Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend

Homos are mentally ill sub-humans that need to be culled from the human race. .. :cool:

Feel free to try and cull as many as you can. I will be one of the straight folks that will stand with them and put your ignorant ass down.

Not that they need my help. I'm sure most would laugh at you.

Your hatred is more of a mental illness.
If there is a "queer gene" least these two lezbos won't be passing it on into the human gene pool. .. :cool:
I wonder what will become of yours?

Fuck, is that camel jockey fucking dumb, JF already has 2 naturally born kids. And I bet they'll never be kissing any dirty carpets, which means they are better than a moo slim any fucking day of the week. :D
If there is a "queer gene" least these two lezbos won't be passing it on into the human gene pool. .. :cool:

This sort of ignorance makes me hope they get sperm from a gay man and have a baby.
Won't happen.....Jodie Foster is 51 and her pervert partner is about the same age. .. :cool:

Ok, so perhaps they will donate money to the many programs that assist gay couples adopting or conceiving thru artificial means. The end result is the same. You and your ilk lose.
What do you guys have against two women having a sexual relationship? Back in my days we used to fantasize about it. We should embrace it. In fact I wouldn't mind inviting Jodie and her spouse over for a housewarming party.

Ya sure now you're all uppity about it. Get lost.

I have no problem with gays period. As long as they don't shove it in my face. Let them marry. So fuckin' what. We got bigger fish to fry right now. I bet if gay marriage is approved nationwide the numbers will go down.
This sort of ignorance makes me hope they get sperm from a gay man and have a baby.
Won't happen.....Jodie Foster is 51 and her pervert partner is about the same age. .. :cool:

JF has 2 kids already, you fucking douche.

So what's bushier? A moo slim's beard or his wife's pussy?

No wonder their wives get their kicks elsewhere. My bet is that sunni "man" wouldn't know what to do with a real woman.
Won't happen.....Jodie Foster is 51 and her pervert partner is about the same age. .. :cool:

JF has 2 kids already, you fucking douche.

So what's bushier? A moo slim's beard or his wife's pussy?

No wonder their wives get their kicks elsewhere. My bet is that sunni "man" wouldn't know what to do with a real woman.
Nope. If he can't slap the shit out of a woman three times a day and get away with it, she's worthless as far as he's concerned.
If there is a "queer gene" least these two lezbos won't be passing it on into the human gene pool. .. :cool:



Good God. Are you the result of an abortion gone horribly wrong?
I'll pay the forum $100 to permaban Sunni Man and all his socks forever.

No forum deserves a troll like him.
Cause we know that only two parent heretosexual families never produce things like Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin...

Two queers cannot produce a child.


Are you stating that you believe this is the basis for a marriage to be recognized by the federal, state and local governments?

No, i have no problem them getting a civil unions. Marrige is between a man and woman, undsr God. I wish them no harm, just how i feel.

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