Jodi Arias Penalty

A friend of mine said that for this trial it felt like a premeditated crime of passion but that doesn't exist.
A friend of mine said that for this trial it felt like a premeditated crime of passion but that doesn't exist.

Well she was full of rage. I think she let loose all of what was pent up way before Alexander.
No idea but that's a good point. Well it does have civil servant on there so isn't that a politician?

Also, they have doctors on one side and surgeons on the other. Weird! Surgeons are doctors, just a specialization. I don't understand why they split it.

Yeah that is odd.

Surgeons aren't "caregivers" while other types of doctors, nurses, etc. are. There's a whole lot of ego wrapped up in having someone's life in your hands on a table.
A friend of mine said that for this trial it felt like a premeditated crime of passion but that doesn't exist.

Well she was full of rage. I think she let loose all of what was pent up way before Alexander.

Premeditated and crime of passion are opposites. Premeditated is when I was pissed at my DH this morning and planned all day how to off him for it when he got home, crime of passion is I killed him when I was in the throws of pissed this morning. The chasm between those is as huge as M1 and manslaughter.

That's all hypothetical, of course. lol
I thought about that, but usually civil servants are police and fire, etc, right?

Well I think its an all encompassing title and they did list police separately. Who knows.

It's kind of funny to think about politicians as "servants" to anyone, but their own egos and wallets, lol.

Did you ever notice that when you go to city hall that all of the best parking spaces are reserved for the servants?????:confused:
Well I think its an all encompassing title and they did list police separately. Who knows.

It's kind of funny to think about politicians as "servants" to anyone, but their own egos and wallets, lol.

Did you ever notice that when you go to city hall that all of the best parking spaces are reserved for the servants?????:confused:

My DH is a "servant" and I park illegally behind his car in the best spot in the parking lot when I go to his office.

Don't judge.

Oh.... Snookie, you had to pull the crime of passion card which leaves us no choice but to beat you with the premeditation card.

You can't crime of passion if you planned it and threw the crime of passion in for an 11th hour Hail Mary. That just gets you M1, lost appeal and lwop or needle.

Arguable:eusa_angel:. Chicken or egg stuff.
He also works 65 hour weeks on salary and budgets have been frozen for 7 years so no raises, give us the damn good parking spot!
It's kind of funny to think about politicians as "servants" to anyone, but their own egos and wallets, lol.

Did you ever notice that when you go to city hall that all of the best parking spaces are reserved for the servants?????:confused:

My DH is a "servant" and I park illegally behind his car in the best spot in the parking lot when I go to his office.

Don't judge.


Have you ever been on South Beach Towing and met Bernice?:evil:
I just don't usually think of premeditated murder as being so full of rage. They are usually more calculated.
Oh.... Snookie, you had to pull the crime of passion card which leaves us no choice but to beat you with the premeditation card.

You can't crime of passion if you planned it and threw the crime of passion in for an 11th hour Hail Mary. That just gets you M1, lost appeal and lwop or needle.

Arguable:eusa_angel:. Chicken or egg stuff.

Chicken or egg? It's not chicken or egg, it's like chicken or bear and tiger or chicken. They are totally different things. That's why she was unanimously convicted of that and not "crime of passion".

We're going to agree to disagree, at least until that M1 premeditation conviction holds up on appeal and I get my power rep.
Did you ever notice that when you go to city hall that all of the best parking spaces are reserved for the servants?????:confused:

My DH is a "servant" and I park illegally behind his car in the best spot in the parking lot when I go to his office.

Don't judge.


Have you ever been on South Beach Towing and met Bernice?:evil:

I throw Bernice a five spot and she leaves it alone. It's the American way.
I think the phrase "crime of passion" throws people. Sure there was rage and passion... and calculation, but that's not the definition of that defense. In very general and non legal terms, this was a crime of passion, but not in the courtroom.

>>crime of passion n. a defendant's excuse for committing a crime due to sudden anger or heartbreak, in order to eliminate the element of "premeditation." This usually arises in murder or attempted murder cases, when a spouse or sweetheart finds his/her "beloved" having sexual intercourse with another and shoots or stabs one or both of the coupled pair. To make this claim the defendant must have acted immediately upon the rise of passion, without the time for contemplation or allowing for "a cooling of the blood." It is sometimes called the "Law of Texas" since juries in that state are supposedly lenient to cuckolded lovers who wreak their own vengeance. The benefit of eliminating premeditation is to lessen the provable homicide to manslaughter with no death penalty and limited prison terms. An emotionally charged jury may even acquit the impassioned defendant.
I just don't usually think of premeditated murder as being so full of rage. They are usually more calculated.

How so? This was a very calculated murder.

Don't misunderstand me I believe this is a premeditated murder but it just doesn't fit what I typically thought when I thought of premed because of all the rage in the act.
I just don't usually think of premeditated murder as being so full of rage. They are usually more calculated.

How so? This was a very calculated murder.

Don't misunderstand me I believe this is a premeditated murder but it just doesn't fit what I typically thought when I thought of premed because of all the rage in the act.

I know what you're saying and what you're getting at. Go back to the last page and read the definition of why "crime of passion" would be argued, if you stab someone in the heat of it, you could argue that to try to get some leniency, but if you go away and come back and do it, it's premeditated because you THOUGHT, even if you had 3 minutes to think of it, it's premeditated. This went a heck of a lot farther than a minute to "think" for pre and post meditation and I'm sure she was enraged. She was probably screaming her head off at him that she was the worst thing that ever happened to him huh? So in layman's terms this entire thing was a crime of passion, but the actual definition of crime of passion is if in that second without thought you kill. That's why I said actual "crime of passion" by definition and "premeditation" are opposites. Chicken or tiger.

If it's a "love" or close kind of murder, more times than not and in more cases, there is going to be rage. But that has nothing to do with premeditation or how long it was premeditated or calculation. You can totally think something and plan it out and then be enraged when you carry out the act. She had all those little things stuck in her socio craw and all that time before she did it to get good and worked up for that stabbing moment.
Here's an example, remember the reporter asking her if she said she's sorry and you thinking her tweet was in response to that? - I totally agree with that by the way. I think she had been sitting in that cell for 4 days with that reporter and that question stuck in her socio craw and eating at her until she could set it straight and quote herself. So for 4 days she "premeditated" her response, and I'll be my bottom rep if he had walked in her cell rather than her tweeting it, she would have told him and quoted it to him with "passion", her snidely little, gotcha! way. Same thing, much smaller scale.
I just don't usually think of premeditated murder as being so full of rage. They are usually more calculated.

How so? This was a very calculated murder.

Don't misunderstand me I believe this is a premeditated murder but it just doesn't fit what I typically thought when I thought of premed because of all the rage in the act.

Look at spree or some serial killers. Planning but with plenty of rage or passion.

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