Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend

Amazing how the Juden cabal and sodomite supporters on the board accuse me of being a hater.

And yet they are the ones posting all of the hate directed towards me.. ... :cool:

You worship Mohammed, your so-called prophet, who married a 9 year old, and it doesn't get any more perverted than that.
Folks from all and no religion, from right across the spectrum to the left, abuse children. The far right social cons seem to do it the most.

you've been asked by a few posters to back up this claim, yet you never do.

kind of like claiming i altered your post and then you admit you did in fact EDIT your post, thus i never altered it.

you're a proven liar many times over.
Amazing how the Juden cabal and sodomite supporters on the board accuse me of being a hater.

And yet they are the ones posting all of the hate directed towards me.. ... :cool:
Moron just called for the "culling" of all gays, and whines about hate being directed at him. Sunni is a shining example of typical Islamist mentality.
So to recap, Sunni the Muslim convert thinks that by calling for the mass murder of all gays, he is showing his concern for Christianity. :lmao:

See how Islamic logic works? :cuckoo:
.........................................^^ The word "culling" doesn't mean murder you freakin nitwit. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
No? Which planet do you live on?

cull transitive verb \ˈkəl\

: to control the size of (a group of animals) by killing some animals


Livestock and production animals

Since livestock is bred for the production of meat or milk, the herd must be culled to a certain number of production or meat animals a farmer wishes to maintain. Animals not selected to remain for breeding are sent to the slaughter house, sold, or killed.

Criteria for culling livestock and production animals can be based on population or production (milk or egg). In a domestic or farming situation the culling process involves selection and the selling of surplus stock. The selection may be done to improve breeding stock, for example for improved production of eggs or milk, or simply to control the group's population for the benefit of the environment and other species.

With dairy cattle, culling may be practised by inseminating inferior cows with beef breed semen and by selling the produced offspring for meat production.[citation needed]

With poultry, males which would grow up to be roosters have little use in an industrial egg-producing facility. Approximately half of the newly hatched chicks will be male and would grow up to be roosters, which do not lay eggs. For this reason, the hatchlings are culled based on gender. Most of the male chicks are usually killed shortly after hatching.


In the United States, hunting licenses and hunting seasons are a means by which the population of game animals is maintained. Each season, a hunter is allowed to kill a certain amount of wild game. The amount is determined both by species and gender. If the population seems to have surplus females, hunters are allowed to take more females during that hunting season. If the population is below what is desired, hunters may not be permitted to hunt that particular game animal or only hunt a restricted number of males.

Populations of game animals such as elk may be informally culled if they begin to excessively eat winter food set out for domestic cattle herds. In such instances the rancher will inform hunters that they may "hunt the haystack" on his property in order to thin the wild herd to controllable levels. These efforts are aimed to counter excessive depletion of the intended "domestic" winter feed supplies. Other managed culling instances involve extended issuance of extra hunting licenses, or the inclusion of additional "special hunting seasons" during harsh winters or overpopulation periods, governed by state fish and game Agencies.

Culling for population control is common in wildlife management, particularly on African game farms and in Australia in national parks. In the case of very large animals such as elephants, adults are often targeted.
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..............................................^^ posted about culling animals. .. :lol: :lol:
So you think gays should be killed like animals, because your barbaric religion says so? Gays aren't people, are they? :cuckoo:
I haven't noticed he's a habitual liar as I have noticed all progressives are.

So I respect his beliefs....At the same time, I would never support any movement to supplant our basic Christian liberty with oppressive Islam rule...but that isn't the issue here.

I don't respect progressive nutbags. They're disgusting, they're liars, and they have no concept of good and evil. Sunni recognizes that as well. So in this, we're of one mind.
I was talking about separating the homos from the normal people.

But the lier Roudy used the word culling for murder. :lol: :lol:
You used the word cull, used for animals, which means separated and killed.

Separated why? And what do you do with them? They already can't pro create because they are gay.

Oh I get it, you want to separate all gays and ship them to a prison Island just like you do with Jews.

Such a compassionate person you are. All Muslims should be proud they have Sunni exhibiting Islamic tolerance. :lmao:
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By "culling" the gays.....I meant they should be locked up and receive medical treatment for their mental illness.

But the hater Roudy changed it to murder. ... :cuckoo:
Okay, so you ONLY meant "locked up" because they are gay. Like they did with Jews in concentration camps. Did I tell you that I think you're one of the nicest people I have met? :lmao:
By "culling" the gays.....I meant they should be locked up and receive medical treatment for their mental illness.

But the hater Roudy changed it to murder. ... :cuckoo:
Okay, so you ONLY meant "locked up" because they are gay. Like they did with Jews in concentration camps. Did I tell you that I think you're one of the nicest people I have met?
It has zero to do with the jews and concentration camps.

I said lock them up so they could receive medical treatment for their mental illness.

That is the humane thing to do. .. :cool:

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