Jodi Arias Penalty

Testy, you have my email, if something outrageous comes up. I'll probably linger in and out today, bu
t it will be sitting around and listening to crickets otherwise.

I'll be jumping off for a break as soon as get off the couch from the cold allergy thing. No worries, I'll email for more than just something outrageous.
Good Morning Everyone.

Did Jodi's allocution remind you of a PPL pep talk in style?

I haven't listened to any PPL stuff (don't really care to either), but she was definitely trying to get the jury to think she'd turn her life around if given the opportunity. The thing is, she'll either die by injection, or die from other causes while sitting in her cell. She's going nowhere fast. What does she really think she's going to do while in there? She's not a crusader, not a leader, not believable, but somehow has it in her head she can change the prison system all by her lying self. She has some kind of fantasy land in her head!

Did Jodi's allocution remind you of a PPL pep talk in style?

I haven't listened to any PPL stuff (don't really care to either), but she was definitely trying to get the jury to think she'd turn her life around if given the opportunity. The thing is, she'll either die by injection, or die from other causes while sitting in her cell. She's going nowhere fast. What does she really think she's going to do while in there? She's not a crusader, not a leader, not believable, but somehow has it in her head she can change the prison system all by her lying self. She has some kind of fantasy land in her head!

I agree she is living in an alternate reality. She claims that she can do all this stuff while in prison. How does she think she is going to be able to do it? There is just no way. The types of things she is claiming she will do to improve the community is just plain outrageous. The prison will not want prisoners to be able to go through trash because they will recycle it to make weapons to use against others or to sell to other inmates. Just as an example how full of it she is.
This trial has proven to me how politically powerful the Mormon church is.

I mean, look at all the gruesome murders that have been committed in the past few years. Jodi's crime was committed in the heat of passion, which should only be 2nd degree.

Ahhhh. But it wasn't heat of passion, the defense threw that in at the last minute when self defense/abused and all that other stuff didn't work. Prosecution proved premed - that's M1, and then they proved aggravation.

Hence M1 will stand under appeal and I get a power rep.

I don't think the prosecutor proved it. I think he intimidated defense witnesses and made potential defense witnesses fearful of testifying by intimidation.:(

Excuse my redundancy but I can taste that rep power point.
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Did Jodi's allocution remind you of a PPL pep talk in style?

I haven't listened to any PPL stuff (don't really care to either), but she was definitely trying to get the jury to think she'd turn her life around if given the opportunity. The thing is, she'll either die by injection, or die from other causes while sitting in her cell. She's going nowhere fast. What does she really think she's going to do while in there? She's not a crusader, not a leader, not believable, but somehow has it in her head she can change the prison system all by her lying self. She has some kind of fantasy land in her head!

I agree she is living in an alternate reality. She claims that she can do all this stuff while in prison. How does she think she is going to be able to do it? There is just no way. The types of things she is claiming she will do to improve the community is just plain outrageous. The prison will not want prisoners to be able to go through trash because they will recycle it to make weapons to use against others or to sell to other inmates. Just as an example how full of it she is.

To me it sounded like--'I have to say something'.

The jury foreman reportedly said--'We thought Travis was verbally/mentally abusive and that was a factor...'

Once again--I don't think the next panel will be able to come to a unanimous verdict either.

Is 'reasonable doubt' the standard for the prosecution? I think it is.
I still think they should shut this circus down and go with LWOP, and not seat another jury.
Does anyone know laws about Twitter, and all that, from prison? I would think, as a private entity, Twitter could disable any account that they want to.

Twitter can remove her account, but there's nothing written in their policy about convicted felons not being allowed to have an account. The only thing I've found that may apply is 'impersonation', but even that is vague. Per their policy, "Twitter users are allowed to create parody, commentary, or fan accounts. Please refer to Twitter's Parody Policy for more information about these types of accounts."

AZ would have to stop her from being on Twitter, by making it a rule/stipulation/whateveryouwannacallit as part of the inmate policy.
I still think they should shut this circus down and go with LWOP, and not seat another jury.
Does anyone know laws about Twitter, and all that, from prison? I would think, as a private entity, Twitter could disable any account that they want to.

Twitter can remove her account, but there's nothing written in their policy about convicted felons not being allowed to have an account. The only thing I've found that may apply is 'impersonation', but even that is vague. Per their policy, "Twitter users are allowed to create parody, commentary, or fan accounts. Please refer to Twitter's Parody Policy for more information about these types of accounts."

AZ would have to stop her from being on Twitter, by making it a rule/stipulation/whateveryouwannacallit as part of the inmate policy.

If that does not work they could always boil her in oil.:eek:
This trial has proven to me how politically powerful the Mormon church is.

