Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend

You forgot the part where he claims the Holocaust to be a fake, and that he wants the US to become an Islamic country where Shariah law supersedes the Constitution, and men are allowed to marry four wives. Plain and simple, the guy is a disgusting, ignorant human being. I don't understand how anybody can like someone like that.
........................................^^ You sound jealous Roudy .. :lol: :lol:
Why would I be jealous. You are sick.
Woo. You don't get the inside stuff, do you. I'll explain:
Claiming Sunni is a fraud is an attempt to say no real Muslim could be as hateful, as bigoted, as intolerant or as STUPID as he is.
Then again ... :cool:

Below are but a few of Sunni's recent bigoted, hateful, supremacist posts. The guy is a hardcore pig, KG:

"Only a shylock jew lawyer would try that sickening defense..."

"Luddly hopes these stamps with the faggots picture are the ones you lick before they can be attached to the envelope."

"You sound like a freakin faggot........ "

"Chelsea's father-in-law is Edward Mezvinsky........your typical Jewish politician who served prison time..."

"Face it Lee Roy, 99.9% of everything invented was by white people. That remaining 0.1% was things invented by black the spear or grass huts."

"In the last 1,000 years white people began the conquest of the world and ended up putting a man on the moon. During the same time period blacks perfected the technique of rubbing their bodies with manure to ward off mosquitos."

"The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God."
You forgot the part where he claims the Holocaust to be a fake, and that he wants the US to become an Islamic country where Shariah law supersedes the Constitution, and men are allowed to marry four wives. Plain and simple, the guy is a disgusting, ignorant human being. I don't understand how anybody can like someone like that.

I only went back 24 hours (65 posts) into the life of a Sunni Boy. It was more than enough to provide any normal, rational poster with a clear pic of just what that pig is. Those who still try to defend him are saying far more about themselves than they are about Sunni. :D
They think he's cool cause "he fights liberals". Even though he wants to turn America into an Islamic Khalifate, and calls for the death of all gays and Jews. Wow. It takes very little to fool people nowadays.
Soooo what you are saying is that any Muslim who does not share Sunni Boy's hateful, bigoted, racist sentiments is an apostate?
Being opposed to sodomites and their mentally ill lifestyle is not hateful or bigoted from the muslim point of view.

They have "chosen" to become perverts and contract vile diseases.

So why would any normal person want to be around them?? ... :eusa_hand:
I know many gay people who are teachers, lawyers, doctors, and great citizens.

It's shocking and sad what Islam does to a human brain, and to see this medieval barbaric mentality exist even here in the West, among many Muslim animals like Sunni and in Muslim communities.

It really shocking. They must teach such hatred at their Mosques.
Islam brainwashes its followers to not only hate, but spread that hate.
Spreads like a cancer.
Of course, not all Muslims are like that.
You forgot the part where he claims the Holocaust to be a fake, and that he wants the US to become an Islamic country where Shariah law supersedes the Constitution, and men are allowed to marry four wives. Plain and simple, the guy is a disgusting, ignorant human being. I don't understand how anybody can like someone like that.
........................................^^ You sound jealous Roudy .. :lol: :lol:
Why would I be jealous. You are sick.

I pos repped you. Sunni looks jealous. :thup:
And I do mean love it. Protect your back when you start dissing us, Sunni, because Howey and jake are gonna be panting behind you.
It's very rare that I ever say anything derogatory about Christians..... and never do I disparage Christianity.
I have many close family members who are Christians and they are good people.

I suppose compared to your other well-established character flaws, being a liar is just the proverbial cherry-on-top:

"The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God." - Sunni Boy (about 48 hours ago).
That's not a derogatory statement..........but an observation.

Christianity just a few decades ago was the moral compass that keep our nation on course.......and the Church basically set the standards for morality and values.

But today Christianity is mocked on TV and in the media as antiquated and not relevant for today.

And sadly, the Christians stood by and let themselves and the Church be marginalized. ... :doubt:
And you sound like a hateful little prick, Sunni.

That much is obvious and to his credit he makes no lame effort to defend it.
Kinda makes me wonder why others (K-girl, Steph, NLT) do.
If they need peeps like him in their camp, I need none of 'em.
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You forgot the part where he claims the Holocaust to be a fake, and that he wants the US to become an Islamic country where Shariah law supersedes the Constitution, and men are allowed to marry four wives. Plain and simple, the guy is a disgusting, ignorant human being. I don't understand how anybody can like someone like that.

I only went back 24 hours (65 posts) into the life of a Sunni Boy. It was more than enough to provide any normal, rational poster with a clear pic of just what that pig is. Those who still try to defend him are saying far more about themselves than they are about Sunni. :D
They think he's cool cause "he fights liberals". Even though he wants to turn America into an Islamic Khalifate, and calls for the death of all gays and Jews. Wow. It takes very little to fool people nowadays.

