Jodi Arias Penalty

I've always drank a lot of caffeine I have an addiction to Coca Cola but I feel like I've drank a bit less lately. I'll try to cut back but its hard lol. I need to drink more water I'm in the process of quitting smoking. Oh and I also am allergic to just about everything including my cats LOL

Quitting smoking is probably stressful. I can't find anything right now, but IIRC I think that it could be a potassium deficiency as well. Eat a banana just in case.

Eye twitch is just stress or fatigue, it will pass.

Hand itch = going to have a money fall :)

Depends on which hand. One giveth and one taketh away. Where is that number lady when we need her? Maybe she reads palms too.
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8 seconds? 15 yards to the top of the stairs, 20-30 ft to bedroom?
Quitting smoking is probably stressful. I can't find anything right now, but IIRC I think that it could be a potassium deficiency as well. Eat a banana just in case.

Eye twitch is just stress or fatigue, it will pass.

Hand itch = going to have a money fall :)

Depends on which hand. One giveth and one taketh away. Where is that number lady when we need her? Maybe she reads palms too.

Right palm = money coming
Left hand = put lotion on
Quitting smoking is probably stressful. I can't find anything right now, but IIRC I think that it could be a potassium deficiency as well. Eat a banana just in case.

Eye twitch is just stress or fatigue, it will pass.

Hand itch = going to have a money fall :)

Depends on which hand. One giveth and one taketh away. Where is that number lady when we need her? Maybe she reads palms too.

Lol. That's funny as hell!
A friend of mine in the psych field had a mother so demented, that she would encourage her own children to fight; as small children. When her mother passed away not too long ago, I asked her how she felt, and she said she felt nothing, maybe peace. It was understandable.

I get that. I think I'd be sad but at peace as well. I haven't lived in the same state as her since I was 17 and now I'm across the country. But I still find myself calling her. I don't know what it is I should know better but it's like I'm always seeking for this one time to be different. It never is. I don't remember the last time I went to visit her but she comes to visit me on occasion, it almost never ends well. The last time was over christmas. The really odd thing is she has a completely different relationship with my siblings but they are part of her new family with my stepdad. They didn't grow up while she was a drug addict and she had me to take out all the bad stuff on so she was able to be just good for them. She wasn't always all bad so don't misunderstand me. There is plenty she did that was good. But a lot of the bad out weighed the good, and as long as you don't expect to have her listen to anything about you and are willing to let her talk all about herself and tell her how great she is everything goes fine. She is not ok with anyone having different opinions, that means you are attacking her. It's exhausting lol.
Anyway I don't know why I went off on this tangent what I meant to say when I started is that I find that demented parents led a lot of us into the psych field, myself included.

It's terrible, but in a twisted way, you are probably a constant reminder of her worse self. It's easier to blame you or put you down than to look inward, but you know that already.

I have a great relationship with my aunt her and I are a lot a like. She and my mom no longer speak. We used to think it was exactly what you said and maybe it is to some extent but we came to the conclusion that it really can't be because she doesn't see anything wrong with herself. She plays the victim and everything is always someone elses fault. She thinks she was an excellent mother and has a skewed memory of things. She remembers things differently than everyone else its really bizarre. I think what brings it out in her is that I don't play her game. I am a very direct person and I call things like I see them. If I disagree I don't pretend to agree, I don't do it to be an asshole I just say hey I see it differently, she thinks that means she is being attacked. When I was 15 she used to call the cops on me about twice a week and say I was beating her up (I never laid a hand on her btw) she had my 5 year old sister trained to ask if she should call 911. She was pregnant with my brother at the time and I remember one time she went to hit me I grabbed her arm to keep her from connecting with my face and then I let go. I remember standing above her and not even touching her as she was on the ground with her arm behind her back going oh my arm you are breaking my arm. I was like Mom, I'm not even touching you what are you talking about. To this day she will tell you she still has problems with that arm and I did it:cuckoo: At this point she had me put in a mental hospital where there were kids that were addicted to serious drugs, the roommate in my room was there for suicide attempts had a burn on her forehead where she had put out a cig. I had never even smoked a cig. It was totally insane. The doctors quickly realized that I was not the one with the problem other than some anger at the situation I was in. They were trying to figure out the best place for me to go live when I got out because clearly it was not where I was at. Well my mom started talking about herself and what she wanted to do ( Well I want her to come back home and you know I can do crafts with her and I want this and that) The therapist was like I understand those are the things you want to do but right now we are trying to figure out what is the best thing for her. Mom blew her lid cursed out the counselor told her she didn't know what she was doing and stormed out. Anyway she ended up moving with me out of state and at that point (15 yrs old) I got the bedroom downstairs away from the rest of the family. Got a job and if I needed anything I mean toilet paper I had to go buy it for myself, she pretty much left me alone and when I finished school I left. Now she did help me move etc. She isn't all bad, as long as its all about her and you always agree with her. One of the reasons her and my sister get a long so well is because my sister will smoke pot with her. Me I don't mind people smoking pot, but I don't want to do it with or see my mother do it when I know she was a drug addict and she tells me if she knows its there its torture not to smoke it till its gone. I'm like mom that's what addicts say then she gets mad. Anyway sorry if I'm giving you guys TMI I just thought you'd be interested in it cuz you are interested in the psychos lol As for the previous article its interesting that you said maybe the mom caused it or it was a family history. There is a good possibility of that. My mom came from Cuba when she was 7 and my grandma had to work 2 jobs as a single mom back when they didn't exist. As a result my mom didn't get a ton of attention from her and she still blames her for it I'm sure that contributed to it, and also my mothers bio dad ( who I met like twice) had some serious mental issues. He murdered one of his many wives (only served like 7 years if you can believe that) and finally killed himself after his 8th one served him divorce papers.
TW, you didn't stress me out I don't mind talking about the topic really I don't. But if its too much for you guys just let me know.
ITC how did you get the supporting member thing?

