Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend

I honestly don't think Sunni is a Muslim. I think he's a extremist right thinker who takes on the persona to make Muslims look bad.
Let me ask you this:

"Do you know of any main stream muslims or Islamic organizations that are pro-gay or support the homo agenda"?? ..

We hear all the time about muslim men who gang rape little boys. :cool:

Well, then, the gay bloc (and the APA) should LOVE Muslims! Cuz pedophilia is just a sexual orientation, remember....
Homos are mentally ill sub-humans that need to be culled from the human race. .. :cool:

Feel free to try and cull as many as you can. I will be one of the straight folks that will stand with them and put your ignorant ass down.
Not that they need my help. I'm sure most would laugh at you.

Your hatred is more of a mental illness.

Wow pretty strong words there. You would kill for homos?
We hear all the time about muslim men who gang rape little boys. :cool:

Well, then, the gay bloc (and the APA) should LOVE Muslims! Cuz pedophilia is just a sexual orientation, remember....

not to anyone normal.

Psychiatric Group Backtracks on Pedophilia Classification

Just the APA:

" In May the APA, which according to its website represents more than 33,000 psychiatrists in the United States and elsewhere, released the fifth edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), in which pedophilia is described as a sexual “orientation.”
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I honestly don't think Sunni is a Muslim. I think he's a extremist right thinker who takes on the persona to make Muslims look bad.
Let me ask you this:

"Do you know of any main stream muslims or Islamic organizations that are pro-gay or support the homo agenda"?? .. :cool:

No more than I know of any right wing organizations.
I honestly don't think Sunni is a Muslim. I think he's a extremist right thinker who takes on the persona to make Muslims look bad.
Let me ask you this:

"Do you know of any main stream muslims or Islamic organizations that are pro-gay or support the homo agenda"?? .. :cool:

No more than I know of any right wing organizations.

Let me enlighten you:

"The ordination of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender clergy who are open about their sexuality, are sexually active, or are in committed same-sex relationships is a debated practice within some contemporary Christian Church communities."

"there are an increasing number of Christian churches and communities that are open to the ordination of people who are gay and lesbian. These are mainly moderate and liberal Protestant churches. The first mainline denomination in the USA to ordain openly gay clergy was the United Church of Christ—UCC in 1972. Other groups include the Metropolitan Community Church and the Church of Sweden where clergy may serve in senior clerical positions. The issue of ordination has caused particular controversy in the worldwide Anglican communion, following the appointment of the Bishop of New Hampshire in the US Episcopal Church."

You may admit you don't know what you're talking about now.

Ordination of LGBT Christian clergy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let me ask you this:

"Do you know of any main stream muslims or Islamic organizations that are pro-gay or support the homo agenda"?? ..

We hear all the time about muslim men who gang rape little boys. :cool:

Well, then, the gay bloc (and the APA) should LOVE Muslims! Cuz pedophilia is just a sexual orientation, remember....

Nice to see you siding with sharia lovers. Selling children into marriage, stoning rape victims, no driving, no school, a big nasty dirty sheet over your body, a koran that tells them to beat their wiVES. ... I bet your carpets have drool on them as well.
We hear all the time about muslim men who gang rape little boys. :cool:

Well, then, the gay bloc (and the APA) should LOVE Muslims! Cuz pedophilia is just a sexual orientation, remember....

Nice to see you siding with sharia lovers. Selling children into marriage, stoning rape victims, no driving, no school, a big nasty dirty sheet over your body, a koran that tells them to beat their wiVES. ... I bet your carpets have drool on them as well.

I didn't side with him. I just pointed out the ignorance of the left, again.
You, kg, are the hater here.

We all know it.

You have not a bone of Christian charity or love in you.

