Jodi Arias Penalty

Prosecutor still seeking dp

Montgomery also spoke Wednesday about Arias defense attorney's assertions recently that the state is trying to impose a death sentence on a mentally ill woman.
He said she was found competent to stand trial and any statement that she isn't fit for the proceedings "is simply inaccurate."

Prosecutors still plan to pursue death for Arias - Times-Standard Online

It does beg the question, why won't Arias and her defense team seek a life sentence, with no appeals, in order to save her from possibly being sentenced to death row?

I am wondering if she believes that the guilty verdict will somehow be overturned on appeal? Do you think that is driving her decision not to approach the prosecutors' office with a compromise? If they, and by extension Arias, are legitimately concerned about the costs to tax payers, wouldn't at least asking for a deal go further toward proving that this concern is genuine? You can't really argue, on the one hand, that the prosecutor is spending a pile of cash when your client wants to spend a pile of cash on appeals, right? It's not as if Arias is funding her own defense.
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Prosecutor still seeking dp

Montgomery also spoke Wednesday about Arias defense attorney's assertions recently that the state is trying to impose a death sentence on a mentally ill woman.
He said she was found competent to stand trial and any statement that she isn't fit for the proceedings "is simply inaccurate."

Prosecutors still plan to pursue death for Arias - Times-Standard Online

It does beg the question, why won't Arias and her defense team seek a life sentence, with no appeals, in order to save her from possibly being sentenced to death row?

I am wondering if she believes that the guilty verdict will somehow be overturned on appeal? Do you think that is driving her decision not to approach the prosecutors' office with a compromise? If they, and by extension Arias, are legitimately concerned about the costs to tax payers, wouldn't at least asking for a deal go further toward proving that this concern is genuine? You can't really argue, on the one hand, that the prosecutor is spending a pile of cash when your client wants to spend a pile of cash on appeals, right? It's not as if Arias is funding her own defense.

Good point TW...Jodi still thinks that she is getting off... it will just take longer with the appeal. Its like every step of the way jodi thinks she will beat the system.

I think jodi and her defense could care less what it is costing the taxpayers...its just something they can pin on the is the defense that is costing the taxpayers all the money because jodi couldnt afford her own defense.
Prosecutor still seeking dp

Montgomery also spoke Wednesday about Arias defense attorney's assertions recently that the state is trying to impose a death sentence on a mentally ill woman.
He said she was found competent to stand trial and any statement that she isn't fit for the proceedings "is simply inaccurate."

Prosecutors still plan to pursue death for Arias - Times-Standard Online

It does beg the question, why won't Arias and her defense team seek a life sentence, with no appeals, in order to save her from possibly being sentenced to death row?

I am wondering if she believes that the guilty verdict will somehow be overturned on appeal? Do you think that is driving her decision not to approach the prosecutors' office with a compromise? If they, and by extension Arias, are legitimately concerned about the costs to tax payers, wouldn't at least asking for a deal go further toward proving that this concern is genuine? You can't really argue, on the one hand, that the prosecutor is spending a pile of cash when your client wants to spend a pile of cash on appeals, right? It's not as if Arias is funding her own defense.

Good point TW...Jodi still thinks that she is getting off... it will just take longer with the appeal. Its like every step of the way jodi thinks she will beat the system.

I think jodi and her defense could care less what it is costing the taxpayers...its just something they can pin on the is the defense that is costing the taxpayers all the money because jodi couldnt afford her own defense.

Well, I think both spent a ton of cash, but it's somewhat disingenuous, on further contemplation, to argue cost if Arias believes this is a wrongful conviction and not a case of diminished capacity, or "I'll be sorry forever", let me take my punishment and go away.
Wow, took a gander on the Z thread. That is some nasty business over there.
Millly!!!! No more long breaks for you....great to see you!

Thank you, sir!
My life no longer revolves around the trial of the week... or month. More fun with my sweetie and gardening than sitting with my eyes glued to a trial.

LOL...I hear ya...and how is that gardening coming? My lawn over the last few weeks has made a massive improvement.

My yard and gardens look wonderful. Roses are blooming and my new perennials and veggie garden are looking good. I am even going to get cherries from the trees I planted last year. Yea!

Life is good. A hell of a lot "gooder" than Jodi, the three hole wonder's life is. Snicker...
Thank you, sir!
My life no longer revolves around the trial of the week... or month. More fun with my sweetie and gardening than sitting with my eyes glued to a trial.

LOL...I hear ya...and how is that gardening coming? My lawn over the last few weeks has made a massive improvement.

My yard and gardens look wonderful. Roses are blooming and my new perennials and veggie garden are looking good. I am even going to get cherries from the trees I planted last year. Yea!

Life is good. A hell of a lot "gooder" than Jodi, the three hole wonder's life is. Snicker...

MMM, cherries. They are so expensive to buy, but so delicious.
Rainy day. Trying to get work done, but have a serious case of the lazies.
Thank you, sir!
My life no longer revolves around the trial of the week... or month. More fun with my sweetie and gardening than sitting with my eyes glued to a trial.

LOL...I hear ya...and how is that gardening coming? My lawn over the last few weeks has made a massive improvement.

