Jodi Arias Penalty

Hey TW,

I cant remember either. I do remember that a lot of the stuff surrounding Patti was in judges chambers. So hard to say what they said behind closed doors.

I would bet that whatever they could use to show threat, then they would present it as a threat on her life. Like the address being given out...they would argue that was a potential threat and a concern for her having a kid and all. You know defense teams...give them a little window and let the exaggeration begin.

As far as her pleading the 5th that someone mentioned a few pages back. I think it may have been questioning of maybe what they did when they were younger. You can plead the 5th for just about anything as you know and dont really have to explain it. I think it was just her out for not wanting to testify.

Very funny to me that she wants to be known now as Jodis "former friend". She seemed pretty convinced of Jodis guilt...she called her a murderer. No explanation or belief of self defense at all. Man, Jodi had but one sad and how telling.

And this chick has to be one of the most emotional wrecks I have heard on, she cries at the drop of a dime.

I have no idea why she would plead the 5th. Whatever the reason, it's not good for a character witness to get up and claim they do not wish to incriminate themselves. That implies involvement in something that could get you arrested. But admitting to smoking pot in childhood is not going to get you arrested, so I think it has more to do with the photos that were sold, but I know nothing for sure.

I think Womack may be a naive person. She looked upon her friend with fondness, but she never really expressed why. I guess we will never know that. Maybe Arias was fun to be with at the time? I never heard Womack mention any REAL specific acts of kindness demonstrated by Arias, where Arias actually put herself out. Womack mentioned being surprised that Arias showed up to be in her wedding, but on that occasion Womack's father paid for Arias's dress, so I can see Jodi not turning down an opportunity to go to an event and get dressed up for her own reasons. (Like the PPL conference) Supposedly she took photos there and gave them to Womack as a gift, but again, it looked like Arias could use a A LOT of practice in the photography department, so perhaps there was an alternative motive there for her, as well.

I still think the defense decided that they weren't going to use her because she was a liability, more so than Womack deciding not to be there.

I think the spin has changed, in terms of "former friend", "murderer" and whatnot, because of the heat she faced from the internet. She's probably a nice person, who has strong enough vulnerabilities, where a person like Arias would be able to use her as a tool. That is only my opinion.

Hmmm...I think you got pattie nailed spot on. Youre right probably not worried about incriminating herself over pot she may have smoked with Jodi 10-15 yrs ago.

And yeah, jodi had an ulterior and selfish reason for just about everything. She was probably so proud of her own photography, so she gives it as a gift. Jodi seems to be enamored with her own work. I mean she sells pictures of hour glasses while on trial for murder...:cuckoo:

I would like to see the question posed to Jodi by the media: Why was it so difficult to get anyone to come forward for you? Where is your support? Where are your friends? Where is your own mother and father and siblings when it came to someone pleading for your life?

That and exactly how many "Survivor" shirts have you been able to sell? Hows that going for ya?

eww Jodi irritates

I'm pretty sure that Womack's father also footed the bill for Arias's travel costs to that wedding, too. So really, it was a nice gift to Patti from her father. Arias didn't scrimp, save and sacrifice to be there for her friend. Think about it. Supposedly she borrowed money to go kill Alexander. So when it was important to her, she made a concerted effort to get funds on her own.
Also, I believe the Arias family would get up and beg for mercy on her behalf. They have been there for her. The problem is that it doesn't jibe with Arias's story of abuse. I think the family would be highly effective in helping her. Her personality disorder won't allow her to move away from the victimization narrative, I think.
Hmmm...I think you got pattie nailed spot on. Youre right probably not worried about incriminating herself over pot she may have smoked with Jodi 10-15 yrs ago.

And yeah, jodi had an ulterior and selfish reason for just about everything. She was probably so proud of her own photography, so she gives it as a gift. Jodi seems to be enamored with her own work. I mean she sells pictures of hour glasses while on trial for murder...:cuckoo:

I would like to see the question posed to Jodi by the media: Why was it so difficult to get anyone to come forward for you? Where is your support? Where are your friends? Where is your own mother and father and siblings when it came to someone pleading for your life?

That and exactly how many "Survivor" shirts have you been able to sell? Hows that going for ya?

eww Jodi irritates

What I'd like to hear them ask Jodi is absolutely nothing. She isn't going to tell the truth on anything, so why bother? She doesn't deserve anyone's attention for even a split second.
I have no idea why she would plead the 5th. Whatever the reason, it's not good for a character witness to get up and claim they do not wish to incriminate themselves. That implies involvement in something that could get you arrested. But admitting to smoking pot in childhood is not going to get you arrested, so I think it has more to do with the photos that were sold, but I know nothing for sure.

