Jodie Foster Weds Her Girlfriend

Nope, but straights produce gays.

Andddddd?????? Your point? Oh, right, you never do.

Are you pretending to be stupid?

If you don't understand the birds and the bees, don't as sunni "man" cuz he knows less than you do.

Ask your mommy about what happens when mommy and daddy love each other ...

What was your point? He had a point. Not that I take his side, but he did. And your point? Simply to cause more argument. That means you have no point.
Most fudge packers insist that being a pervert isn't a choice.......they were born that way......because of a homo gene.

So if a faggot or a carpet muncher uses a 3rd party person and has a baby.

Then the homo gene is passed on..... there is a strong chance the kid will grow up to be a pervert like its parents. ... :cool:
Don't insult pigs.

Really, there are only a few posters who are the total waste of space that this jerk is. I guess we should be glad of that.

That and the fact that as pointed out above, Foster is seeing a hell of a lot more pussy than any of them are.
My apologies to all pigs.

Oh what I would do to be in that bed!

Naw ... three's a crowd. I hope they enjoy their happiness and ignore all the internet shit from assholes like sunni "man" and the other ignorant haters.
Being gay is a personal, private choice. Does anybody have any issues when someone marries a very overweight man or woman? That's what turns them on, leave them alone!

Like I said if they made gay marriage a nationwide law this whole charade would be over and done, and the number of gay marriages would go down. Shacking up with someone for life is a serious thing.
Most fudge packers insist that being a pervert isn't a choice.......they were born that way......because of a homo gene.

So if a faggot or a carpet muncher uses a 3rd party person and has a baby.

Then the homo gene is passed on..... there is a strong chance the kid will grow up to be a pervert like its parents. ... :cool:
Whether its a choice or not, what business is it of yours, asshole? Mind your own business, this isn't some third world Muslim shithole.
Andddddd?????? Your point? Oh, right, you never do.

Are you pretending to be stupid?

If you don't understand the birds and the bees, don't as sunni "man" cuz he knows less than you do.

Ask your mommy about what happens when mommy and daddy love each other ...

What was your point? He had a point. Not that I take his side, but he did. And your point? Simply to cause more argument. That means you have no point.

If this doesn't help you figure it out, your ignorance is beyond the scope of this board.

Most fudge packers insist that being a pervert isn't a choice.......they were born that way......because of a homo gene.

So if a faggot or a carpet muncher uses a 3rd party person and has a baby.

Then the homo gene is passed on..... there is a strong chance the kid will grow up to be a pervert like its parents. ... :cool:
Whether its a choice or not, what business is it of yours, asshole? Mind your own business, this isn't some third world Muslim shithole.

What sunni "man" and certain others choose to ignore is that because this is not a muslim shithole, they can whine about freedom but they can't take it away.

Are you stating that you believe this is the basis for a marriage to be recognized by the federal, state and local governments?

No, i have no problem them getting a civil unions. Marrige is between a man and woman, undsr God. I wish them no harm, just how i feel.

I have no problem with civil unions. Shall we make it a civil union for everyone who doesn't marry in a religious ceremony?

Oh, and if the religion doing the ceremony accepts gays, why can't it be a marriage?

Most pagan faiths, like Wicca, have no problem with gays.

How about incest? Bestiality? Multiple partners? It's coming. Congratulations.
Sunni, you asshat, I should neg you for losing your ability to receive rep.

but i can't.
No, i have no problem them getting a civil unions. Marrige is between a man and woman, undsr God. I wish them no harm, just how i feel.

I have no problem with civil unions. Shall we make it a civil union for everyone who doesn't marry in a religious ceremony?

Oh, and if the religion doing the ceremony accepts gays, why can't it be a marriage?

Most pagan faiths, like Wicca, have no problem with gays.

How about incest? Bestiality? Multiple partners? It's coming. Congratulations.

It's already here.

The APA (All Peds Alliance) was toying with the idea of changing pedophilia to a sexual orientation.

The backlash was pretty severe, so they're backpedaling...but they won't give up.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has backtracked on its designation of pedophilia as a “sexual orientation,” following backlash from conservative family organizations. In May the APA, which according to its website represents more than 33,000 psychiatrists in the United States and elsewhere, released the fifth edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), in which pedophilia is described as a sexual “orientation.”

Psychiatric Group Backtracks on Pedophilia Classification
"“Just as the American Psychiatric Association declared homosexuality an ‘orientation’ under tremendous pressure from homosexual activists in the early seventies,” said the AFA's Sandy Rios, “now, under pressure from pedophile activists, they have declared the desire for sex with children an ‘orientation,’ too.”

Psychiatric Group Backtracks on Pedophilia Classification
"Whether it is classified a ‘sexual orientation’ or a ‘sexual interest,’ any effort to legitimize pedophilia will provide pederasts with all the arguments they need to remove age of consent laws, and children will suffer.”
Liberty Counsel recalled that the APA's dealings with the pedophilia classification over the past decade have been “ripe with controversy.” In DSM-3, for example, the “APA said that one who acted upon one’s sexual attraction to children was a pedophile,” noted Liberty Counsel. But by the fourth edition of the DSM, the APA had “changed the criteria,” continued the pro-family group, “saying that pedophilia was only a disorder if it 'caused clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.'”
Then came the notorious Rind study on child sexual abuse, which “concluded that man-boy 'consensual' relationships were not necessarily harmful,” recalled Liberty Counsel. “Following the public outcry of the Rind study, APA said moral values trumped the scientific study.”
Psychiatric Group Backtracks on Pedophilia Classification
I'll pay the forum $100 to permaban Sunni Man and all his socks forever.

No forum deserves a troll like him.

You think his trolling here is bad? Come to the Middle East forum.
He takes trolling to a whole different level.
No, i have no problem them getting a civil unions. Marrige is between a man and woman, undsr God. I wish them no harm, just how i feel.

I have no problem with civil unions. Shall we make it a civil union for everyone who doesn't marry in a religious ceremony?

Oh, and if the religion doing the ceremony accepts gays, why can't it be a marriage?

Most pagan faiths, like Wicca, have no problem with gays.

How about incest? Bestiality? Multiple partners? It's coming. Congratulations.



And, if its between consenting adults (not animals, not children), MYOB.
Most fudge packers insist that being a pervert isn't a choice.......they were born that way......because of a homo gene.

So if a faggot or a carpet muncher uses a 3rd party person and has a baby.

Then the homo gene is passed on..... there is a strong chance the kid will grow up to be a pervert like its parents. ... :cool:

^^^^^^^^^^ :lmao:

I bet Sunni is the smart one at his carpet kissing centre. :D
I have no problem with civil unions. Shall we make it a civil union for everyone who doesn't marry in a religious ceremony?

Oh, and if the religion doing the ceremony accepts gays, why can't it be a marriage?

Most pagan faiths, like Wicca, have no problem with gays.

How about incest? Bestiality? Multiple partners? It's coming. Congratulations.



And, if its between consenting adults (not animals, not children), MYOB.

From the comment section:

"Of course pedophilia is a sexual orientation, and is furthermore linked to the rise of human intelligence and human civilization. It just isn't politic to say so at present."

Psychiatric Group Backtracks on Pedophilia Classification

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