Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend


Are you stating that you believe this is the basis for a marriage to be recognized by the federal, state and local governments?

No, i have no problem them getting a civil unions. Marrige is between a man and woman, undsr God. I wish them no harm, just how i feel.

I have no problem with civil unions. Shall we make it a civil union for everyone who doesn't marry in a religious ceremony?

Oh, and if the religion doing the ceremony accepts gays, why can't it be a marriage?

Most pagan faiths, like Wicca, have no problem with gays.

All marriages should be considered civil unions by the government. If the people getting married want to have a church bless their relationship...that's their business.
No, i have no problem them getting a civil unions. Marrige is between a man and woman, undsr God. I wish them no harm, just how i feel.

I have no problem with civil unions. Shall we make it a civil union for everyone who doesn't marry in a religious ceremony?

Oh, and if the religion doing the ceremony accepts gays, why can't it be a marriage?

Most pagan faiths, like Wicca, have no problem with gays.

All marriages should be considered civil unions by the government. If the people getting married want to have a church bless their relationship...that's their business.

All marriages ARE civil unions.

Religion has nothing at all to do with the reason or the legality of marriage.

But, don't tell the homophobes.

Homos are mentally ill sub-humans that need to be culled from the human race. .. :cool:

Feel free to try and cull as many as you can. I will be one of the straight folks that will stand with them and put your ignorant ass down.

Not that they need my help. I'm sure most would laugh at you.

Your hatred is more of a mental illness.

Islam is a mental disorder.

Most hating leads to mental disorders: look at jihadists, look at the American social conservatives; they think hating in the names of Jesus is Christian.
You, kg, are the hater here.

We all know it.

You have not a bone of Christian charity or love in you.

You do more damage for Christianity than twenty devils.
Feel free to try and cull as many as you can. I will be one of the straight folks that will stand with them and put your ignorant ass down.

Not that they need my help. I'm sure most would laugh at you.

Your hatred is more of a mental illness.

Islam is a mental disorder.

Most hating leads to mental disorders: look at jihadists, look at the American social conservatives; they think hating in the names of Jesus is Christian.

who says social conservatives hate gays? not all of them do.

your dishonest generalizations are very far left.'re a republican and you didn't edit your post, despite admitting today you did...LOL
Its always the christians and certain rw's who post about hating gays, women, children, elderly, vets ... Always.
Most fudge packers insist that being a pervert isn't a choice.......they were born that way......because of a homo gene.

So if a faggot or a carpet muncher uses a 3rd party person and has a baby.

Then the homo gene is passed on..... there is a strong chance the kid will grow up to be a pervert like its parents. ... :cool:

^^^^^^^^^^ :lmao:

I bet Sunni is the smart one at his carpet kissing centre. :D
You mean he's the biggest idiot in his mosque filled with idiots? Probably...he could even be their Imam.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. We do free speech in this country and on this forum. Sunni has the right to be as stupid as he chooses to be and besides ... don't you want to know just how stupid a human can be? Stay tuned. :D

yes... but given he can't be begged anymore, his sewer of a mouth should probably be kept under control somehow.

He's kinda been neutered. ;)
Praise to Allah!
I always wondered why the hell Scorsesce ever chose Foster to be the prostitute in "1976 Taxi Driver". It didn't work.
Feel free to try and cull as many as you can. I will be one of the straight folks that will stand with them and put your ignorant ass down.

Not that they need my help. I'm sure most would laugh at you.

Your hatred is more of a mental illness.

Islam is a mental disorder.

Most hating leads to mental disorders: look at jihadists, look at the American social conservatives; they think hating in the names of Jesus is Christian.
I don't think hatred and demonization is exclusive to members of a certain political party.
I honestly don't think Sunni is a Muslim. I think he's a extremist right thinker who takes on the persona to make Muslims look bad.
I honestly don't think Sunni is a Muslim. I think he's a extremist right thinker who takes on the persona to make Muslims look bad.
Let me ask you this:

"Do you know of any main stream muslims or Islamic organizations that are pro-gay or support the homo agenda"?? ..

We hear all the time about muslim men who gang rape little boys. :cool:
I honestly don't think Sunni is a Muslim. I think he's a extremist right thinker who takes on the persona to make Muslims look bad.
Let me ask you this:

"Do you know of any main stream muslims or Islamic organizations that are pro-gay or support the homo agenda"?? ..

We hear all the time about muslim men who gang rape little boys. :cool:

don't they say boys are for fun, women are for procreation?

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