Jodi Arias Penalty

Also, I believe the Arias family would get up and beg for mercy on her behalf. They have been there for her. The problem is that it doesn't jibe with Arias's story of abuse. I think the family would be highly effective in helping her. Her personality disorder won't allow her to move away from the victimization narrative, I think.

Oh, I agree...they have been there for her and they would have taken the stand for her. I would just like to hear jodis explanation for why she didnt let them do it. Jodi, if not already, would blame her attorneys...Im sure.

Youre right, the families pleas wouldn't hold up to JM scrutiny or the Jodi narrative. Imagine being her mom and having to sit there and listen to all of her abuse claims and then on top of that to try and believe the same daughter making abuse claims against the person she murdered in front of his family to justify her actions.

Wow....just stick the needle in me before I would put my mom thru that.
I wonder if the mother believes the abuse claims about Travis. I was thinking she did since she wore the DV ribbon but I'm not sure. My thought is if she believes the abuse claims about TA could there be some truth to the claims about her?

I think she probably feels guilty about the way her daughter turned out, whether she is directly (by nurture) or indirectly (by nature and giving birth) responsible for it. Further, she wanted to save her life, and lastly, wouldn't a horrible crime like that be easier to swallow if you believe someone instigated your child's actions rather than viewing her as monstrous on her own?
Oh, I agree...they have been there for her and they would have taken the stand for her. I would just like to hear jodis explanation for why she didnt let them do it. Jodi, if not already, would blame her attorneys...Im sure.

Youre right, the families pleas wouldn't hold up to JM scrutiny or the Jodi narrative. Imagine being her mom and having to sit there and listen to all of her abuse claims and then on top of that to try and believe the same daughter making abuse claims against the person she murdered in front of his family to justify her actions.

Wow....just stick the needle in me before I would put my mom thru that.
I wonder if the mother believes the abuse claims about Travis. I was thinking she did since she wore the DV ribbon but I'm not sure. My thought is if she believes the abuse claims about TA could there be some truth to the claims about her?

I think she probably feels guilty about the way her daughter turned out, whether she is directly (by nurture) or indirectly (by nature and giving birth) responsible for it. Further, she wanted to save her life, and lastly, wouldn't a horrible crime like that be easier to swallow if you believe someone instigated your child's actions rather than viewing her as monstrous on her own?

Possible, but its also possible she really was abused. We'll never know. Don't personalty disorders usually get caused by abuse?
Is the law of attraction the same thing as karma but under a different names? I don't think anyone deserved this no matter what they have done but I won't pretend they are perfect either.

Tink, who the hell is perfect?

Me! LOL JK. I just mean a lot of people act like they are saints but most of them have criminal records and I'm not sure that those funds are above board. However, I still feel very sorry for them. Samantha and Steven especially pull on my heart strings.

I look at it this way. Their alleged crimes, which I have seen no corroboration of, have absolutely nothing to do with Arias murdering their brother. Now I suppose if you believe in the stupid law of attraction, you can say they committed crimes and thus they are getting just deserts, but they'd have to be some really heinous acts, if you ask me to be slammed with something like this.
I can't believe its not gonna be live streamed. Wahwahwah

It probably won't be very long and be kind of boring. We probably won't be missing much and it will be reported on

Yeah they're already reporting that some of the jurors will be present. So I'm sure they'll be all over hln all night tomorrow night.:rolleyes:

But I can't complain bc I will probably watch it. Lol
Tink, who the hell is perfect?

Me! LOL JK. I just mean a lot of people act like they are saints but most of them have criminal records and I'm not sure that those funds are above board. However, I still feel very sorry for them. Samantha and Steven especially pull on my heart strings.

I look at it this way. Their alleged crimes, which I have seen no corroboration of, have absolutely nothing to do with Arias murdering their brother. Now I suppose if you believe in the stupid law of attraction, you can say they committed crimes and thus they are getting just deserts, but they'd have to be some really heinous acts, if you ask me to be slammed with something like this.

I've seen some corroboration and we know his brother used his ID. I doubt Samantha has a record as she is a cop. But all in all I agree with you it has nothing to do with their brothers murder. I don't feel that anyone deserves this. And I don't believe in the law of attraction. But I do often hear people say karma what goes around comes around so I wonder if more people believe in it but don't know it. My mom was all about the secret and would get mad when I wouldn't listen to her talk about it.
I wonder if the mother believes the abuse claims about Travis. I was thinking she did since she wore the DV ribbon but I'm not sure. My thought is if she believes the abuse claims about TA could there be some truth to the claims about her?

