Jodi Arias Penalty

from what i heard one other state has the second jury option

2nd dp juries is a relatively new thing.... see link below, it's ducking fumb and not fair to let the state have two shots at it. The new jury has to sentence based on an abbreviated trial, like reading the cliff notes and then determing life or death sentencing. It used to be if the first didnt vote dp, it went straight to lwop, that makes much more sense.

Imo 2nd jury opens the door for appeal, it's a waste of time and money.

Please translate the Tabletese.

seems like that is drifting away from justice

and getting closer to jury shopping for the wanted outcome

That's exactly what it is.

This part of that article set me off - this isn't a game, "we're losing so we're going into overtime". It's supposed to be about justice and fairness, not a hunt for the kill.

>>Federal prosecutors have obtained relatively few death sentences in recent cases. In the past year, according to statistics compiled by the counsel project, 5 of the 22 juries that heard federal capital cases imposed death sentences. During John Ashcroft's term as attorney general, from 2001 to 2005, 18 of the 63 juries that heard capital cases imposed death sentences.
Florida is majority on dp juror vote, then the judge has the option to flip it to lwop.

Okay, that makes more sense than a do-over for unanimous.

Let's everybody do that!

I really shouldn't watch MTP on Sunday mornings. <<grrr>>
If I am able to download it then I will but I don't have cable so we'll see. That kitten looks like my oldest when she was that age. They are at that age where they are so adorable but also soooo annoying!
They're fun to watch. And the moms getting annoyed with them a lot now. Lol

I got that book by Jose Biaz today. About to start it. I just love how he has her picture and all her "imaginary friends" in there.
Just interesting:

Before the latest DSM:

Borderline Personality Disorder as a Female Phenotypic Expression of Psychopathy?

&#8230;.results indicate that BPD and psychopathy share a significant constellation of traits in women&#8212;potentially more so than in men&#8212;and, accordingly, that the two disorders may reflect gender-differentiated phenotypic expressions of similar dispositional vulnerabilities. While we acknowledge that the two disorders are likely not identical (given different symptom clusters in BPD and psychopathy, such as self-harm vs. chronic antisociality/violence, respectively), the current findings support the idea of a BPD-variant of psychopathy in women, reminiscent of the secondary psychopathic variant validated decades ago in men (lKarpman, 1941). In view of this, our results raise questions about phenotypic heterogeneity of psychopathy across genders and have several implications for the &#8220;antisocial/psychopathic&#8221; and &#8220;borderline&#8221; personality types in the proposed DSM-5.

Borderline Personality Disorder as a Female Phenotypic Expression of Psychopathy?


BPD & DSM | Psychology Today
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