Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend

And you sound like a hateful little prick, Sunni.

He prolly took lessons from you. :D

The little prick is laughing at not-2-brights like you, fool. He's eager to let all know just who and what he is and you pretend he's just trolling.
Here's a clue, Princess ... he is what he seems to be, just as you are. :D
I have a novel idea for you about posting on the thread topic and not me. .. :cool:
The thread topic was about Jodie Foster who is gay, marrying her partner and you said "all gays should be culled". You are a coward that can't own up to what you just said, and keep squirming like a weasel, but there is no getting out of this one!
Then debate my statement "all gays should be culled" and why you disagree that homos need to be culled from society. ...... and quit focusing on the fact that I said it.

Of course I said it. .. :cool:

A better idea would be to cull moo slims.

I have a novel idea for you about posting on the thread topic and not me. .. :cool:
The thread topic was about Jodie Foster who is gay, marrying her partner and you said "all gays should be culled". You are a coward that can't own up to what you just said, and keep squirming like a weasel, but there is no getting out of this one! ha ha ha.

I think a lot of people talk down about Gays because they are closet Gays themselves, and this is their way of hiding it. This has to be especially important in the Muslim world . However, can you imagine how relieved some Gay MUslims must be to finally get into a country where they don't want to hang Gays on a rope like the pictures we saw coming out of Iran. or stoning them like in Brunei? Each population probably has the same percentage of Gays so it would be silly to say, as Iran does, that there are no Gays in that country.

More Are Getting Assaulted over Gay Issues | Feature Article 2014-04-24

Brunei's new law permits stoning gay people to death - Last Word
Soooo what you are saying is that any Muslim who does not share Sunni Boy's hateful, bigoted, racist sentiments is an apostate?
Being opposed to sodomites and their mentally ill lifestyle is not hateful or bigoted from the muslim point of view.

They have "chosen" to become perverts and contract vile diseases.

So why would any normal person want to be around them?? ... :eusa_hand:

I don't know...why do you pray to a psychotic pedophile every day?
Their country......their laws......I don't see the problem. .. :cool:
And here we don't do that barbaric shit. Our country our laws. We treat gays as human beings like everybody else with the same rights. And if you don't like it then, perhaps your pick of any of the fine Muslims shithole cesspools of hatred and intolerance to move to, would be fine with us.
Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend

Not if it was in California she didn't. Not legally. You can try to overthrown democratic rule until the cows come home but the law on the books there says and applies that marriage in that state is only "between a man and a woman". No lower court judge at any time can overturn Windsor's assertions that states have a sovereign constitutionally-protected right to define marriage, under the question of gay marriage, by consensus.

Sorry Jodie if you were married in California, you aren't married. Try one of the three states where it is legal.

Oh fuck off.

I saw "Taxi Driver" on teevee a couple of weeks ago. Man, she was great in that. She was what, 12?

Pretty & talented.

Honestly I don't think she's that hot and never understood what the big fuss is about with her. Powerful actor, maybe. But in bed I am pretty sure she's one of those duds.
It's no secret that Jodie is gay, but she married over Easter weekend.<my comment

Jodie Foster Marries Girlfriend Alexandra Hedison | E! Online

I think that's great, I just hope she wont be attacked by the left again, she is one of my favorites. What happened after she came out was horrendous IMO.

Was Jodie Foster’s ‘Coming Out’ a Step Backward for Gays and Lesbians?

I felt like Jodie’s coming out was a step back for gays and lesbians in Hollywood.

One of the kinder souls, Matthew Breen, editor in chief of The Advocate, said that her speech left him “deeply confused and conflicted,” while on the opposite end of the spectrum Brett Easton Ellis, author of “American Psycho,” tweeted, “What is she? A three-year-old lesbian?” Still others piled on, calling her “selfish,” “disjointed,” even “clinically insane.”

Either you advocate for people to 'be who they want to be" while defending their rights to live the life THEY want to live.... or I suppose one can demean, name call and totally bash someone....

Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend

Not if it was in California she didn't. Not legally. You can try to overthrown democratic rule until the cows come home but the law on the books there says and applies that marriage in that state is only "between a man and a woman". No lower court judge at any time can overturn Windsor's assertions that states have a sovereign constitutionally-protected right to define marriage, under the question of gay marriage, by consensus.

Sorry Jodie if you were married in California, you aren't married. Try one of the three states where it is legal.


Same-sex couples are eligible to marry in California, and the people have never had the authority to deny them that right.
Me, Jerry Springer and everyone who's ever been to his show will tell you: WE LOVE LESBIANS!!!!! :mm:

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