I think she probably feels guilty about the way her daughter turned out, whether she is directly (by nurture) or indirectly (by nature and giving birth) responsible for it. Further, she wanted to save her life, and lastly, wouldn't a horrible crime like that be easier to swallow if you believe someone instigated your child's actions rather than viewing her as monstrous on her own?

Possible, but its also possible she really was abused. We'll never know. Don't personalty disorders usually get caused by abuse?

They can be caused by abuse/neglect and they might not be, or they could be caused genetic fluke, predisposition, by a combination of genetic predisposition, or genetic fluke and environment. There's no way of knowing exactly. It's a lot easier to assign guilt to environment when it was horrendously abusive or neglectful. But you know, people can turn out lovely in spite of their parents, sociology-economic group, environment, and so on. Conversely, people can become terrible in spite of good and decent parents.
Me! LOL JK. I just mean a lot of people act like they are saints but most of them have criminal records and I'm not sure that those funds are above board. However, I still feel very sorry for them. Samantha and Steven especially pull on my heart strings.

I look at it this way. Their alleged crimes, which I have seen no corroboration of, have absolutely nothing to do with Arias murdering their brother. Now I suppose if you believe in the stupid law of attraction, you can say they committed crimes and thus they are getting just deserts, but they'd have to be some really heinous acts, if you ask me to be slammed with something like this.

I've seen some corroboration and we know his brother used his ID. I doubt Samantha has a record as she is a cop. But all in all I agree with you it has nothing to do with their brothers murder. I don't feel that anyone deserves this. And I don't believe in the law of attraction. But I do often hear people say karma what goes around comes around so I wonder if more people believe in it but don't know it. My mom was all about the secret and would get mad when I wouldn't listen to her talk about it.

I think that kind of shit is just as awful as people threatening Patti, Willmott, etc. Why do they feel the need to dig up dirt on these people?
I think it would be nice if karma actually worked. But all too often bad things happen to nice people. The karma idea can make them feel responsible for their own bad situation.
I think she probably feels guilty about the way her daughter turned out, whether she is directly (by nurture) or indirectly (by nature and giving birth) responsible for it. Further, she wanted to save her life, and lastly, wouldn't a horrible crime like that be easier to swallow if you believe someone instigated your child's actions rather than viewing her as monstrous on her own?

Possible, but its also possible she really was abused. We'll never know. Don't personalty disorders usually get caused by abuse?

They can be caused by abuse/neglect and they might not be, or they could be caused genetic fluke, predisposition, by a combination of genetic predisposition, or genetic fluke and environment. There's no way of knowing exactly. It's a lot easier to assign guilt to environment when it was horrendously abusive or neglectful. But you know, people can turn out lovely in spite of their parents, sociology-economic group, environment, and so on. Conversely, people can become terrible in spite of good and decent parents.

Very true!
I look at it this way. Their alleged crimes, which I have seen no corroboration of, have absolutely nothing to do with Arias murdering their brother. Now I suppose if you believe in the stupid law of attraction, you can say they committed crimes and thus they are getting just deserts, but they'd have to be some really heinous acts, if you ask me to be slammed with something like this.

I've seen some corroboration and we know his brother used his ID. I doubt Samantha has a record as she is a cop. But all in all I agree with you it has nothing to do with their brothers murder. I don't feel that anyone deserves this. And I don't believe in the law of attraction. But I do often hear people say karma what goes around comes around so I wonder if more people believe in it but don't know it. My mom was all about the secret and would get mad when I wouldn't listen to her talk about it.

I think that kind of shit is just as awful as people threatening Patti, Willmott, etc. Why do they feel the need to dig up dirt on these people?

You are right. Awful on both fronts. The only part of this I can understand is that Travis' record was related to violence so it was relevant, and because it wasn't actually his record the brothers stuff came up. Also if they are trying to get money and not using it as it should be that would be relevant too but I don't know solidly if that's true or not.
I've seen some corroboration and we know his brother used his ID. I doubt Samantha has a record as she is a cop. But all in all I agree with you it has nothing to do with their brothers murder. I don't feel that anyone deserves this. And I don't believe in the law of attraction. But I do often hear people say karma what goes around comes around so I wonder if more people believe in it but don't know it. My mom was all about the secret and would get mad when I wouldn't listen to her talk about it.

I think that kind of shit is just as awful as people threatening Patti, Willmott, etc. Why do they feel the need to dig up dirt on these people?

