Jodi Arias Penalty

I'm certain solitary isn't pleasant and it may qualify as cruel and unusual punishment. I have heard other accounts of it basically driving people mad. On the other side of that, some people are placed in solitary because they are incredibly dangerous to other inmates. I don't know what the answer is.


If she's put in solitary, someone will raise allmightyhell about how cruel and unusual it is. Contradictory to that, would the same person say the same about the cruel and unusual death she gave to Travis? (I rest my point on that. It's a wild merry-go-round.)

It was especially cruel the way she killed him. I have always said that. Her mental state or disorder likely prevents her from changing. I don't know if she poses the same risk to women that I have no doubts she would to men, in terms of physical harm. She is dangerous in the sense that she has the ability to manipulate trouble within the confines of prison, rising to what level, I don't know. I guess aside from risk, it's also a philosophical question on punishment. I vacillate on what is appropriate and/or cruel. It's a tough one.
The mouse on the horse does look like he's got a needle. Can I PhotoShop the horse into a unicorn and steal your avatar?
"If she had a chance, she would do amazing things".

Let's just think about that for a minute, shall we?

She had ample time and opportunity to do "amazing things" before she stabbed29times/shot/cutthroat and she waited tables... sometimes...she floundered around and lived with her grandparents... she spent some time getting her anal hole big enough to drive a semi thru. Didn't really see JoJo at the soup kitchen or down at the library tutoring "those people" that can't read. Not a lot of "amazing things" going on pre-murder and pre-Estrella.

Estrella is a magical, rainbow-sparkled kind of place where the overflowing inspiration converts the previously non-amazing into amazing do-gooding unicorn riders.

Well, people do find bottoms in their lives and turn around where they do good. Unfortunately, in this circumstance, I just don't see that.

Yeah except I wrote that with some teeny sarcasm and in this case we're talking about lying about Locks of Love donations do-gooding, an infomercial, an ad campaign, a write/rewrite ppl speech and no bottom of that well. You can't reach the bottom if there is no bottom.
I went out to the frontier again... There's a thread that the 2nd plane that hit the twin towers was......fake. I didn't want to introduce myself by saying "are you dum?"

So I'm back here again.
I went out to the frontier again... There's a thread that the 2nd plane that hit the twin towers was......fake. I didn't want to introduce myself by saying "are you dum?"

So I'm back here again.

Just bring Aye's antiquated intelligence chart.
"If she had a chance, she would do amazing things".

Let's just think about that for a minute, shall we?

She had ample time and opportunity to do "amazing things" before she stabbed29times/shot/cutthroat and she waited tables... sometimes...she floundered around and lived with her grandparents... she spent some time getting her anal hole big enough to drive a semi thru. Didn't really see JoJo at the soup kitchen or down at the library tutoring "those people" that can't read. Not a lot of "amazing things" going on pre-murder and pre-Estrella.

Estrella is a magical, rainbow-sparkled kind of place where the overflowing inspiration converts the previously non-amazing into amazing do-gooding unicorn riders.

Well, people do find bottoms in their lives and turn around where they do good. Unfortunately, in this circumstance, I just don't see that.

Yeah except I wrote that with some teeny sarcasm and in this case we're talking about lying about Locks of Love donations do-gooding, an infomercial, an ad campaign, a write/rewrite ppl speech and no bottom of that well. You can't reach the bottom if there is no bottom.

I don't dispute that. I was just saying that some people find remorse, genuinely, and change.
The State vs Arias FB questionable people posted something to the effect of we have come to an end with one more thing left and the Maricopa County Attorney contact info encouraging people to contact them to ask them to seek the penalty and the family would want that.

Totally #crossingtheline
So, I read on another site that both Jinkasaurus and Beth Karas will be gone and that HLN will not cover live trials. For those who detest HLN, I suppose that is kind of good news. On the other hand, all they will have to cover trials are the talking heads at night with their skewed opinions, so...I guess this is a case of be careful what you wish for?
The State vs Arias FB questionable people posted something to the effect of we have come to an end with one more thing left and the Maricopa County Attorney contact info encouraging people to contact them to ask them to seek the penalty and the family would want that.

Totally #crossingtheline

I was just reading over there.
The State vs Arias FB questionable people posted something to the effect of we have come to an end with one more thing left and the Maricopa County Attorney contact info encouraging people to contact them to ask them to seek the penalty and the family would want that.

Totally #crossingtheline

My guess is that they are actually asking the family what they want, directly, rather than relying on the opinion of random internet people, anyway.

Do you know if the civil suit has been filed yet, or if they were simply stating that they might file one?
Someone, over there, I think, dug this up too. Obviously not original from the couldvebeenfamousartist:

You don't give out contact info to 50k fanatical followers. Totally irresponsible and grandstanding.

Stupid move. The public has no place in contacting officials on a matter like this. THAT is calling for a witch hunt. I have my reps on speeddial and am all for contacting them on issues, but that's far different than this.

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