I think Womack may be a naive person. She looked upon her friend with fondness, but she never really expressed why. I guess we will never know that. Maybe Arias was fun to be with at the time? I never heard Womack mention any REAL specific acts of kindness demonstrated by Arias, where Arias actually put herself out. Womack mentioned being surprised that Arias showed up to be in her wedding, but on that occasion Womack's father paid for Arias's dress, so I can see Jodi not turning down an opportunity to go to an event and get dressed up for her own reasons. (Like the PPL conference) Supposedly she took photos there and gave them to Womack as a gift, but again, it looked like Arias could use a A LOT of practice in the photography department, so perhaps there was an alternative motive there for her, as well.

I still think the defense decided that they weren't going to use her because she was a liability, more so than Womack deciding not to be there.

I think the spin has changed, in terms of "former friend", "murderer" and whatnot, because of the heat she faced from the internet. She's probably a nice person, who has strong enough vulnerabilities, where a person like Arias would be able to use her as a tool. That is only my opinion.

Hmmm...I think you got pattie nailed spot on. Youre right probably not worried about incriminating herself over pot she may have smoked with Jodi 10-15 yrs ago.

And yeah, jodi had an ulterior and selfish reason for just about everything. She was probably so proud of her own photography, so she gives it as a gift. Jodi seems to be enamored with her own work. I mean she sells pictures of hour glasses while on trial for murder...:cuckoo:

I would like to see the question posed to Jodi by the media: Why was it so difficult to get anyone to come forward for you? Where is your support? Where are your friends? Where is your own mother and father and siblings when it came to someone pleading for your life?

That and exactly how many "Survivor" shirts have you been able to sell? Hows that going for ya?

eww Jodi irritates

I'm pretty sure that Womack's father also footed the bill for Arias's travel costs to that wedding, too. So really, it was a nice gift to Patti from her father. Arias didn't scrimp, save and sacrifice to be there for her friend. Think about it. Supposedly she borrowed money to go kill Alexander. So when it was important to her, she made a concerted effort to get funds on her own.

Spot on ....well said. Thats Jodi alright.
Also, I believe the Arias family would get up and beg for mercy on her behalf. They have been there for her. The problem is that it doesn't jibe with Arias's story of abuse. I think the family would be highly effective in helping her. Her personality disorder won't allow her to move away from the victimization narrative, I think.

Oh, I agree...they have been there for her and they would have taken the stand for her. I would just like to hear jodis explanation for why she didnt let them do it. Jodi, if not already, would blame her attorneys...Im sure.

Youre right, the families pleas wouldn't hold up to JM scrutiny or the Jodi narrative. Imagine being her mom and having to sit there and listen to all of her abuse claims and then on top of that to try and believe the same daughter making abuse claims against the person she murdered in front of his family to justify her actions.

Wow....just stick the needle in me before I would put my mom thru that.
Hmmm...I think you got pattie nailed spot on. Youre right probably not worried about incriminating herself over pot she may have smoked with Jodi 10-15 yrs ago.

And yeah, jodi had an ulterior and selfish reason for just about everything. She was probably so proud of her own photography, so she gives it as a gift. Jodi seems to be enamored with her own work. I mean she sells pictures of hour glasses while on trial for murder...:cuckoo:

I would like to see the question posed to Jodi by the media: Why was it so difficult to get anyone to come forward for you? Where is your support? Where are your friends? Where is your own mother and father and siblings when it came to someone pleading for your life?

That and exactly how many "Survivor" shirts have you been able to sell? Hows that going for ya?

eww Jodi irritates

What I'd like to hear them ask Jodi is absolutely nothing. She isn't going to tell the truth on anything, so why bother? She doesn't deserve anyone's attention for even a split second.

LOL...thats true. Its become of source of comic relief for me to watch her weasle out of things. "I want to die" you dont...."oh changed my mind...I dont want to die I want to help better the prison system and help people"...lmao.
Hmmm...I think you got pattie nailed spot on. Youre right probably not worried about incriminating herself over pot she may have smoked with Jodi 10-15 yrs ago.

And yeah, jodi had an ulterior and selfish reason for just about everything. She was probably so proud of her own photography, so she gives it as a gift. Jodi seems to be enamored with her own work. I mean she sells pictures of hour glasses while on trial for murder...:cuckoo:

I would like to see the question posed to Jodi by the media: Why was it so difficult to get anyone to come forward for you? Where is your support? Where are your friends? Where is your own mother and father and siblings when it came to someone pleading for your life?

