Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend


I saw "Taxi Driver" on teevee a couple of weeks ago. Man, she was great in that. She was what, 12?

Pretty & talented.

Honestly I don't think she's that hot and never understood what the big fuss is about with her. Powerful actor, maybe. But in bed I am pretty sure she's one of those duds.

She's intelligent and talented, and those two qualities are included in Mac's Hotness Scale™!


Homos are mentally ill sub-humans that need to be culled from the human race. .. :cool:

This comment reminds me of something Hitler would have said. Perhaps he did. I don't know. I do know he believed that Jews were sub - humans and needed to be culled from the human race.

Hitler was mentally ill yet his book Mein Kampf is still a best seller. Who would buy the book of a mentally ill person? Those who are as sick as Hitler was and hate as he hated. Hatred creates mental disturbances and opens ones soul to demonic possession.

Steer clear of irrational hatred and stay mentally healthy. :eusa_angel:
By "culling" the gays.....I meant they should be locked up and receive medical treatment for their mental illness.

But the hater Roudy changed it to murder. ... :cuckoo:

Because that's what culling means, to kill. Idiot.

Just curious, for each car bomb, can you kill more Shia, or more Jews? Who splatters the best?

Roudy is not the person who said homosexuals need to be culled from the human race. Roudy is not a hater of homosexual people. Neither am I. I would not take it upon myself to speak on Gods behalf announcing who can remain a part of the human race and who cannot remain a part of the human race. We do not institutionalize homosexuals in this country because homosexuals are not mentally ill.

What else? Jodie Foster is a brilliant actress who has made her own decisions about her own life. It is no one elses business what Jodie Foster does or how she chooses to live. That is between her and God and no one else.

Note* To cull is to take out something rejected because of inferior quality. In ranching it is called culling the herd. The inferior cattle are removed and then sold or sent to slaughter.

God loves the homosexuals as much as He loves everyone else. There is no difference between Gods love for Jodie Foster and Sunni. God does not see Sunni as being any better than Jodie Foster, any more "worthy" of His Love than Jodie Foster. That might disturb some folks but it is the truth.

I haven't noticed he's a habitual liar as I have noticed all progressives are.

So I respect his beliefs....At the same time, I would never support any movement to supplant our basic Christian liberty with oppressive Islam rule...but that isn't the issue here.

I don't respect progressive nutbags. They're disgusting, they're liars, and they have no concept of good and evil. Sunni recognizes that as well. So in this, we're of one mind.
For your information I am a conservative. When I came to this board I was shocked to find out that this asshole has you guys fooled. What is there to respect? He's an out an out racist and religious bigot. Respecting him is like saying you respect a KKK member who says all blacks are monkeys and should be culled. I hate liberalism and progressivism, and what Obama and his gang have done to our country as well, but not so much that I am willing to sell my soul and befriend someone like Sunni.

Come on, you guys are better than this. You're making conservatives look just as radical and whacko as the liberals.

I don't believe they are better than this.

Many rw's post this kind of hate crap here every day.

I'm just glad they're in the minority.

I don't believe that is an accurate statement, Luddly. Could you please post a few of those links for me where Right wing posters wrote Homosexuals should be culled from the human race?

Just post the links to these alleged posts here so we can view / examine them.

I do not recall ever reading this culling homosexuals from the human race stuff before reading this thread this morning. If you say this happens every single day, Luddly, then you shouldn't have any difficult posting a few of the links to those threads.

If you cannot find any will you please make a retraction stating you were mistaken? Thank you. ( I do not feel it is fair to group RW folks with that statement unless they are guilty of saying as you claim in your post here ) I appreciate it.

Because we need to hold fast to the truth.

- Jeremiah
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This is suppose to be news? Who cares? :blahblah:

It is news until Sharia Law takes over in America. Then Sharia Law will decide what is "supposed to be news" and what is not and it won't matter how you feel about it.

Freedom is so offensive to some folks, isn't it?
Homos are mentally ill sub-humans that need to be culled from the human race. .. :cool:

This comment reminds me of something Hitler would have said. Perhaps he did. I don't know. I do know he believed that Jews were sub - humans and needed to be culled from the human race.

Hitler was mentally ill yet his book Mein Kampf is still a best seller. Who would buy the book of a mentally ill person? Those who are as sick as Hitler was and hate as he hated. Hatred creates mental disturbances and opens ones soul to demonic possession.

Steer clear of irrational hatred and stay mentally healthy. :eusa_angel:
Translations of Hitler's Mein Kampf have been best sellers in many Muslim countries. I bet Sunni refers to it often.
This is suppose to be news? Who cares? :blahblah:

It is news until Sharia Law takes over in America. Then Sharia Law will decide what is "supposed to be news" and what is not and it won't matter how you feel about it.

Freedom is so offensive to some folks, isn't it?
I thought the liberal leftist media is already doing that.

Yesterday ALL OF America just HAD to know that the British a Royals paid a visit to Australia and what they did there!
Most fudge packers insist that being a pervert isn't a choice.......they were born that way......because of a homo gene.

So if a faggot or a carpet muncher uses a 3rd party person and has a baby.

Then the homo gene is passed on..... there is a strong chance the kid will grow up to be a pervert like its parents. ... :cool:

^^^^^^^^^^ :lmao:

I bet Sunni is the smart one at his carpet kissing centre. :D

When the Muslim bends down to kiss his dirty carpet it's Doggie Style and he gets a big PULSATING STIFF ROD up his ASS HOLE :lol:
I didn't know Jodie was a queer. I guess that explains why I always thought she had a slight speech impediment. It was a "lisp!"
To get the latest chapter of "gay marriage" agenda, Jodie Foster married her photographer girlfriend, start here:
- Jodie Foster is australian ex-prime-minister Julia Gillard.

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