Jodi Arias Penalty

Even if, as of today, she plans to speak, JA could still back out by tomorrow, who knows. She'll no doubt be arguing on both sides with all the voices in her head, all night long!

She wants to, in the worst way.
Nurmi submitted some exhibits (under seal) that evidently documented threats.....wish we got to see that stuff too! Wonder if it's made public after trial?

I saw/read a link to one site today that had an open letter to Brewer, telling him to rethink his testimony, think of his child, etc (was creepy, as was some of the stuff said/sent/done to ALV).......those idiots should be prosecuted!

But no doubt JM was prepared to go to town on PW's character and had done some homework.

But Brewer didn't back out, right? Nurmi just dropped him. Was he threatened too?

That's what I thought because he wasn't mentioned today was he?

Still makes no sense to me why at least Darryl couldn't have testified, in closed session, to provide her with a mitigation witness. Her whole family was there so maybe they could have spoken also. Makes no sense unless it is a ploy to create an issue for appeal. I wonder what the judge will say to the jury regarding the defense's lack of a mitigation case. That could be dicey since Nurmi promised they would present witnesses. I know the judge addressed it and said she would read the standard text but not with the additional explanations the defense wanted her to.

Any chance this could be an issue on appeal? Even after the judge offered to do this in closed session? Gosh I hope not! At least the appeal would be limited to the penalty phase and not to the guilt phase. That's one saving grace if that happens.
Thanks swear. Yeah my name was That's a good thought too feisty. I haven't thought of that. Because you know defense is keeping up with all the media.
I found out earlier and it may be old news to some of you but did yall know Jodi asked to go back to traviss house two weeks after she killed him?
Where are the good threads? I want to go scoping.

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