That and exactly how many "Survivor" shirts have you been able to sell? Hows that going for ya?

eww Jodi irritates

What I'd like to hear them ask Jodi is absolutely nothing. She isn't going to tell the truth on anything, so why bother? She doesn't deserve anyone's attention for even a split second.

LOL...thats true. Its become of source of comic relief for me to watch her weasle out of things. "I want to die" you dont...."oh changed my mind...I dont want to die I want to help better the prison system and help people"...lmao.

In a twisted way, the "Law of Attraction" did work for her. What she sowed, she reaped. (and it ain't over yet)
What I'd like to hear them ask Jodi is absolutely nothing. She isn't going to tell the truth on anything, so why bother? She doesn't deserve anyone's attention for even a split second.

LOL...thats true. Its become of source of comic relief for me to watch her weasle out of things. "I want to die" you dont...."oh changed my mind...I dont want to die I want to help better the prison system and help people"...lmao.

In a twisted way, the "Law of Attraction" did work for her. What she sowed, she reaped. (and it ain't over yet)

Pfft, Law of attraction. Hate it. In my wildest imagination, I can't fathom what awful deeds the Alexanders committed to deserve what they attracted. Were they selling babies and eating kittens?
I haven't read the defense's motion in a while. Do you recall if they specifically stated that she had received threats? Or did they describe it only as intimidation? I can't recall.

Hey TW,

I cant remember either. I do remember that a lot of the stuff surrounding Patti was in judges chambers. So hard to say what they said behind closed doors.

I would bet that whatever they could use to show threat, then they would present it as a threat on her life. Like the address being given out...they would argue that was a potential threat and a concern for her having a kid and all. You know defense teams...give them a little window and let the exaggeration begin.

As far as her pleading the 5th that someone mentioned a few pages back. I think it may have been questioning of maybe what they did when they were younger. You can plead the 5th for just about anything as you know and dont really have to explain it. I think it was just her out for not wanting to testify.

Very funny to me that she wants to be known now as Jodis "former friend". She seemed pretty convinced of Jodis guilt...she called her a murderer. No explanation or belief of self defense at all. Man, Jodi had but one sad and how telling.

And this chick has to be one of the most emotional wrecks I have heard on, she cries at the drop of a dime.

I have no idea why she would plead the 5th. Whatever the reason, it's not good for a character witness to get up and claim they do not wish to incriminate themselves. That implies involvement in something that could get you arrested. But admitting to smoking pot in childhood is not going to get you arrested, so I think it has more to do with the photos that were sold, but I know nothing for sure.

I think Womack may be a naive person. She looked upon her friend with fondness, but she never really expressed why. I guess we will never know that. Maybe Arias was fun to be with at the time? I never heard Womack mention any REAL specific acts of kindness demonstrated by Arias, where Arias actually put herself out. Womack mentioned being surprised that Arias showed up to be in her wedding, but on that occasion Womack's father paid for Arias's dress, so I can see Jodi not turning down an opportunity to go to an event and get dressed up for her own reasons. (Like the PPL conference) Supposedly she took photos there and gave them to Womack as a gift, but again, it looked like Arias could use a A LOT of practice in the photography department, so perhaps there was an alternative motive there for her, as well.

I still think the defense decided that they weren't going to use her because she was a liability, more so than Womack deciding not to be there.

I think the spin has changed, in terms of "former friend", "murderer" and whatnot, because of the heat she faced from the internet. She's probably a nice person, who has strong enough vulnerabilities, where a person like Arias would be able to use her as a tool. That is only my opinion.

I agree on the spin because of the heat from the net. I would look upon friends I grew up with with a fondness but probably not be able to name specifics as why. There's a few that I knew that I still care for because we grew up together even though I know now them to be train wrecks so I don't find that odd. As for Arias and Patty's wedding, I don't know that there has to be an alternative motive. She's a human being, a messed up one I grant, but shes not a caricature. You guys always speak of her as if shes some one dimensional cartoon character and while I don't believe that she has as much depth as everyone else I don't think that everything she ever did or does has some alternate nefarious motivation.
I have no idea why she would plead the 5th. Whatever the reason, it's not good for a character witness to get up and claim they do not wish to incriminate themselves. That implies involvement in something that could get you arrested. But admitting to smoking pot in childhood is not going to get you arrested, so I think it has more to do with the photos that were sold, but I know nothing for sure.

