Joe B updated Democratic Field Rating (Progressives only, please)

I like Sanders. He would be my first choice, but I think he's too far too fast for most folks.

There's also the simple fact that the nation may not survive 4 more years of a spoiled child as president. As it is it will take decades to undo all the damage he's done, rebuild the experience and institutional knowledge he has thrown out, and deprogram all his rabid followers..

Mayor Pete has a similar issue. The nation just isn't ready for a gay president.

Styer isn't really going anywhere fast.

Warren isn't going anywhere fast.

Klobuchar does seem to be angling for a VP spot.

That leaves Bloomberg, who really does seem to have the best chance right now. Both more money and brains that tRump, all he lacks is the legions of brain-dead followers. But I don't think he's a zombie king kinda guy. He seems to atract folks with a higher IQ than the average tRumpling.

I'm gonna hafta say he's the favorite, at the moment at least.

You claimed you know what "that word communism" means.

Then this: "I like Sanders."


Yeah, you got it!
You have the nerve to talk about Trump followers being "brain dead" and you support Sanders. Talk about someone who will destroy the US quickly.

I would still like to think that there is no way there are enough ignorant, teenage, loser, Socialists in this country for Sanders to be elected President.

Yeah, you can think that... but here's why you SHOULD be worried.

60% of the population controls less than 5% of the wealth. For them, Socialism would be an improvement.
You have the nerve to talk about Trump followers being "brain dead" and you support Sanders. Talk about someone who will destroy the US quickly.

I would still like to think that there is no way there are enough ignorant, teenage, loser, Socialists in this country for Sanders to be elected President.

Yeah, you can think that... but here's why you SHOULD be worried.

60% of the population controls less than 5% of the wealth. For them, Socialism would be an improvement.
Until socialists kill the golden goose and run out of other peoples money to give away
If you had to bet a nickel on who will be the nominee of the Democratic party, who would you say will be that nominee?

At this point, I wouldn't risk a nickel.

I think it's going to come down to Bloomberg and Sanders, though. Sanders has a very strong base of support, but so far, he's not doing as well as he did in 2016. (You have to wonder how much of his support was "anti-Hillary" vs. a love for what he was saying.) Bloomberg is getting in late, but he has LOTS of money and can go the distance on this.
Excuse me, that part was done by your Kenyan idol. Taking over auto industry, banking regulations, forcing coal energy out of business in favor of solar (Solyndra)... directives from top down. That's what original fascist did, and socialists too.

The Fascists were for solar energy?

First to blame Obama for the decline of coal is silly. Coal had been declining before he got there and it still is.


As for banking regulations.... um did you forget that little thing that happened in 2008 because we deregulated the banks?

I mean, serious, never go full retard.
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Correct. Lefties don't know which candidate to support because they all pretty much support the same leftist agendas. They can't make that decision, they have to be told whom they should support.

Every candidate so far is trying to outpromise others with how much free shit they'll give away. Free college. Free healthcare. Free housing. Free sex reassignment surgery. Hey, I'll give everyone $1000, after I tax you a $1000.

More like, any one of these candidates would give us the same policies, the only real questions to be determined is

1) Who can beat Trump.
2) Who can effectively run the country after Trump is defeated (and hopefully jailed).

Even assuming that Bernie and Bloomberg are the two ends of the spectrum, when it comes to health care or LGBTQ rights, there's not going to be a lot of differentiation.
Correct. Russian revolution of 1917 was a bloodbath, which is only way how communists can acquire power. Americans rejected communism, and progressives were looking more and more as socialists. Their goals were the same, only ways to get to it were different. Progressives were more like mesheviks in Russia, who didn't wanted the bloody revolution, but were for slower approach.

Um, no, guy, the only reason why the Revolution of 1917 was a bloodbath was that the West pumped tons of arms trying to prop up the White Armies.
Correct. Russian revolution of 1917 was a bloodbath, which is only way how communists can acquire power. Americans rejected communism, and progressives were looking more and more as socialists. Their goals were the same, only ways to get to it were different. Progressives were more like mesheviks in Russia, who didn't wanted the bloody revolution, but were for slower approach.

