Jodi Arias Penalty

I'm a tough cookie TW. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The one good thing was I was always very strong willed no one was going to make me do something I didn't want to. I think if it were not for that things could have been a lot worse. That's not to say I was perfect I certainly had my share of stumbles. The last shrink mom took me too said to her "You've been letting J make her own decisions since she was 2 years old, now that she's 14 you want to make them for her. It's too late, you can't now that just isn't going to happen."
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Just click where the link's $14.99 I think to join.....and you get a chat box.....extra stuff. It's worth it. OH AND A STICKER TOO!!! Bwhahahahaha

Oh ok. I'm not interested in paying lol
You guys I have to share this with you. Because it made me laugh. My mother was cleaning out the attic and found some psych report from her fathers murder trial and she's telling me he had PTSD
You guys I have to share this with you. Because it made me laugh. My mother was cleaning out the attic and found some psych report from her fathers murder trial and she's telling me he had PTSD

Tink, if he had a fog too, my head will explode.
I guess I'm behind you since I'm watching the HLN stream. What livestream were/are you watching?
You guys I have to share this with you. Because it made me laugh. My mother was cleaning out the attic and found some psych report from her fathers murder trial and she's telling me he had PTSD

Did I miss 10 pages?
You guys I have to share this with you. Because it made me laugh. My mother was cleaning out the attic and found some psych report from her fathers murder trial and she's telling me he had PTSD

Tink, if he had a fog too, my head will explode.

LOL she told me that back then it didn't have the name ptsd but she's like that's why he became violent. He was beaten by Batista's army even lost a testicle to it. I'm like Mom I think he was violent before that gma told me he hit her once that's why she divorced him. Then she got pissed off told me I was lying or gma was lying because she never told her that. (My gma didn't say bad things about him to my mom for a reason) So moms like well your dad hit me once... I'm like yeah that's shitty but my dad didn't kill anyone.
I mean is it really that far of a stretch to assume that the man was violent he murdered someone wtf?! Anyway then she hung up on me LOL
The Seacat live stream was on WAT but its in recess. I can't believe we sucked you into another one TW! I had it on as background noise but wasn't paying much attention.

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