I think Womack may be a naive person. She looked upon her friend with fondness, but she never really expressed why. I guess we will never know that. Maybe Arias was fun to be with at the time? I never heard Womack mention any REAL specific acts of kindness demonstrated by Arias, where Arias actually put herself out. Womack mentioned being surprised that Arias showed up to be in her wedding, but on that occasion Womack's father paid for Arias's dress, so I can see Jodi not turning down an opportunity to go to an event and get dressed up for her own reasons. (Like the PPL conference) Supposedly she took photos there and gave them to Womack as a gift, but again, it looked like Arias could use a A LOT of practice in the photography department, so perhaps there was an alternative motive there for her, as well.

I still think the defense decided that they weren't going to use her because she was a liability, more so than Womack deciding not to be there.

I think the spin has changed, in terms of "former friend", "murderer" and whatnot, because of the heat she faced from the internet. She's probably a nice person, who has strong enough vulnerabilities, where a person like Arias would be able to use her as a tool. That is only my opinion.

Hmmm...I think you got pattie nailed spot on. Youre right probably not worried about incriminating herself over pot she may have smoked with Jodi 10-15 yrs ago.

And yeah, jodi had an ulterior and selfish reason for just about everything. She was probably so proud of her own photography, so she gives it as a gift. Jodi seems to be enamored with her own work. I mean she sells pictures of hour glasses while on trial for murder...:cuckoo:

I would like to see the question posed to Jodi by the media: Why was it so difficult to get anyone to come forward for you? Where is your support? Where are your friends? Where is your own mother and father and siblings when it came to someone pleading for your life?

That and exactly how many "Survivor" shirts have you been able to sell? Hows that going for ya?

eww Jodi irritates

I'm pretty sure that Womack's father also footed the bill for Arias's travel costs to that wedding, too. So really, it was a nice gift to Patti from her father. Arias didn't scrimp, save and sacrifice to be there for her friend. Think about it. Supposedly she borrowed money to go kill Alexander. So when it was important to her, she made a concerted effort to get funds on her own.

Just curious where did you hear all this stuff about the father paying for all of this I hadn't read that before.
Also, I believe the Arias family would get up and beg for mercy on her behalf. They have been there for her. The problem is that it doesn't jibe with Arias's story of abuse. I think the family would be highly effective in helping her. Her personality disorder won't allow her to move away from the victimization narrative, I think.

Oh, I agree...they have been there for her and they would have taken the stand for her. I would just like to hear jodis explanation for why she didnt let them do it. Jodi, if not already, would blame her attorneys...Im sure.

Youre right, the families pleas wouldn't hold up to JM scrutiny or the Jodi narrative. Imagine being her mom and having to sit there and listen to all of her abuse claims and then on top of that to try and believe the same daughter making abuse claims against the person she murdered in front of his family to justify her actions.

Wow....just stick the needle in me before I would put my mom thru that.
I wonder if the mother believes the abuse claims about Travis. I was thinking she did since she wore the DV ribbon but I'm not sure. My thought is if she believes the abuse claims about TA could there be some truth to the claims about her?
LOL...thats true. Its become of source of comic relief for me to watch her weasle out of things. "I want to die" you dont...."oh changed my mind...I dont want to die I want to help better the prison system and help people"...lmao.

In a twisted way, the "Law of Attraction" did work for her. What she sowed, she reaped. (and it ain't over yet)

Pfft, Law of attraction. Hate it. In my wildest imagination, I can't fathom what awful deeds the Alexanders committed to deserve what they attracted. Were they selling babies and eating kittens?

Is the law of attraction the same thing as karma but under a different names? I don't think anyone deserved this no matter what they have done but I won't pretend they are perfect either.
In a twisted way, the "Law of Attraction" did work for her. What she sowed, she reaped. (and it ain't over yet)

Pfft, Law of attraction. Hate it. In my wildest imagination, I can't fathom what awful deeds the Alexanders committed to deserve what they attracted. Were they selling babies and eating kittens?

Is the law of attraction the same thing as karma but under a different names? I don't think anyone deserved this no matter what they have done but I won't pretend they are perfect either.

Tink, who the hell is perfect?
Hmmm...I think you got pattie nailed spot on. Youre right probably not worried about incriminating herself over pot she may have smoked with Jodi 10-15 yrs ago.

And yeah, jodi had an ulterior and selfish reason for just about everything. She was probably so proud of her own photography, so she gives it as a gift. Jodi seems to be enamored with her own work. I mean she sells pictures of hour glasses while on trial for murder...:cuckoo:

I would like to see the question posed to Jodi by the media: Why was it so difficult to get anyone to come forward for you? Where is your support? Where are your friends? Where is your own mother and father and siblings when it came to someone pleading for your life?