You can fool some peeps all of the time... :lol:
It's very rare that I ever say anything derogatory about Christians..... and never do I disparage Christianity.
I have many close family members who are Christians and they are good people.

I suppose compared to your other well-established character flaws, being a liar is just the proverbial cherry-on-top:

"The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God." - Sunni Boy (about 48 hours ago).
That's not a derogatory statement..........but an observation.

Christianity just a few decades ago was the moral compass that keep our nation on course.......and the Church basically set the standards for morality and values.

But today Christianity is mocked on TV and in the media as antiquated and not relevant for today.

And sadly, the Christians stood by and let themselves and the Church be marginalized. ... :doubt:
And that's another of his "shticks" people fall for. Acting like he cares about Christianity.

Let us remember that if Sunni liked Christianity so much, HE WOULDN'T HAVE CONVERTED TO ISLAM. All while Muslims are slaughtering, terrorizing, and oppressing Christian minorities across the world. Such a great defender if Christianity Sunni is! Ha ha ha.

Yet, like I said. There are people who fall for that amateur crap Sunni pulls.
And you sound like a hateful little prick, Sunni.
Just to clarify.......that would actually be a "Big" prick when you are talking about the Sunni Man. ... :eusa_angel:

OK, you're a big prick but you must know being a hateful prick and having one are 2 entirely different things, Princess.
Everyone can see you are one but no one here really knows if you have one. :cool:
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I suppose compared to your other well-established character flaws, being a liar is just the proverbial cherry-on-top:

"The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God." - Sunni Boy (about 48 hours ago).
That's not a derogatory statement..........but an observation.

Christianity just a few decades ago was the moral compass that keep our nation on course.......and the Church basically set the standards for morality and values.

But today Christianity is mocked on TV and in the media as antiquated and not relevant for today.

And sadly, the Christians stood by and let themselves and the Church be marginalized. ... :doubt:
And that's another of his "shticks" people fall for. Acting like he cares about Christianity.

Let us remember that if Sunni liked Christianity so much, HE WOULDN'T HAVE CONVERTED TO ISLAM. All while Muslims are slaughtering, terrorizing, and oppressing Christian minorities across the world. Such a great defender if Christianity Sunni is! Ha ha ha.

Yet, like I said. There are people who fall for that amateur crap Sunni pulls.
I make a very positive statement about Christians and the Church.

And immediately here comes the hateful Roudy to put a negative spin on my words.

I guess that's how the Juden roll........ :cool:
That's not a derogatory statement..........but an observation.

Christianity just a few decades ago was the moral compass that keep our nation on course.......and the Church basically set the standards for morality and values.

But today Christianity is mocked on TV and in the media as antiquated and not relevant for today.

And sadly, the Christians stood by and let themselves and the Church be marginalized. ... :doubt:
And that's another of his "shticks" people fall for. Acting like he cares about Christianity.

Let us remember that if Sunni liked Christianity so much, HE WOULDN'T HAVE CONVERTED TO ISLAM. All while Muslims are slaughtering, terrorizing, and oppressing Christian minorities across the world. Such a great defender if Christianity Sunni is! Ha ha ha.

Yet, like I said. There are people who fall for that amateur crap Sunni pulls.
I make a very positive statement about Christians and the Church.

And immediately here comes the hateful Roudy to put a negative spin on my words.

I guess that's how the Juden roll........ :cool:
Ya sure. Sunni, tell us the story of how you were so disgusted with Christianity and the people at church that you converted to the filth of Islam. I don't think some of your "conservative" friends have heard that one. . :rofl:
Amazing how the Juden cabal and sodomite supporters on the board accuse me of being a hater.

And yet they are the ones posting all of the hate directed towards me.. ... :cool:

Waah, waah, waaaah.
It would never occur to you that posters are responding to you in the language you speak. I must admit I am proud to be among those so hated by one such as you. These Sunni Boy quotes were gleaned from a single 24 hour period of your hateful posts:

"Only a shylock jew lawyer would try that sickening defense..."

"Luddly hopes these stamps with the faggots picture are the ones you lick before they can be attached to the envelope."

"You sound like a freakin faggot........ "

"Chelsea's father-in-law is Edward Mezvinsky........your typical Jewish politician who served prison time..."

"Face it Lee Roy, 99.9% of everything invented was by white people. That remaining 0.1% was things invented by black the spear or grass huts."

"In the last 1,000 years white people began the conquest of the world and ended up putting a man on the moon. During the same time period blacks perfected the technique of rubbing their bodies with manure to ward off mosquitos."

"The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God."

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