You are right. Awful on both fronts. The only part of this I can understand is that Travis' record was related to violence so it was relevant, and because it wasn't actually his record the brothers stuff came up. Also if they are trying to get money and not using it as it should be that would be relevant too but I don't know solidly if that's true or not.

What are they alleged to be using the money for? I thought something was set up to cover their expenses.
I think yall have talked about this already but I was wondering if any of you are gonna watch the lifetime movie this weekend?

I am gonna watch it but only to see how they do the murder part. Will they go with the shot first or the stab? That sorta thing. It will be hard to watch though imo.
I think that kind of shit is just as awful as people threatening Patti, Willmott, etc. Why do they feel the need to dig up dirt on these people?

You are right. Awful on both fronts. The only part of this I can understand is that Travis' record was related to violence so it was relevant, and because it wasn't actually his record the brothers stuff came up. Also if they are trying to get money and not using it as it should be that would be relevant too but I don't know solidly if that's true or not.

What are they alleged to be using the money for? I thought something was set up to cover their expenses.

If its all covering their expenses then I'm ok with that problem is theres no way to know. I would imagine they have hefty expenses taking so much time off work and staying in AZ all this time. They have stated that any money left over will go to things Travis supported but there is no transparency in the fund and Chris Hughes even had a whole different fund in Travis' name and a few websites so it looks a little suspicious.
Animal Lover,
I probably won't get it for a long time because I don't have cable so I have to wait till I can find it on the internet but I'll watch it out of curiosity. Plus I liked that actress on LOST. I'm wondering if they will even show the murder.
I wonder if the mother believes the abuse claims about Travis. I was thinking she did since she wore the DV ribbon but I'm not sure. My thought is if she believes the abuse claims about TA could there be some truth to the claims about her?

I think she probably feels guilty about the way her daughter turned out, whether she is directly (by nurture) or indirectly (by nature and giving birth) responsible for it. Further, she wanted to save her life, and lastly, wouldn't a horrible crime like that be easier to swallow if you believe someone instigated your child's actions rather than viewing her as monstrous on her own?

Possible, but its also possible she really was abused. We'll never know. Don't personalty disorders usually get caused by abuse?

What causes personality disorders?

"Research suggests that genetics, abuse and other factors contribute to the development of obsessive-compulsive, narcissistic or other personality disorders."

Notice the word "SUGGESTS". It isn't confirmed. I really don't believe science knows why some people are affected and others aren't. You could take 2 people, presumably normal, put them through the same stress and problems from the time they're born, and chances are they'll both be perfectly normal and know right from wrong. So, if 1 gets pissed off at someone one day and decides he/she needs to eliminate that person off the face of the planet, who can say with 100% certainty that a particular event was the root cause? You can't. If that was the case, there would be thousands of people running around with a ticking time bomb in their brain ready to explode. What gets me is that most research forgets to include free will. People make choices, just like Jodi did. Just because some make bad choices (like murder), when they know right from wrong, doesn't mean they were driven to do so by a personality disorder; it just means they were hellbent on having their way. Jodi knew what she was planning and what she did was wrong, otherwise she wouldn't have attempted to cover her trail from the time she started planning it.
I think yall have talked about this already but I was wondering if any of you are gonna watch the lifetime movie this weekend?

I am gonna watch it but only to see how they do the murder part. Will they go with the shot first or the stab? That sorta thing. It will be hard to watch though imo.

I won't bother with it. I can't stand Lifetime. Their shows make me gag.
You are right. Awful on both fronts. The only part of this I can understand is that Travis' record was related to violence so it was relevant, and because it wasn't actually his record the brothers stuff came up. Also if they are trying to get money and not using it as it should be that would be relevant too but I don't know solidly if that's true or not.

What are they alleged to be using the money for? I thought something was set up to cover their expenses.

If its all covering their expenses then I'm ok with that problem is theres no way to know. I would imagine they have hefty expenses taking so much time off work and staying in AZ all this time. They have stated that any money left over will go to things Travis supported but there is no transparency in the fund and Chris Hughes even had a whole different fund in Travis' name and a few websites so it looks a little suspicious.

I don't think Hughes should be administering any funds, unless he has qualified for charity/nonprofit with the government and there is some transparency. But I feel this way about all charities. I will go to charity navigator and investigate the % that goes toward administrative and solicitation costs versus real work toward a goal, before I will contribute. And of course, I want the goal to be explicitly and clearly written.

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