You do more damage for Christianity than twenty devils.

and you a liar

glass houses

Most of the hating going on in here has been by liberals hating on Sunni. Howey being the #1 Hater. So Sunni is trolling you liberals and you are showing you true colors. :lol:
Most of the hating going on in here has been by liberals hating on Sunni. Howey being the #1 Hater. So Sunni is trolling you liberals and you are showing you true colors. :lol:

most people know he's misogynist, jew-hating scum. they're merely responding to the nasty troll.

but I guess because he's a rightwingnut retard, you love him.
They only hate him because he's anti-homo. When he talks against Christianity and Christians, they love his muslim ass.

And I do mean love it. Protect your back when you start dissing us, Sunni, because Howey and jake are gonna be panting behind you.
You, kg, are the hater here.

We all know it.

You have not a bone of Christian charity or love in you.

You do more damage for Christianity than twenty devils.

and you a liar

glass houses

Most of the hating going on in here has been by liberals hating on Sunni. Howey being the #1 Hater. So Sunni is trolling you liberals and you are showing you true colors. :lol:

yes sunni is and has done a magnificent job at it

the libs have been PLAYED and because they are so filled with Faux outrage they can't see's been something to watch them make an ass out of themselves while standing high atop their soap boxes...
ya gotta love the sunni man...he's damn good:lol:
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Most of the hating going on in here has been by liberals hating on Sunni. Howey being the #1 Hater. So Sunni is trolling you liberals and you are showing you true colors. :lol:

most people know he's misogynist, jew-hating scum. they're merely responding to the nasty troll.

but I guess because he's a rightwingnut retard, you love him.

Silly Jilly you been played by the playa....and still so stupid not to realize it. :lol:
and you a liar

glass houses

Most of the hating going on in here has been by liberals hating on Sunni. Howey being the #1 Hater. So Sunni is trolling you liberals and you are showing you true colors. :lol:

yes sunni is and has done a magnificent job at it

the libs have been PLAYED and because they are so filled with Faux outrage they can't see's been something to watch them make an ass out of themselves while standing high atop their soap boxes...
ya gotta love the sunni man...he's damn good:lol:

Sunni playing the libtard symphony
I honestly don't think Sunni is a Muslim. I think he's a extremist right thinker who takes on the persona to make Muslims look bad.
Let me ask you this:

"Do you know of any main stream muslims or Islamic organizations that are pro-gay or support the homo agenda"?? .. :cool:

Diverse perspectives on homosexuality exist amongst new liberated Muslims, ranging from condemnation through to the Muslim Canadian Congress's welcome for legislation redefining marriage to include same-sex partners. In the documentary, a number of Islamic scholars assert that the Qur'anic verse, "we created you as partners", need not be limited to male-female couples. The documentary shows Muslim gay marriages (nikah) in the United States, Canada and India. It states that this diversity may lie at the heart of traditional Islamic practice. In the formation of the different Islamic schools of thought, which have now become different denominations, such as Maliki and Shafi, scholars accepted there could be different interpretations of Qur'anic Arabic and people could align themselves to whichever they felt represented them most. The documentary asserts that the modern-day call of the politico-religious right for a homogeneous Islam is a new invention, and not at all fundamental.
Last edited: You know how the true Muslims view those "liberated" muslims?

They're worse than infidels, and the sentence is death, if they catch up to them. You know how the true Muslims view those "liberated" muslims?

They're worse than infidels, and the sentence is death, if they catch up to them.
Yes of course if they get their hands on them. But in the West there are many gay Muslims. Here is an organizations that helps them from psychos like Sunni:

About Imaan

Imaan supports LGBT Muslim people, their families and friends, to address issues of sexual orientation within Islam. It provides a safe space and support network to address issues of common concern through sharing individual experiences and institutional resources.

The need to reconcile Islam with sexuality seemed to coincide with a coming-of-age of a particular generation of gay people from Muslim backgrounds born in this country that had witnessed the growth of a gay culture in England. It was inevitable therefore that at some point they would start to ask, 'Why should I not be able to be both gay and Muslim?'

Al Fatiha UK was founded and evolved into Imaan - the Arabic word for 'Faith', which more closely expressed the ethos of the group and its members.
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