Jodi Arias Penalty

Only coffee I drink on occasion is cuban coffee but I only drink it when I go to my grandma's in FL. I do like almond milk.

I love the chocolate it reminds me of a chocolate milk shake. 1 of these days I am going to freeze some and then put it in my food processor to see if I can get ice cream.

Chocolate almond milk? That sounds good, don't remember seeing that.
Saw this on facebook, take it for what you will.
A message from a member of this page. I've copied it out verbatim but have left out the poster's name. If you wish to come forward, please do so in the comments:

"I have unfortunately been in prison where she will go, and TRUST ME!!! She will NOT be the Predator..she WILL be the Prey!!! Prison is WAAAY different than that safe little jail she is in now!!! She's in for a rude awakening!!! And what she said about starting programs and clubs and helping the "illiterate" inmates..NEVER going to happen!!! She's going to be in COMPLETE isolation for AT LEAST five years, and after she manages to "program down" to a lower classification....she still needs to realize that's she's now an INMATE!! The State runs every aspect of your life, so NO she won't be contributing ANYTHING to society!! The closest she'll get is a 50 cent an hour job as a GED tutor..but that will take her YEARS and YEARS to get that "privilege". And her smug, superior attitude she has, all that's going to get her is beaten up and robbed!! So, it would be in her best interest to just SHUT UP FOR ONCE IN HER LIFE and get OK with the fact that as soon as that gate closes behind her at the "Perryville Complex" sign, nobody cares that she's Jodi Arias...for the rest of her disgusting life, all anyone will know about her is her INMATE NUMBER!!!"
I will miss you WAT-ergaters at the conclusion. Can I get a TM? Or an Amen?

I'm not tm'ing you if you keep on with that farewell and goodbye stuff.

She's getting dp and auto-appeal.

We're not missing the auto-appeal so we can hear DENIED! one more time before she skips off to her new life of 23 hour a day solitary confinement.

Who said it was the end of us on here just because the trial is nearly over?

I'm a jerk.
I can hear the knock on the door.....(((start XXX music)))
[ame=]Big Lebowski - Karl, the Expert (cable scene) - YouTube[/ame]
She is on odd duck. Why would she even care about the stripes. How absurd.

Do you think you could be a lone hold out or would you give in to pressure? I don't think it's just one but I could be wrong. Must be hard to be just one person, I hope they don't get pressured into something they don't want to.
Its odd that they were unanimous on everything else but then there was basically no mitigation and they are stuck. I guess it could be that some gave in before but decided that because they gave in before they aren't going to this time.
Also if it's up to the judge not only do I think LWOP because she's pissed but also remember she gave that other guy that killed his g/f and had m2 lwop.

I am thinking it may be a 7-5 split felony 7 non felony 5 the same as the M1 verdict but now 7 DP and 5 LWOP maybe.

Good catch feisty...probably about that way...I dont think they would have come back so quick if it was just one or two...Id say their are 3-5 that against putting her to death.

The thing for this jury is that why go thru the whole trial and then not even be the one to decide her fate? Its gonna be LWOP I hope...just life would suck...she would be out at 53 most likely.
What I don't get is if they found that it was cruel enough to warrant DP and they are death qualified. Then basically NO mitigation was presented, how did they get stuck? I mean why even vote aggrivated then?
aww...those are cute...are those yours tink?

Yup. 12 and 1 years old.

Is the young one rambunctious with the older one?

Yes she's a total PITA! Sometimes they cuddle but most of the time she is a bully. A lot of times she wants to play but the older one just isn't into it. We had another cat that passed away a little over a year ago she was best of friends with my oldest and when she passed the oldest cried all night because she can't stand to be alone, so we got the baby and the crying instantly stopped. So it was good but sometimes she definitely can't stand her lol.
aww...those are cute...are those yours tink?

Yup. 12 and 1 years old.

So my daughter sends me a text the other day from school. She says hey dad, Im getting a kitten...she says its one of those kittens that stays a kitten. Im like really? It stays a kitten? Yeah right!!

Problem is we have a little bichon I told her no...:confused:
Dog's and cats are often the best of friends, especially if the cat introduced is a kitten. That being said I have no idea about any cat that stays a kitten lol
She interviewed Jodi...yesterday. She was just on JVM talking about her interview. She makes Jodi look like a bigger bow wow than she really is.

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