Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend

Lefties seem to think screwing children is synonymous with progress.

Go figure!
I'll pay the forum $100 to permaban Sunni Man and all his socks forever.

No forum deserves a troll like him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. We do free speech in this country and on this forum. Sunni has the right to be as stupid as he chooses to be and besides ... don't you want to know just how stupid a human can be? Stay tuned. :D
Most fudge packers insist that being a pervert isn't a choice.......they were born that way......because of a homo gene.

So if a faggot or a carpet muncher uses a 3rd party person and has a baby.

Then the homo gene is passed on..... there is a strong chance the kid will grow up to be a pervert like its parents. ... :cool:

First rule of the hole:
"When in over your head - as you so often are - STOP DIGGING!"
I'll pay the forum $100 to permaban Sunni Man and all his socks forever.

No forum deserves a troll like him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. We do free speech in this country and on this forum. Sunni has the right to be as stupid as he chooses to be and besides ... don't you want to know just how stupid a human can be? Stay tuned. :D

yes... but given he can't be negged anymore, his sewer of a mouth should probably be kept under control somehow.
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I'll pay the forum $100 to permaban Sunni Man and all his socks forever.

No forum deserves a troll like him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. We do free speech in this country and on this forum. Sunni has the right to be as stupid as he chooses to be and besides ... don't you want to know just how stupid a human can be? Stay tuned. :D

yes... but given he can't be begged anymore, his sewer of a mouth should probably be kept under control somehow.

He's kinda been neutered. ;)
Folks from all and no religion, from right across the spectrum to the left, abuse children. The far right social cons seem to do it the most.
The social cons have no real morality: they are caught in a false metaphysical naturalism that allows them to deny empirical data. Rational Christians don't do it as nearly as much.
Homos are mentally ill sub-humans that need to be culled from the human race. .. :cool:

Feel free to try and cull as many as you can. I will be one of the straight folks that will stand with them and put your ignorant ass down.

Not that they need my help. I'm sure most would laugh at you.

Your hatred is more of a mental illness.

Islam is a mental disorder.

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