Jodi Arias Penalty

Backatcha, but from what I've read so far my reps may be shooting blanks, lol

I haven't heard that Aye, but have said all along that someone from the family was probably going to speak Never understood why folks were assuming they wouldn't! Will check out your link, but I am going to assume they are all following into line with the Def motion of too dangerous, intimidation etc
yikes...that has to be one of the most slanted "articles" I've read in a long time (read like a message board post, lol)
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yikes...that has to be one of the most slanted "articles" I've read in a long time (read like a message board post, lol)

Here's another:

THat one at least attempted balance, lol

I do believe that def can run around , after court concluded today, trying for an emergency appeal too, going over JS' s head so to who knows what tomorrow brings....I they have credible evidence of threats (and gawd knows it's possible based on the idiots we've all seen posting on the internet) they may just get their stay (though I doubt it, more likely down the road on appeal)...The long and the short of it, JA/Def isn't done yet!
I also wouldn't be surprised if this trial, in particular, doesn't spawn a bunch of media talk, possibly even court or govt hearings, about live stream coverage vs social media/interaction/mobmentality and the effects on "fair trials"

would be sickening if JA ends up (in)famous for that!
can just imagine her freaking "memoir" claiming it was "her purpose" in life, why the beloved father put in her on this path, etc <barf!>

Has her manifesto ever been uncovered?
I also wouldn't be surprised if this trial, in particular, doesn't spawn a bunch of media talk, possibly even court or govt hearings, about live stream coverage vs social media/interaction/mobmentality and the effects on "fair trials"

would be sickening if JA ends up (in)famous for that!

That would go against the First Amendment to block access to the information, and it has come up before!
Frequently Asked Questions ? Press | First Amendment Center ? news, commentary, analysis on free speech, press, religion, assembly, petition
can just imagine her freaking "memoir" claiming it was "her purpose" in life, why the beloved father put in her on this path, etc <barf!>

Has her manifesto ever been uncovered?

I have no idea about the manifesto being uncovered. I'm sure it's all in her head. She's so full of it. If she did start to write one, I'm sure it'd change 'stories' at least 3 times. Knowing she's not true to her word, who would even publish it? Liars Anonymous?
Of course it would go against the constitution....When has that stopped the media or govt from spending a bazillion bucks to argue otherwise? lol
FTR---there is no constitutional guarantee of "live stream" though. Open forum and courtrooms =/= live stream
God bless them and save them....51 dead in Okie many still many disasters lately both natural and manmade, the world just doesn't make sense some days..nite all...thanks for the kind welcome!
If you guys came here to talk about the Arias trial, why haven't any of you posted on this >

that has been here since January. Huh?

Why am I having trouble with this thread loading? A real curiosity:eusa_eh:

I have no idea. we all decided we were not happy were we were so one of the members found this forum and we invited everyone to join us. I guess that it was thought that if there is only a week let in the trial it would not harmful?

I have no idea why you have trouble loading this thread. I have been in and out of it all day.

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