Jodi Arias Penalty

Prosecutor still seeking dp

Montgomery also spoke Wednesday about Arias defense attorney's assertions recently that the state is trying to impose a death sentence on a mentally ill woman.
He said she was found competent to stand trial and any statement that she isn't fit for the proceedings "is simply inaccurate."

Prosecutors still plan to pursue death for Arias - Times-Standard Online

It does beg the question, why won't Arias and her defense team seek a life sentence, with no appeals, in order to save her from possibly being sentenced to death row?

I am wondering if she believes that the guilty verdict will somehow be overturned on appeal? Do you think that is driving her decision not to approach the prosecutors' office with a compromise? If they, and by extension Arias, are legitimately concerned about the costs to tax payers, wouldn't at least asking for a deal go further toward proving that this concern is genuine? You can't really argue, on the one hand, that the prosecutor is spending a pile of cash when your client wants to spend a pile of cash on appeals, right? It's not as if Arias is funding her own defense.

Well not for nothing but I wouldn't give up my appeals either if I were here. I think she has a shot at them.

You think she has a shot at an appeal on guilt? Curious on what? I would probably want to appeal, but that wasn't the point, exactly. The point was that the defense's statement wasn't genuine in re to costs for the tax payers.
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This is a little long-winded, but this will be the last thing I'll say about Zimmerman because there really isn't much anyone can say to shift my opinion in another direction.

I would never be selected as a juror for the Zimmerman trial because I have bias regarding civilians carrying guns. I'm not comfortable with that at all, and have grown up in an area with very different gun laws. I have no issue with protecting one's home, self and property with fire arms, but not actively seeking to detain a person for no cause.

But even if I put that aside, and say, well, it is okay that he's driving around with a gun, I still take issue with him acting as if he is an arm of the law. Trayvon Martin was not committing any crime, and apparently he had the right, and an innocent reason, to be in that neighborhood to visit his father.
Zimmerman's fear of Martin's appearance does not prove imminent threat or danger.

Zimmerman, in acting as if he was an arm of the law, never introduced himself to neighbors in order to identify who actually belonged there. Further, after following a teenager around the neighborhood, he never identified himself as a neighborhood watch person to Trayvon Martin at that time.

So, in my opinion, the ominous suspicious person was the unidentified person in a car trailing the individual who was walking home. Being followed and stalked is a threatening act. If Zimmerman never left the vehicle, there would have never been a physical conflict. Zimmerman could have driven off, or yelled through the window, what the purpose was for following this kid. Instead, Martin felt threatened or harassed, and no one knows what Zimmerman said to Martin before he was on the ground.

I do believe that there was some truth in that Martin went for his gun, and I said it days ago, that Zimmerman might have had the gun drawn at the point of confrontation, or very shortly before being tossed to the ground. He already had the balls to lie in court to a judge. Why would I take his version of events as gospel?

At any rate, it is my opinion that if he is acquitted, it will set a horrible precedent in that people can instigate trouble and a confrontation and then claim self defense later. He created the situation, killed a person, and deserves to be convicted of manslaughter or aggravated manslaughter.

I'll be upfront and say that I don't see my position moving very much. Martin didn't come looking for Zimmerman to start a fight, he didn't break into his house, wasn't breaking into anyone's house, was doing nothing illegal when killed. We can't have people deciding life or death of "suspicious" people without cause. That is what LE is trained for and who also have the authority to stop, question, or follow a "suspect". I don't want someone with poor judgement and no training taking over that responsibility. It's bad enough when police make mistakes.
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Montgomery also spoke Wednesday about Arias defense attorney's assertions recently that the state is trying to impose a death sentence on a mentally ill woman.
He said she was found competent to stand trial and any statement that she isn't fit for the proceedings "is simply inaccurate."

Prosecutors still plan to pursue death for Arias - Times-Standard Online

It does beg the question, why won't Arias and her defense team seek a life sentence, with no appeals, in order to save her from possibly being sentenced to death row?

I am wondering if she believes that the guilty verdict will somehow be overturned on appeal? Do you think that is driving her decision not to approach the prosecutors' office with a compromise? If they, and by extension Arias, are legitimately concerned about the costs to tax payers, wouldn't at least asking for a deal go further toward proving that this concern is genuine? You can't really argue, on the one hand, that the prosecutor is spending a pile of cash when your client wants to spend a pile of cash on appeals, right? It's not as if Arias is funding her own defense.