My yard and gardens look wonderful. Roses are blooming and my new perennials and veggie garden are looking good. I am even going to get cherries from the trees I planted last year. Yea!

Life is good. A hell of a lot "gooder" than Jodi, the three hole wonder's life is. Snicker...

You got cherry trees!?! You lucky lady.
Ha, pfft. I didn't realize there was an unintentional pun in there about cherries and Jodi Arias.
I don't see why TM would have GZ's DNA under his fingernails if he was punching him. It has been a while since I punched anyone but I didn't use my fingertips when I did it... Now. maybe if TM was scratching GZ, then I could see him having GZ's DNA in his fingernails. Just my opinion.

In order to grip his bald head to slam it into the concrete and if blood was gushing out of his nose from a broken nose there should have been some. The blood especially not being on him is odd.

Im getting confused...what are you saying here?...that someone else caused the injuries? Thats impossible. The neighbor who observed the fight and called 911 actually took the picture of the back of his head within 3 minutes of the shooting. See the video that Worldwatcher provided...see the ABC report.

He punched him in the nose....not odd there is no DNA in the fingernails for that punch with your knuckles.

The cuts were to the back of the head, so not odd at all that no blood was on Trayvon....Trayvon would be holding the front or top of the head and slamming it to the concrete...the head is bleeding in the back and trayvon was shot soon after....this wasnt a 5 or ten minute struggle with two dudes rolling around on the was pretty quick.

Again, there isnt any dispute from the prosecution, family or anyone that I can think of who caused the injuries to Mr Z. But if there was the neighbor was an eyewitness and took a picture within 3 minutes of the shooting.

I'm not saying someone else caused it I'm just saying something doesn't add up things just don't make sense. And yes you punch someone with your knuckles (which by the way had no abrasions or bruising) But when you break a nose the nose gushes blood it's weird that theres no GZ blood on TM. And when you grip someones bald head to slam it into the ground then GZ DNA should have been under the nails too. Also it was a police officer that took the pics. Like I said I am split down the middle on this one, there are just so many things that don't make sense and don't add up. I'm wondering if the autopsy was contaminated because where the heck did the 3rd set of DNA come from?
Prosecutor still seeking dp

Montgomery also spoke Wednesday about Arias defense attorney's assertions recently that the state is trying to impose a death sentence on a mentally ill woman.
He said she was found competent to stand trial and any statement that she isn't fit for the proceedings "is simply inaccurate."

Prosecutors still plan to pursue death for Arias - Times-Standard Online

It does beg the question, why won't Arias and her defense team seek a life sentence, with no appeals, in order to save her from possibly being sentenced to death row?

I am wondering if she believes that the guilty verdict will somehow be overturned on appeal? Do you think that is driving her decision not to approach the prosecutors' office with a compromise? If they, and by extension Arias, are legitimately concerned about the costs to tax payers, wouldn't at least asking for a deal go further toward proving that this concern is genuine? You can't really argue, on the one hand, that the prosecutor is spending a pile of cash when your client wants to spend a pile of cash on appeals, right? It's not as if Arias is funding her own defense.

Well not for nothing but I wouldn't give up my appeals either if I were here. I think she has a shot at them.
A friend of mine said they said on HLN that JA's asked for a continuance on the next penalty phase and that if it's granted it could be 2014 before it goes back to trial.
In order to grip his bald head to slam it into the concrete and if blood was gushing out of his nose from a broken nose there should have been some. The blood especially not being on him is odd.

Im getting confused...what are you saying here?...that someone else caused the injuries? Thats impossible. The neighbor who observed the fight and called 911 actually took the picture of the back of his head within 3 minutes of the shooting. See the video that Worldwatcher provided...see the ABC report.

He punched him in the nose....not odd there is no DNA in the fingernails for that punch with your knuckles.

The cuts were to the back of the head, so not odd at all that no blood was on Trayvon....Trayvon would be holding the front or top of the head and slamming it to the concrete...the head is bleeding in the back and trayvon was shot soon after....this wasnt a 5 or ten minute struggle with two dudes rolling around on the was pretty quick.

Again, there isnt any dispute from the prosecution, family or anyone that I can think of who caused the injuries to Mr Z. But if there was the neighbor was an eyewitness and took a picture within 3 minutes of the shooting.

I'm not saying someone else caused it I'm just saying something doesn't add up things just don't make sense. And yes you punch someone with your knuckles (which by the way had no abrasions or bruising) But when you break a nose the nose gushes blood it's weird that theres no GZ blood on TM. And when you grip someones bald head to slam it into the ground then GZ DNA should have been under the nails too. Also it was a police officer that took the pics. Like I said I am split down the middle on this one, there are just so many things that don't make sense and don't add up. I'm wondering if the autopsy was contaminated because where the heck did the 3rd set of DNA come from?

Your definitely right about the nose...when someones nose breaks blood goes everywhere. I agree you would think there would be blood on Ts hands from that....youre right.

So Im curious about something in this case...really has me on the interested in yours and TWs take on it...i posted it in the other thread. Ill go find it and post it here...youll have to put your investigative hat on for this one. Are you interested?

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