Jodi Arias Penalty

You don't give out contact info to 50k fanatical followers. Totally irresponsible and grandstanding.

Stupid move. The public has no place in contacting officials on a matter like this. THAT is calling for a witch hunt. I have my reps on speeddial and am all for contacting them on issues, but that's far different than this.

Wait, they gave out contact info specifically to that site?
Yeah the last "farewell" post. I'll post it later.

Lol Snookie. Damn girl needs an acquittal!! All these mean people suck.
DON'T drop a note to him, lol, I'm sure he's appreciating the 50k other people sending him their "thoughts" and like that will make any difference in the way he proceeds. To me this is a self serving and irresponsible social media post.

>>>>We started this FB page 2 years ago for Travis. For justice. We've now come to the end - almost. We have one more hurdle and that is to secure a death conviction for Travis' murderer. We know the Alexanders want this. We know Travis would want this.

Please, for those who want to see justice served, drop a line to Bill Montgomery. Tell him your thoughts - why you feel the State must proceed to trial rather than offer a deal.

It may not help. Or, it just may. We have nothing to lose.
They pulled the link to his contact info from earlier this morning, there were 800 "the link doesn't work!!!!!" responses from people waiting to jump down his throat with their "thoughts".
They pulled the link to his contact info from earlier this morning, there were 800 "the link doesn't work!!!!!" responses from people waiting to jump down his throat with their "thoughts".

He should remove the comment altogether.
They pulled the link to his contact info from earlier this morning, there were 800 "the link doesn't work!!!!!" responses from people waiting to jump down his throat with their "thoughts".

If they gave his email info, the box was probably full, giving the errors. Same thing if it was for comments on a website. Those people really believe the state is going to listen to them over the family? :confused:
I'm spreading mermaid and almost-summer-vacation cheer today with my avatar.

You are a lucky one with the pool, sweltering temps! Are those full mermaid bottoms? That must be weird/difficult to swim in, no?
IS anyone still back on Wat forum? If so, please tell Memi we miss her, or I miss her. And I guess Travissghost has moved to the great beyond now.
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I'm spreading mermaid and almost-summer-vacation cheer today with my avatar.

You are a lucky one with the pool, sweltering temps! Are those full mermaid bottoms? That must be weird/difficult to swim in, no?

Oh hell no! They gave it their all on the full suit argument, but I love them and they're not drowning on my watch. They're feet flippers and somehow or another they figured out how to swim from one end to the other in them. Walking in them is a different story entirely.
Also, is anyone else noticing that in the last two days "quick reply" on this forum is a bit of a misnomer? Or is it my end only?
I'm spreading mermaid and almost-summer-vacation cheer today with my avatar.

You are a lucky one with the pool, sweltering temps! Are those full mermaid bottoms? That must be weird/difficult to swim in, no?

Oh hell no! They gave it their all on the full suit argument, but I love them and they're not drowning on my watch. They're feet flippers and somehow or another they figured out how to swim from one end to the other in them. Walking in them is a different story entirely.

There was some guy who did it (for many years), on TV, and it looked incredibly difficult.
Smart decision to scrap the full suit idea.

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