I don't know who the night stalker is?
I get that. I think I'd be sad but at peace as well. I haven't lived in the same state as her since I was 17 and now I'm across the country. But I still find myself calling her. I don't know what it is I should know better but it's like I'm always seeking for this one time to be different. It never is. I don't remember the last time I went to visit her but she comes to visit me on occasion, it almost never ends well. The last time was over christmas. The really odd thing is she has a completely different relationship with my siblings but they are part of her new family with my stepdad. They didn't grow up while she was a drug addict and she had me to take out all the bad stuff on so she was able to be just good for them. She wasn't always all bad so don't misunderstand me. There is plenty she did that was good. But a lot of the bad out weighed the good, and as long as you don't expect to have her listen to anything about you and are willing to let her talk all about herself and tell her how great she is everything goes fine. She is not ok with anyone having different opinions, that means you are attacking her. It's exhausting lol.
Anyway I don't know why I went off on this tangent what I meant to say when I started is that I find that demented parents led a lot of us into the psych field, myself included.

It's terrible, but in a twisted way, you are probably a constant reminder of her worse self. It's easier to blame you or put you down than to look inward, but you know that already.

I have a great relationship with my aunt her and I are a lot a like. She and my mom no longer speak. We used to think it was exactly what you said and maybe it is to some extent but we came to the conclusion that it really can't be because she doesn't see anything wrong with herself. She plays the victim and everything is always someone elses fault. She thinks she was an excellent mother and has a skewed memory of things. She remembers things differently than everyone else its really bizarre. I think what brings it out in her is that I don't play her game. I am a very direct person and I call things like I see them. If I disagree I don't pretend to agree, I don't do it to be an asshole I just say hey I see it differently, she thinks that means she is being attacked. When I was 15 she used to call the cops on me about twice a week and say I was beating her up (I never laid a hand on her btw) she had my 5 year old sister trained to ask if she should call 911. She was pregnant with my brother at the time and I remember one time she went to hit me I grabbed her arm to keep her from connecting with my face and then I let go. I remember standing above her and not even touching her as she was on the ground with her arm behind her back going oh my arm you are breaking my arm. I was like Mom, I'm not even touching you what are you talking about. To this day she will tell you she still has problems with that arm and I did it:cuckoo: At this point she had me put in a mental hospital where there were kids that were addicted to serious drugs, the roommate in my room was there for suicide attempts had a burn on her forehead where she had put out a cig. I had never even smoked a cig. It was totally insane. The doctors quickly realized that I was not the one with the problem other than some anger at the situation I was in. They were trying to figure out the best place for me to go live when I got out because clearly it was not where I was at. Well my mom started talking about herself and what she wanted to do ( Well I want her to come back home and you know I can do crafts with her and I want this and that) The therapist was like I understand those are the things you want to do but right now we are trying to figure out what is the best thing for her. Mom blew her lid cursed out the counselor told her she didn't know what she was doing and stormed out. Anyway she ended up moving with me out of state and at that point (15 yrs old) I got the bedroom downstairs away from the rest of the family. Got a job and if I needed anything I mean toilet paper I had to go buy it for myself, she pretty much left me alone and when I finished school I left. Now she did help me move etc. She isn't all bad, as long as its all about her and you always agree with her. One of the reasons her and my sister get a long so well is because my sister will smoke pot with her. Me I don't mind people smoking pot, but I don't want to do it with or see my mother do it when I know she was a drug addict and she tells me if she knows its there its torture not to smoke it till its gone. I'm like mom that's what addicts say then she gets mad. Anyway sorry if I'm giving you guys TMI I just thought you'd be interested in it cuz you are interested in the psychos lol As for the previous article its interesting that you said maybe the mom caused it or it was a family history. There is a good possibility of that. My mom came from Cuba when she was 7 and my grandma had to work 2 jobs as a single mom back when they didn't exist. As a result my mom didn't get a ton of attention from her and she still blames her for it I'm sure that contributed to it, and also my mothers bio dad ( who I met like twice) had some serious mental issues. He murdered one of his many wives (only served like 7 years if you can believe that) and finally killed himself after his 8th one served him divorce papers.
TW, you didn't stress me out I don't mind talking about the topic really I don't. But if its too much for you guys just let me know.

I don't mind Tink. I can certainly appreciate your perspective on the article much better. I'm glad you got out of there alive and whole {or as together as you are today). I'm not sure anyone in the world doesn't have battle scars from life, so no one is entirely "whole", is my point.
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