Jodi Arias Penalty

At any rate, with the father's illness, and the general narrative, it still sounded like Sandy Arias could have (almost) written it.

Maybe. The illness of the father for sure. But the rest doesn't fit Jodi to me. Jodi doesn't have a good relationship with her dad from what I understood. Or a graduate degree or successful 7 year relationships etc.

You know how some of the others on here get more pissed and have more insight on JA because they have family members ( Santa's sister) that they see in her? I think that's whats happening here for me with this one. Something I picked up on was it was all about her and how if affected her. Nothing about what her husband was going through, etc. I don't know how else to explain it. But I have lived with it my whole life and I know it when I see it.
In other news, my voice is a little better today but not totally back. However my right eye has been twitching really annoyingly for about 3 days now got any remedies for that one?
that's the cost of doing business when you post something on the internet. I thought it was relatively mild considering some of the stuff I have seen on the internet. I do think perhaps it was misleading as there is no way to know if her daughter has BPD other than the mother self diagnosing, and the very real possibility that the mother may be the one with the issue, or they may both have an issue or it might just be mother/daughter bad relationship who knows. But with that title it likely attracted people who were dealing with someone with BPD and they were disappointed at being mislead. Who knows.

it is the cost of doing business on the internet - she shouldn't have posted it, if there is more to it, she missed the mark on writing it. She didn't adequately relay the whole story, whatever that really is. And if you do put something out there like that, be prepared for the back lash.

I just thought the whole thing was disturbing and Tink, I am so happy for you and proud of you for rising above, growing up and not being one of those that blames everything on their childhood/upbringing whatever. You turned out ok in spite or to spite? it.
that's the cost of doing business when you post something on the internet. I thought it was relatively mild considering some of the stuff I have seen on the internet. I do think perhaps it was misleading as there is no way to know if her daughter has BPD other than the mother self diagnosing, and the very real possibility that the mother may be the one with the issue, or they may both have an issue or it might just be mother/daughter bad relationship who knows. But with that title it likely attracted people who were dealing with someone with BPD and they were disappointed at being mislead. Who knows.

Sorry if it stirred bad memories, Tink.

Hey no worries you didn't stir bad memories. I still have my mom in my life because she is my mom and what am I going to do. But it is a constant battle. I was just offering my insight.
At any rate, with the father's illness, and the general narrative, it still sounded like Sandy Arias could have (almost) written it.

Maybe. The illness of the father for sure. But the rest doesn't fit Jodi to me. Jodi doesn't have a good relationship with her dad from what I understood. Or a graduate degree or successful 7 year relationships etc.

You know how some of the others on here get more pissed and have more insight on JA because they have family members ( Santa's sister) that they see in her? I think that's whats happening here for me with this one. Something I picked up on was it was all about her and how if affected her. Nothing about what her husband was going through, etc. I don't know how else to explain it. But I have lived with it my whole life and I know it when I see it.

No worries Tink.

I didn't think Arias' mother literally wrote it, there were just some parallels that I saw. Supposedly, she did make phone calls to her father and complained about the girlfriend at Alexander's house. Of course I don't know what really went on in their family. But they did seem to be there for her when she needed money to move etc.
that's the cost of doing business when you post something on the internet. I thought it was relatively mild considering some of the stuff I have seen on the internet. I do think perhaps it was misleading as there is no way to know if her daughter has BPD other than the mother self diagnosing, and the very real possibility that the mother may be the one with the issue, or they may both have an issue or it might just be mother/daughter bad relationship who knows. But with that title it likely attracted people who were dealing with someone with BPD and they were disappointed at being mislead. Who knows.

Sorry if it stirred bad memories, Tink.

Hey no worries you didn't stir bad memories. I still have my mom in my life because she is my mom and what am I going to do. But it is a constant battle. I was just offering my insight.

A friend of mine in the psych field had a mother so demented, that she would encourage her own children to fight; as small children. When her mother passed away not too long ago, I asked her how she felt, and she said she felt nothing, maybe peace. It was understandable.
At any rate, with the father's illness, and the general narrative, it still sounded like Sandy Arias could have (almost) written it.

Maybe. The illness of the father for sure. But the rest doesn't fit Jodi to me. Jodi doesn't have a good relationship with her dad from what I understood. Or a graduate degree or successful 7 year relationships etc.

You know how some of the others on here get more pissed and have more insight on JA because they have family members ( Santa's sister) that they see in her? I think that's whats happening here for me with this one. Something I picked up on was it was all about her and how if affected her. Nothing about what her husband was going through, etc. I don't know how else to explain it. But I have lived with it my whole life and I know it when I see it.

No worries Tink.

I didn't think Arias' mother literally wrote it, there were just some parallels that I saw. Supposedly, she did make phone calls to her father and complained about the girlfriend at Alexander's house. Of course I don't know what really went on in their family. But they did seem to be there for her when she needed money to move etc.

Oh for sure. I just always thought it was the mom that wanted something more out of the relationship with JA. The father in the interrogation just kinda seemed apathetic to it. I know he was ill and thus not in court, but in the interrogation he just seemed like he had given up on her a long time ago. And it was the mom that went to help her move. I just think the dad was pretty hands off or backed off from her a while ago.
Maybe. The illness of the father for sure. But the rest doesn't fit Jodi to me. Jodi doesn't have a good relationship with her dad from what I understood. Or a graduate degree or successful 7 year relationships etc.

