Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend

I haven't noticed he's a habitual liar as I have noticed all progressives are.

So I respect his beliefs....At the same time, I would never support any movement to supplant our basic Christian liberty with oppressive Islam rule...but that isn't the issue here.

I don't respect progressive nutbags. They're disgusting, they're liars, and they have no concept of good and evil. Sunni recognizes that as well. So in this, we're of one mind.
For your information I am a conservative. When I came to this board I was shocked to find out that this asshole has you guys fooled. What is there to respect? He's an out an out racist and religious bigot. Respecting him is like saying you respect a KKK member who says all blacks are monkeys and should be culled. I hate liberalism and progressivism, and what Obama and his gang have done to our country as well, but not so much that I am willing to sell my soul and befriend someone like Sunni.

Come on, you guys are better than this. You're making conservatives look just as radical and whacko as the liberals.
By "culling" the gays.....I meant they should be locked up and receive medical treatment for their mental illness.

But the hater Roudy changed it to murder. ... :cuckoo:
Okay, so you ONLY meant "locked up" because they are gay. Like they did with Jews in concentration camps. Did I tell you that I think you're one of the nicest people I have met?
It has zero to do with the jews and concentration camps.

I said lock them up so they could receive medical treatment for their mental illness.

That is the humane thing to do. .. :cool:
So you think it's "humane" to take a gay person, and just because they are gay, lock them up, and give them "medication" for this non existent medical condition? How very medieval of you.

Please continue. I want your "friends" to see who they are friends with.
Actually Roudy, you are the one who looks like mental case in our posting exchanges.

You are a hateful individual who rarely sticks to the thread topic.

And instead, focuses on personally attacking posters you find disagreeable. .. :cool:
I haven't noticed he's a habitual liar as I have noticed all progressives are.

So I respect his beliefs....At the same time, I would never support any movement to supplant our basic Christian liberty with oppressive Islam rule...but that isn't the issue here.

I don't respect progressive nutbags. They're disgusting, they're liars, and they have no concept of good and evil. Sunni recognizes that as well. So in this, we're of one mind.
For your information I am a conservative. When I came to this board I was shocked to find out that this asshole has you guys fooled. What is there to respect? He's an out an out racist and religious bigot. Respecting him is like saying you respect a KKK member who says all blacks are monkeys and should be culled. I hate liberalism and progressivism, and what Obama and his gang have done to our country as well, but not so much that I am willing to sell my soul and befriend someone like Sunni.

Come on, you guys are better than this. You're making conservatives look just as radical and whacko as the liberals.

I don't believe they are better than this.

Many rw's post this kind of hate crap here every day.

I'm just glad they're in the minority.
By "culling" the gays.....I meant they should be locked up and receive medical treatment for their mental illness.

But the hater Roudy changed it to murder. ... :cuckoo:

Because that's what culling means, to kill. Idiot.

Just curious, for each car bomb, can you kill more Shia, or more Jews? Who splatters the best?
Actually Roudy, you are the one who looks like mental case in our posting exchanges.

You are a hateful individual who rarely sticks to the thread topic.

And instead, focuses on personally attacking posters you find disagreeable. .. :cool:
So, to recap, you think Jews should be sent to an island like Alcatraz-surrounded by an armed military in order that they never escape, and gays should be locked up and medicated because they are gay, and I'm the hater.

Please continue. This is very interesting, and I'm sure enlightening.
I have a novel idea for you about posting on the thread topic and not me. .. :cool:
The thread topic was about Jodie Foster who is gay, marrying her partner and you said "all gays should be culled". You are a coward that can't own up to what you just said, and keep squirming like a weasel, but there is no getting out of this one! ha ha ha.
I haven't noticed he's a habitual liar as I have noticed all progressives are.

So I respect his beliefs....At the same time, I would never support any movement to supplant our basic Christian liberty with oppressive Islam rule...but that isn't the issue here.

I don't respect progressive nutbags. They're disgusting, they're liars, and they have no concept of good and evil. Sunni recognizes that as well. So in this, we're of one mind.
For your information I am a conservative. When I came to this board I was shocked to find out that this asshole has you guys fooled. What is there to respect? He's an out an out racist and religious bigot. Respecting him is like saying you respect a KKK member who says all blacks are monkeys and should be culled. I hate liberalism and progressivism, and what Obama and his gang have done to our country as well, but not so much that I am willing to sell my soul and befriend someone like Sunni.

Come on, you guys are better than this. You're making conservatives look just as radical and whacko as the liberals.

I don't believe they are better than this.

Many rw's post this kind of hate crap here every day.

I'm just glad they're in the minority.
They are in a minority, period. Most conservatives and true Christians would never agree with disgusting comments like those that Sunni just uttered. I think this board has a group of very committed people on both sides of the isle that are fighting with each other like cat and mouse all over the board, and in some cases have lost their moral compass, as we can clearly see.
I have a novel idea for you about posting on the thread topic and not me. .. :cool:
The thread topic was about Jodie Foster who is gay, marrying her partner and you said "all gays should be culled". You are a coward that can't own up to what you just said, and keep squirming like a weasel, but there is no getting out of this one!
Then debate my statement "all gays should be culled" and why you disagree that homos need to be culled from society. ...... and quit focusing on the fact that I said it.

Of course I said it. .. :cool:
Jodie Foster always looked kinda out it's verified that she is mentally ill. ... :cool:
Mentally ill? Nah, that's normal these days. You might be surprised at what goes on in your neighborhood behind closed doors. Just try not to think about it or you'll pop the buttons off your fly. Can't have that in the mosque during prayers. Somebody might nail ya.
I have a novel idea for you about posting on the thread topic and not me. .. :cool:
The thread topic was about Jodie Foster who is gay, marrying her partner and you said "all gays should be culled". You are a coward that can't own up to what you just said, and keep squirming like a weasel, but there is no getting out of this one!
Then debate my statement "all gays should be culled" and why you disagree that homos need to be culled from society. ...... and quit focusing on the fact that I said it.

Of course I said it. .. :cool:
Why do you post bigotry and then ask people to "quit focusing on what I said"? Ha ha ha. What a fuckin' nutjob you are.

Sunni, you are an Islamic religious bigot who's been posing as a "conservative American patriot". You lost your rep, so you came out of the closet an showed everybody, including your friends, that you are neither, just a plain old Islamic bigot who thinks like a medieval neanderthal.

Not that we didn't know that already. But I do thank you for exposing to the board who you really are.

It's up to your "friends" to now decide, based on the evidence provided in this thread.
I always figured Jodie Foster was a carpet muncher.....she just had that dyke look. .. :cool:
Anything unusual about 2 broads doing a 69? I first knew of that in the mid-50s. Two of my high school teachers were caught and never fired.

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