That and exactly how many "Survivor" shirts have you been able to sell? Hows that going for ya?

eww Jodi irritates

I'm pretty sure that Womack's father also footed the bill for Arias's travel costs to that wedding, too. So really, it was a nice gift to Patti from her father. Arias didn't scrimp, save and sacrifice to be there for her friend. Think about it. Supposedly she borrowed money to go kill Alexander. So when it was important to her, she made a concerted effort to get funds on her own.

Just curious where did you hear all this stuff about the father paying for all of this I hadn't read that before.

I heard it from Womack when she was interviewed on HLN. They were showing photos and video, I think, of Arias at the wedding simultaneously.
Hey TW,

I cant remember either. I do remember that a lot of the stuff surrounding Patti was in judges chambers. So hard to say what they said behind closed doors.

I would bet that whatever they could use to show threat, then they would present it as a threat on her life. Like the address being given out...they would argue that was a potential threat and a concern for her having a kid and all. You know defense teams...give them a little window and let the exaggeration begin.

As far as her pleading the 5th that someone mentioned a few pages back. I think it may have been questioning of maybe what they did when they were younger. You can plead the 5th for just about anything as you know and dont really have to explain it. I think it was just her out for not wanting to testify.

Very funny to me that she wants to be known now as Jodis "former friend". She seemed pretty convinced of Jodis guilt...she called her a murderer. No explanation or belief of self defense at all. Man, Jodi had but one sad and how telling.

And this chick has to be one of the most emotional wrecks I have heard on, she cries at the drop of a dime.

I have no idea why she would plead the 5th. Whatever the reason, it's not good for a character witness to get up and claim they do not wish to incriminate themselves. That implies involvement in something that could get you arrested. But admitting to smoking pot in childhood is not going to get you arrested, so I think it has more to do with the photos that were sold, but I know nothing for sure.

I think Womack may be a naive person. She looked upon her friend with fondness, but she never really expressed why. I guess we will never know that. Maybe Arias was fun to be with at the time? I never heard Womack mention any REAL specific acts of kindness demonstrated by Arias, where Arias actually put herself out. Womack mentioned being surprised that Arias showed up to be in her wedding, but on that occasion Womack's father paid for Arias's dress, so I can see Jodi not turning down an opportunity to go to an event and get dressed up for her own reasons. (Like the PPL conference) Supposedly she took photos there and gave them to Womack as a gift, but again, it looked like Arias could use a A LOT of practice in the photography department, so perhaps there was an alternative motive there for her, as well.

I still think the defense decided that they weren't going to use her because she was a liability, more so than Womack deciding not to be there.

I think the spin has changed, in terms of "former friend", "murderer" and whatnot, because of the heat she faced from the internet. She's probably a nice person, who has strong enough vulnerabilities, where a person like Arias would be able to use her as a tool. That is only my opinion.

I agree on the spin because of the heat from the net. I would look upon friends I grew up with with a fondness but probably not be able to name specifics as why. There's a few that I knew that I still care for because we grew up together even though I know now them to be train wrecks so I don't find that odd. As for Arias and Patty's wedding, I don't know that there has to be an alternative motive. She's a human being, a messed up one I grant, but shes not a caricature. You guys always speak of her as if shes some one dimensional cartoon character and while I don't believe that she has as much depth as everyone else I don't think that everything she ever did or does has some alternate nefarious motivation.

I don't think she is one dimensional, but I do believe she has a PD, and so I think she is highly motivated to self-benefit, more than the average person. That is characteristic of a few types of disorders.
Pfft, Law of attraction. Hate it. In my wildest imagination, I can't fathom what awful deeds the Alexanders committed to deserve what they attracted. Were they selling babies and eating kittens?

Is the law of attraction the same thing as karma but under a different names? I don't think anyone deserved this no matter what they have done but I won't pretend they are perfect either.

Tink, who the hell is perfect?

Me! LOL JK. I just mean a lot of people act like they are saints but most of them have criminal records and I'm not sure that those funds are above board. However, I still feel very sorry for them. Samantha and Steven especially pull on my heart strings.
I'm pretty sure that Womack's father also footed the bill for Arias's travel costs to that wedding, too. So really, it was a nice gift to Patti from her father. Arias didn't scrimp, save and sacrifice to be there for her friend. Think about it. Supposedly she borrowed money to go kill Alexander. So when it was important to her, she made a concerted effort to get funds on her own.

Just curious where did you hear all this stuff about the father paying for all of this I hadn't read that before.

I heard it from Womack when she was interviewed on HLN. They were showing photos and video, I think, of Arias at the wedding simultaneously.

Either I forgot or I wasn't listening that carefully, interesting.

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