You know how some of the others on here get more pissed and have more insight on JA because they have family members ( Santa's sister) that they see in her? I think that's whats happening here for me with this one. Something I picked up on was it was all about her and how if affected her. Nothing about what her husband was going through, etc. I don't know how else to explain it. But I have lived with it my whole life and I know it when I see it.

No worries Tink.

I didn't think Arias' mother literally wrote it, there were just some parallels that I saw. Supposedly, she did make phone calls to her father and complained about the girlfriend at Alexander's house. Of course I don't know what really went on in their family. But they did seem to be there for her when she needed money to move etc.

Oh for sure. I just always thought it was the mom that wanted something more out of the relationship with JA. The father in the interrogation just kinda seemed apathetic to it. I know he was ill and thus not in court, but in the interrogation he just seemed like he had given up on her a long time ago. And it was the mom that went to help her move. I just think the dad was pretty hands off or backed off from her a while ago.

I think he knew she was "off" and accepted who she was. Sometimes that's all you can do.
Sorry if it stirred bad memories, Tink.

Hey no worries you didn't stir bad memories. I still have my mom in my life because she is my mom and what am I going to do. But it is a constant battle. I was just offering my insight.

A friend of mine in the psych field had a mother so demented, that she would encourage her own children to fight; as small children. When her mother passed away not too long ago, I asked her how she felt, and she said she felt nothing, maybe peace. It was understandable.

I get that. I think I'd be sad but at peace as well. I haven't lived in the same state as her since I was 17 and now I'm across the country. But I still find myself calling her. I don't know what it is I should know better but it's like I'm always seeking for this one time to be different. It never is. I don't remember the last time I went to visit her but she comes to visit me on occasion, it almost never ends well. The last time was over christmas. The really odd thing is she has a completely different relationship with my siblings but they are part of her new family with my stepdad. They didn't grow up while she was a drug addict and she had me to take out all the bad stuff on so she was able to be just good for them. She wasn't always all bad so don't misunderstand me. There is plenty she did that was good. But a lot of the bad out weighed the good, and as long as you don't expect to have her listen to anything about you and are willing to let her talk all about herself and tell her how great she is everything goes fine. She is not ok with anyone having different opinions, that means you are attacking her. It's exhausting lol.
Anyway I don't know why I went off on this tangent what I meant to say when I started is that I find that demented parents led a lot of us into the psych field, myself included.
In other news, my voice is a little better today but not totally back. However my right eye has been twitching really annoyingly for about 3 days now got any remedies for that one?

Are you drinking a lot of alcohol and/or caffeine? That can cause it. Or stress. Dry eyes is also a cause. If your eyes aren't normally dry, drink a lot of water, you might be dehydrated.
Hey no worries you didn't stir bad memories. I still have my mom in my life because she is my mom and what am I going to do. But it is a constant battle. I was just offering my insight.

A friend of mine in the psych field had a mother so demented, that she would encourage her own children to fight; as small children. When her mother passed away not too long ago, I asked her how she felt, and she said she felt nothing, maybe peace. It was understandable.

I get that. I think I'd be sad but at peace as well. I haven't lived in the same state as her since I was 17 and now I'm across the country. But I still find myself calling her. I don't know what it is I should know better but it's like I'm always seeking for this one time to be different. It never is. I don't remember the last time I went to visit her but she comes to visit me on occasion, it almost never ends well. The last time was over christmas. The really odd thing is she has a completely different relationship with my siblings but they are part of her new family with my stepdad. They didn't grow up while she was a drug addict and she had me to take out all the bad stuff on so she was able to be just good for them. She wasn't always all bad so don't misunderstand me. There is plenty she did that was good. But a lot of the bad out weighed the good, and as long as you don't expect to have her listen to anything about you and are willing to let her talk all about herself and tell her how great she is everything goes fine. She is not ok with anyone having different opinions, that means you are attacking her. It's exhausting lol.
Anyway I don't know why I went off on this tangent what I meant to say when I started is that I find that demented parents led a lot of us into the psych field, myself included.

It's terrible, but in a twisted way, you are probably a constant reminder of her worse self. It's easier to blame you or put you down than to look inward, but you know that already.
I've always drank a lot of caffeine I have an addiction to Coca Cola but I feel like I've drank a bit less lately. I'll try to cut back but its hard lol. I need to drink more water I'm in the process of quitting smoking. Oh and I also am allergic to just about everything including my cats LOL
I probably caused the twitch bringing this stupid ass subject up.
I've always drank a lot of caffeine I have an addiction to Coca Cola but I feel like I've drank a bit less lately. I'll try to cut back but its hard lol. I need to drink more water I'm in the process of quitting smoking. Oh and I also am allergic to just about everything including my cats LOL

Quitting smoking is probably stressful. I can't find anything right now, but IIRC I think that it could be a potassium deficiency as well. Eat a banana just in case.
Where'd the melted plastic on socio seacat's foot and leg come from? Did anyone hear what they matched that too?
I've always drank a lot of caffeine I have an addiction to Coca Cola but I feel like I've drank a bit less lately. I'll try to cut back but its hard lol. I need to drink more water I'm in the process of quitting smoking. Oh and I also am allergic to just about everything including my cats LOL

Quitting smoking is probably stressful. I can't find anything right now, but IIRC I think that it could be a potassium deficiency as well. Eat a banana just in case.

Eye twitch is just stress or fatigue, it will pass.

Hand itch = going to have a money fall :)

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