in the hands of God, not screaming for her death.

After seeing the expressions on the jurors' faces, I can see that they take the responsibility of putting someone to death much more seriously than most of you. Maybe they have a glimmer of doubt about her guilt, just like I do.

How could you have possibly seen the jurors faces? and Jodi (let me caps this) JODI DOES NOT DESERVE FORGIVENESS AND SHOULD BURN IN HELL FOR WHAT SHE HAS DONE!!!
You can go away now.

I saw a video of the jurors being polled regarding their decision, or lack of decision rather. Regarding Jodi not deserving forgiveness and burning in Hell, I hope you've consulted with God and told Him how to handle this. I'm sure He'll appreciate that. : )
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Well, I happen to believe that she might actually have been provoked beyond what she could endure. I don't think Travis Alexander was the wonderful guy some people are trying to portray.

And you can quit listing his injuries, I've seen the autopsy photos and am not appalled.

And it does have to do with religion. Anyone who is Christian should be praying for her everlasting soul, and forgiving her, and leaving it in the hands of God, not screaming for her death.

After seeing the expressions on the jurors' faces, I can see that they take the responsibility of putting someone to death much more seriously than most of you. Maybe they have a glimmer of doubt about her guilt, just like I do.

How could you have possibly seen the jurors faces? and Jodi (let me caps this) JODI DOES NOT DESERVE FORGIVENESS AND SHOULD BURN IN HELL FOR WHAT SHE HAS DONE!!!
You can go away now.

I saw a video of the jurors being polled regarding their decision, or lack of decision rather. Regarding Jodi not deserving forgiveness and burning in Hell, I hope you've consulted with God and told Him how to handle this. I'm sure He'll appreciate that. : )

" I hope you've consulted with God and told Him how to handle this. I'm sure She will appreciate that"

Fixed it for you.

Ah, feel the Christan love.:evil:
I actually find the solitary more disturbing and cruel than the actual DP. It's just psychologically damaging and a form of torture IMO.

It is and it isn't. I spent 67 days in isolation when I was in jail, so I'm pretty well qualified to speak on this. It can be rough, but I'm a writer so I was able to keep myself entertained. They bring a library cart through, and you don't want to sleep through that. Books are your salvation in isolation. I read the same Tom Clancy book three times in a week. Now THAT is boredom for you.

Anyway, it's not all bad. The people in jail are mostly quite unsavory, very little intelligent conversation to be had. Most of them are so state struck their entire world is that jail, while I tried to think of the outside world when I talked to people. So isolation can be a relief. You don't have to worry about the other inmates stealing stuff out of your cell. Sometimes you can talk to people through the vents.

It sucks, don't get me wrong. But everything about jail sucks. But do start to get a bit loopy after a while. After 67 days I was done with it, and asked to be moved to general pop.

(Due to the nature of my crime, I was given the choice to be in isolation or not.)
We're not re-re-re-re hashing this until June 20th..... Right?

Yeah, take a break. It's nice to know there won't be further interviews. I wonder what the judge's thought process on lifting that order was. It made no sense.

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