Um, no, guy, the only reason why the Revolution of 1917 was a bloodbath was that the West pumped tons of arms trying to prop up the White Armies.
Yeah sure

we twisted the progressives arms and made them murder the czar and his family

along with all the other wealthy russians they could find
Great. You lefties were screaming how Trump's renting practices were racist, without any proof, because it was settled in court. It didn't bother you to call him a racist. That's OK, because everyone who's not with you on anything is a racist, we got it. Now you have Bloomberg, on the record, giving racist speeches (unintentionally), sexist jokes about women in workforce (but they're jokes, right), and not a single leftist raise the question about it, and even defending it.

It's not about "stop & frisk" policy itself, but about how he was explaining it and defending it.

I can kind of see why Mike Terrifies you. He's the real deal, while Trump only plays that character on TV.

The reason why Trump is a racist is because he doubted the birth of the only black president MERELY because he was black. He called for the execution of five black men who were innocent. He was taken to court by the NIXON administration for discriminatory housing policies. (Seriously, how openly racist do you need to be to get Tricky Dick to say, "Damn, notch it back a bit, son!") Oh, yes, and then there's calling Mexicans "rapists" and throwing their children into concentration camps.

Oh. Bloomberg made an off color joke in the office once...
60% of the population controls less than 5% of the wealth. For them, Socialism would be an improvement

Wrong. You have some serious misconceptions about Socialism. You eventually run out of other people's money. It is a con-job meant to fool the low IQ folks. It is working.
Wrong. You have some serious misconceptions about Socialism. You eventually run out of other people's money. It is a con-job meant to fool the low IQ folks. It is working.


Socialism works just fine in Europe.

"Our system sucks for 80% of you, but trust us, the other thing no one has ever really tried would suck a lot worse because something happened 100 years ago in a poor country."
Great. You lefties were screaming how Trump's renting practices were racist, without any proof, because it was settled in court. It didn't bother you to call him a racist. That's OK, because everyone who's not with you on anything is a racist, we got it. Now you have Bloomberg, on the record, giving racist speeches (unintentionally), sexist jokes about women in workforce (but they're jokes, right), and not a single leftist raise the question about it, and even defending it.

It's not about "stop & frisk" policy itself, but about how he was explaining it and defending it.

I can kind of see why Mike Terrifies you. He's the real deal, while Trump only plays that character on TV.

The reason why Trump is a racist is because he doubted the birth of the only black president MERELY because he was black. He called for the execution of five black men who were innocent. He was taken to court by the NIXON administration for discriminatory housing policies. (Seriously, how openly racist do you need to be to get Tricky Dick to say, "Damn, notch it back a bit, son!") Oh, yes, and then there's calling Mexicans "rapists" and throwing their children into concentration camps.

Oh. Bloomberg made an off color joke in the office once...

He didn't doubt Obama wasn't a citizen merely because he was black. He doubted it because Obama's father lived was from Kenya and only came to the US to attend school and get married(again) to Obama's mother. He then returned to Kenya. It isn't a far stretch to doubt if Obama Jr. had been born in the US, particularly when he refused to release his birth certificate for so long.

Again, you make the assumption that Trump wanted those guys convicted way back when just because they were black(and Latino). It couldn't have been because NYC was under siege at the time by violent crime and something needed to be done to stop it. Also, they did confess, so it makes perfect sense at the time. Granted, when asked now, he should have said something to the effect "at the time I believed it was the right call based on the facts at the time, but knowing what we know now, I obviously wouldn't make the same call." He doesn't like to admit to a fault. I don't however consider this racist.

Any allegations, which were ALL dismissed, were related specially to his dad, Fred Trump. Also, there were 3 allegations and a litany of people interviewed by the justice department that said they were not aware of any discrimination by the company. By all means, go with the super minority account because it fits your agenda.

He didn't call all Mexican's rapist's.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best."

"They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

But like always, the MSM only provides the juicy stuff that fuels the racist argument they so desperately want to make.
Wrong. You have some serious misconceptions about Socialism. You eventually run out of other people's money. It is a con-job meant to fool the low IQ folks. It is working.


Socialism works just fine in Europe.

"Our system sucks for 80% of you, but trust us, the other thing no one has ever really tried would suck a lot worse because something happened 100 years ago in a poor country."

Why didn't it suck for the 80% under Obama? The average wages were lower and the wealth gap was even larger. Just curious. Inquiring minds want to know.

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