Jodi Arias Penalty

Ugh now its tell me the pics are too large or something. And it failed at the video I was going to post the video of her running full speed it was amazing
go baby albino gator

HLN on in the background. Did I miss the SA going back into chambers? Who said that? This must mean she's going to speak.
I hate gators.
Sandi went into chambers but we don't know why per wild tweet
every time I try to post a pic I get a message that says entity too large
Ugh now its tell me the pics are too large or something. And it failed at the video I was going to post the video of her running full speed it was amazing

Stick them on something like photobucket, then link to them.
I think the judge is making sure Arias knows the repercussions of whatever she's planning on saying. JMO
I think the judge is making sure Arias knows the repercussions of whatever she's planning on saying. JMO

I think the judge didn't know about this or she wouldn't have told the jurors to be there at 9:30 to make them wait more. This is some defense hair brained scheme they sprung this morning. Apparently they still don't get that piddling around with the jury is detrimental to them. JoJo "well it's MY trial, they can wait for me!"
I have live gators swimming free less than a mile from my house.

Don't feed the gators! And if one gets you, just stab him in the eyes with your thumbs. I heard that on Discovery Channel and I repeat it to myself because I'm afraid I'll forget in the heat of the moment.

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