Jodi Arias Penalty

Beth say JoJo looks upset wiping eyes instead of nose.

Whatever "upset" and JoJo means. Interview denied?

Wild said she never looked upset. HLN is so full of liars. I thought Beth wasn't into the lying but man its ridiculous.
3 out of 5 women ever on AZ death row are there from calling a 2nd jury.

Anyone know if the one Juan put there is one of the 5? Did he call a 2nd on the one he's got on death row?

I thought there was only 3 there. The 4th was over turned. AZ hasn't executed anyone since the 30's
On a positive note. The Sherrif has her on complete lockdown right more nothing just a small cell and a metal cot. Reality has to be setting in for Jodi. She is essentially in isolation right now.

So, if you think about it....if she were to get LWOP and released to general pop, that would be a step up for her, so for at least two more months she is in complete isolation. Right now I think she is getting exactly what everyone wanted to see her get. Thats how im thinking about it anyway. She is living exactly how she would be on death row. So until this comes up again, thats where she picnic for sure.
The more I think about this, the more I feel LWOP is the next best option. DP was my first choice for her sentence but mostly because I want her in solitary. Realistically, she will never be executed. Her punishment will be greater if she is unable to appear in public and if she is unable to continue to sully Travis' reputation and keep up her false claims of being a domestic abuse victim, and of being a victim in general.

The sooner people stop listening to her nonsense, the sooner the bitch will shrivel up and cease to exist.

I heard she will be in solitary the first several years in a lwop sentence anyway.
First, I would not have agreed to serve on this jury.

Someone on an HLN panel just said something that made sense to me. He theorized that some jurors may have had concerns about the mitigating factors. It is frequently said that she has 'mental issues'. I think that might have been a concern for me.

There were other theories but that one made more sense to me.

I can see how a second jury might come to the same conclusions. I also wonder if another panel is seated if there is inherently grounds for an appeal of any decision made because of the notoriety of this case.

I didn't follow the case closely but have heard enough that I wouldn't be able to give an unbiased opinion. fwiw

Yep. Big grounds for appeal on unbiased jury. And if this jury couldn't agree, I have a hard time believing another would. The reality is she will never see the needle even with a dp sentence. Juries aren't going to decide on real life "she'll never actually see the needle" though. That's not in the instructions :)

Someone already asked if AZ's approach was constitutional--and it is, according to the Supreme Court.

There is something about selecting a second panel for the penalty phase that seems off, jmo. It has been done before and I suppose it can be done again.

I am tired of hearing the passionate opinions from media commentators which have actually caused me to feel that LWOP would be as close to justice as we can come in this case.

With my few remaining brain cells --since JA admitted to the murder I really don't pay much attention to analyses of her manipulative and deviant behaviors.

I think the media needs to be less involved. There are several commentators that I cannot stand and that affects my response to whatever opinion they may provide.

This could be true of others?

Goodnight Feisty...feel better.

wavingrl...I think that's what I said. The media muddies the waters. On the matter of mental incompetence, this isn't the case with the Arias case. Regarding the CO theater clown killer, is there even a DP in CO? If so, then I do not believe in executing mentally insane people. LWOP is the way to go, for the reason that these people can be examined and learned from.

Tsarnaev is a terrorist. Unfortunately he was probably led by his older brother but he is an adult. He knows better. Don't know my DP states. Does MA have a DP? If so, then he should receive it without a doubt. He is a mass murderer. What mitigators exist for his atrocities? Take a look at the bloody limbs his bomb caused to be left on the sidewalk and then I'll be glad to consider his mitigators.

I don't mean to be rude. But the outcome is so clear to me it makes me crazy. I'm sure you feel likewise. But let's just call it like it is.
MA isn't a DP state, but if he's charged federally which likely he will be then he is DP eligible. And the FBI killed someone they were questioning that was related to this just yesterday...
On a positive note. The Sherrif has her on complete lockdown right more nothing just a small cell and a metal cot. Reality has to be setting in for Jodi. She is essentially in isolation right now.

So, if you think about it....if she were to get LWOP and released to general pop, that would be a step up for her, so for at least two more months she is in complete isolation. Right now I think she is getting exactly what everyone wanted to see her get. Thats how im thinking about it anyway. She is living exactly how she would be on death row. So until this comes up again, thats where she picnic for sure.