Well not for nothing but I wouldn't give up my appeals either if I were here. I think she has a shot at them.

You think she has a shot at an appeal on guilt? Curious on what? I would probably want to appeal, but that wasn't the point, exactly. The point was that the defense's statement wasn't genuine in re to costs for the tax payers.

There's always a shot. I wouldn't give them up. And yeah probably wasn't genuine but at the same time it's entirely with in the states power to end it right now.
Well said TW. I would also add that theres a reason why he was denied entry into the PD when he applied. Sometimes when I stop and look at everything I'm like yeah I guess it could be self defense but then when I think about it in the terms of what you just said I'm like but there should never have been a confrontation in the first place.
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What do you guys think about this Missing Pa. mom easy to find now -- in jail - U.S. News

Who just walks out on their family and decides to be homeless and missing for years?

A mentally ill drug addict, in that case.

Well at this point yes, but she wasn't a drug addict when she left right?

Tink, she had to have had some mental health issues. If I recall correctly, didn't she say she was sitting and crying and some stranger convinced her to leave and travel with them? That sounds incredibly unstable to me. Who does that? She was an adult at the time and not a whimsical teenager. I bet the drug use was some kind of self-medicating. The kids were probably better off without her in their lives, as painful as the abandonment was. Imagine if she stayed.
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Well not for nothing but I wouldn't give up my appeals either if I were here. I think she has a shot at them.

You think she has a shot at an appeal on guilt? Curious on what? I would probably want to appeal, but that wasn't the point, exactly. The point was that the defense's statement wasn't genuine in re to costs for the tax payers.

There's always a shot. I wouldn't give them up. And yeah probably wasn't genuine but at the same time it's entirely with in the states power to end it right now.

I was thinking that at first, but if the defense offered no death, no appeals for life, I think the prosecutor would have to seriously consider that.
A mentally ill drug addict, in that case.

Well at this point yes, but she wasn't a drug addict when she left right?

Tink, she had to have had some mental health issues. If I recall correctly, didn't she say she was sitting and crying and some stranger convinced her to leave and travel with them? That sounds incredibly unstable to me. Who does that? She was an adult at the time and not a whimsical teenager. I bet the drug use was some kind of self-medicating. The kids were probably better off without her in their lives, as painful as the abandonment was. Imagine if she stayed.

Well she was going through a divorce and said she wanted to leave her life. You are right who does that. She even left her car to go and hitch hike with a bunch of homeless people. It's crazy how she doesn't even look like the same person.
Well at this point yes, but she wasn't a drug addict when she left right?

Tink, she had to have had some mental health issues. If I recall correctly, didn't she say she was sitting and crying and some stranger convinced her to leave and travel with them? That sounds incredibly unstable to me. Who does that? She was an adult at the time and not a whimsical teenager. I bet the drug use was some kind of self-medicating. The kids were probably better off without her in their lives, as painful as the abandonment was. Imagine if she stayed.

Well she was going through a divorce and said she wanted to leave her life. You are right who does that. She even left her car to go and hitch hike with a bunch of homeless people. It's crazy how she doesn't even look like the same person.

The years have not been good to her.
True but is it up to the defense to make an offer?

I don't think it's up to them. I suppose the prosecutors' office could stop further proceedings if they wanted. I guess there has to be enough value in the agreement for them to do so. If the family wants them to go forward I guess they will honor that request, unless, like in the Godfather, the defense makes an offer they can't refuse.
Tink, she had to have had some mental health issues. If I recall correctly, didn't she say she was sitting and crying and some stranger convinced her to leave and travel with them? That sounds incredibly unstable to me. Who does that? She was an adult at the time and not a whimsical teenager. I bet the drug use was some kind of self-medicating. The kids were probably better off without her in their lives, as painful as the abandonment was. Imagine if she stayed.

Well she was going through a divorce and said she wanted to leave her life. You are right who does that. She even left her car to go and hitch hike with a bunch of homeless people. It's crazy how she doesn't even look like the same person.

The years have not been good to her.

Drugs. She could be the poster 'druggie' for those wondering how drugs affect a person's appearance.
Of course u-be normal!

I'm done working, I need to hit the pool. My head is going to explode from the ignoramus.

Here's a joke:


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