I mean, look at all the gruesome murders that have been committed in the past few years. Jodi's crime was committed in the heat of passion, which should only be 2nd degree.

Ahhhh. But it wasn't heat of passion, the defense threw that in at the last minute when self defense/abused and all that other stuff didn't work. Prosecution proved premed - that's M1, and then they proved aggravation.

Hence M1 will stand under appeal and I get a power rep.

I don't think the prosecutor proved it. I think he intimidated defense witnesses and made potential defense witnesses fearful of testifying by intimidation.:(

Excuse my redundancy but I can taste that rep power point.

Oh boohoohoo mean old prosecutor. Problem is, Juan intimidated his own witnesses too, he's an equal opportunity intimidater. Not grounds for a new trial.

Unanimous on premeditation, unanimous on aggravation equals M1.

Go ahead and keep dreaming about that rep power though, everyone has to have a dream.

If by some far fetched rep power cloud in the sky, rainbows and unicorns, pigs flying, chance in hell there is a new trial, red/bold/xxlarge me and Tink when our bf, Dr. Hottie, is up to bat so we can tune in.
I still think they should shut this circus down and go with LWOP, and not seat another jury.
Does anyone know laws about Twitter, and all that, from prison? I would think, as a private entity, Twitter could disable any account that they want to.

Twitter can remove her account, but there's nothing written in their policy about convicted felons not being allowed to have an account. The only thing I've found that may apply is 'impersonation', but even that is vague. Per their policy, "Twitter users are allowed to create parody, commentary, or fan accounts. Please refer to Twitter's Parody Policy for more information about these types of accounts."

AZ would have to stop her from being on Twitter, by making it a rule/stipulation/whateveryouwannacallit as part of the inmate policy.

If that does not work they could always boil her in oil.:eek:

May as well throw in good ol' fashioned tar and feathers too.

Twitter can remove her account, but there's nothing written in their policy about convicted felons not being allowed to have an account. The only thing I've found that may apply is 'impersonation', but even that is vague. Per their policy, "Twitter users are allowed to create parody, commentary, or fan accounts. Please refer to Twitter's Parody Policy for more information about these types of accounts."

AZ would have to stop her from being on Twitter, by making it a rule/stipulation/whateveryouwannacallit as part of the inmate policy.

If that does not work they could always boil her in oil.:eek:

May as well throw in good ol' fashioned tar and feathers too.

Rip her hair out first, she promised it to Locks of Love.
Maricopa county attorney says their intent is to pursue dp and have a do over on penalty. Maricopa County Attorney?s Office ? News Release - County Attorney Comments on Outcome in State v. Jodi Ann Arias.

3 out of 5 of their woman dp sentences were from 2nd jury.


There's no bottom of this psycho well.

Before the next sentencing date, Jodi has time to get more 'fake' drawings out, 'talk' to her next victims on Twitter via Donovan, and use her fantasy world to come up with more excuses.
Maricopa county attorney says their intent is to pursue dp and have a do over on penalty. Maricopa County Attorney?s Office ? News Release - County Attorney Comments on Outcome in State v. Jodi Ann Arias.

3 out of 5 of their woman dp sentences were from 2nd jury.


There's no bottom of this psycho well.

Before the next sentencing date, Jodi has time to get more 'fake' drawings out, 'talk' to her next victims on Twitter via Donovan, and use her fantasy world to come up with more excuses.

Yep the lying chameleon calculator has plenty of time morph and develop the next manipulation.
That's cruel and unusual punishment.

For a simple misdemeanor, yeah...but not compared to what she did, imo. Her victim is 6 feet under...he doesnt get a cell...he gets a that is some cruel and unusual punishment.

I actually find the solitary more disturbing and cruel than the actual DP. It's just psychologically damaging and a form of torture IMO.
OK, the solitary is more disturbing and cruel than the DP and it is psychologically damaging and a form of torture.

And, you don't like the DP, either.

What do you propose we do with this stalking and heinously murdering woman?

Turn her loose on the world again? WTH, there has to be some punishment for what she did to a man who certainly did not deserve what she did to him.
For a simple misdemeanor, yeah...but not compared to what she did, imo. Her victim is 6 feet under...he doesnt get a cell...he gets a that is some cruel and unusual punishment.

I actually find the solitary more disturbing and cruel than the actual DP. It's just psychologically damaging and a form of torture IMO.
OK, the solitary is more disturbing and cruel than the DP and it is psychologically damaging and a form of torture.

And, you don't like the DP, either.

What do you propose we do with this stalking and heinously murdering woman?

Turn her loose on the world again? WTH, there has to be some punishment for what she did to a man who certainly did not deserve what she did to him.

Relax, there's plenty of meat for everybody.:razz:

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