Everything I have read says in LWOP she will be in isolation 3-5 years minimum anyway until she earns the ability to get a cell mate
Wow it didn't take me long to catch up at all I thought you guys would be a lot busier today with that craziness
On a positive note. The Sherrif has her on complete lockdown right more nothing just a small cell and a metal cot. Reality has to be setting in for Jodi. She is essentially in isolation right now.

So, if you think about it....if she were to get LWOP and released to general pop, that would be a step up for her, so for at least two more months she is in complete isolation. Right now I think she is getting exactly what everyone wanted to see her get. Thats how im thinking about it anyway. She is living exactly how she would be on death row. So until this comes up again, thats where she picnic for sure.

That's cruel and unusual punishment.
First, I would not have agreed to serve on this jury.

Someone on an HLN panel just said something that made sense to me. He theorized that some jurors may have had concerns about the mitigating factors. It is frequently said that she has 'mental issues'. I think that might have been a concern for me.

There were other theories but that one made more sense to me.

I can see how a second jury might come to the same conclusions. I also wonder if another panel is seated if there is inherently grounds for an appeal of any decision made because of the notoriety of this case.

I didn't follow the case closely but have heard enough that I wouldn't be able to give an unbiased opinion. fwiw

Yep. Big grounds for appeal on unbiased jury. And if this jury couldn't agree, I have a hard time believing another would. The reality is she will never see the needle even with a dp sentence. Juries aren't going to decide on real life "she'll never actually see the needle" though. That's not in the instructions :)

Someone already asked if AZ's approach was constitutional--and it is, according to the Supreme Court.

There is something about selecting a second panel for the penalty phase that seems off, jmo. It has been done before and I suppose it can be done again.

I am tired of hearing the passionate opinions from media commentators which have actually caused me to feel that LWOP would be as close to justice as we can come in this case.

With my few remaining brain cells --since JA admitted to the murder I really don't pay much attention to analyses of her manipulative and deviant behaviors.

I think the media needs to be less involved. There are several commentators that I cannot stand and that affects my response to whatever opinion they may provide.

This could be true of others?

The media is no different than a house of ill repute.
On a positive note. The Sherrif has her on complete lockdown right more nothing just a small cell and a metal cot. Reality has to be setting in for Jodi. She is essentially in isolation right now.

So, if you think about it....if she were to get LWOP and released to general pop, that would be a step up for her, so for at least two more months she is in complete isolation. Right now I think she is getting exactly what everyone wanted to see her get. Thats how im thinking about it anyway. She is living exactly how she would be on death row. So until this comes up again, thats where she picnic for sure.

That's cruel and unusual punishment.

For a simple misdemeanor, yeah...but not compared to what she did, imo. Her victim is 6 feet under...he doesnt get a cell...he gets a that is some cruel and unusual punishment.
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On a positive note. The Sherrif has her on complete lockdown right more nothing just a small cell and a metal cot. Reality has to be setting in for Jodi. She is essentially in isolation right now.

So, if you think about it....if she were to get LWOP and released to general pop, that would be a step up for her, so for at least two more months she is in complete isolation. Right now I think she is getting exactly what everyone wanted to see her get. Thats how im thinking about it anyway. She is living exactly how she would be on death row. So until this comes up again, thats where she picnic for sure.

That's cruel and unusual punishment.

For a simple misdemeanor, yeah...but not compared to what she did, imo. Her victim is 6 feet under...he doesnt get a cell...he gets a that is some cruel and unusual punishment.

If they did it to every convicted person it would be different. I believe she is being singled out for political reasons.

That's cruel and unusual punishment.

For a simple misdemeanor, yeah...but not compared to what she did, imo. Her victim is 6 feet under...he doesnt get a cell...he gets a that is some cruel and unusual punishment.

If they did it to every convicted person it would be different. I believe she is being singled out for political reasons.


Well I dont think the sheriff is concerned about Jodi winning him reelection points. Hes the same sheriff that allowed her 5 hours of interviews only seconds after her verdict. Jodi abused it, so he cut it off. It was the right decision imo. She was using it to spout lies uncontested. She was also making demands for that of someone who sees themselves as a star....the sheriff doesnt want that circus in his jail...I wouldnt either....shes in Jail!

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