Joe B updated Democratic Field Rating (Progressives only, please)

Of your list..I like Pete..his gayness means nothing to me..and I like that he is a Vet. I doubt that he can get the Black and Hispanic votes though.

The Right will never get past the fact that he is gay..and his last name begins with Butt..never.

My problem with PB is that he is the mayor of the 4th largest city in IN. Not stunning qualifications organizer and freshman Senator didn't exactly shine out either, now did it? Especially as it was clear to most that his Senate seat was clearly a stepping stone. Had Obama not been Black..he would have never gained the traction to win the election..and we both know it.

I like that Pete's not a boomer...and that this generation can relate to him. "No more Geezers" should be the Democratic Campaign slogan!

I don’t disagree. I voted for HRC instead of Obama based on her resume as well. And if I recall correctly—I was registered in Texas at the time as I recall—the week she narrowly won the Texas and Ohio contests, she lost three small states big time. Because of the proportional awarding; Obama won just as many delegates that evening as she did.


It’s good that VT WY and MS played such a critical role...LOL.
His legacy is large. Very large. President Trump has fundamentally and irreversibly transformed this nation, down to the cellular level. Many of his accomplishments won't even be realized for generations.

Trump will be a huge hangover we will wake up from in 2021, and ask ourselves how we let a racist demagogue fool so many people.

Nobody is going to look back at this period of history with anything but shame.
Was for Joe Biden, but now leaning MB. You are correct that Joe is in free fall and I don’t see any reversal of that trend. I thought I would never vote for a businessman for president given the atrocious track record of W. and Trump, but Bloomberg at least sounds reasonable and has the best chance of taking out the the Orange scourge.

So your primary requirement for a potential President, is whether or not he can beat an incumbent?


‘LOL...first, I said Bloomberg sounds reasonable and second yeah, I am not going to vote someone that will lose to Trump.Though that sounds like Trumpist logic. Trumpist votes for the biggest loser to ever to hold the Presidency.

Every one of those clownshoes Democratic candidates is like the proverbial dog chasing the car: If they ever do really catch it, they're not going to have a clue as to what to do with it. Do you really think any of those losers can fill a real President's shoes?
Trump’s shoe size like his hand size are very, very small.

His legacy is large. Very large. President Trump has fundamentally and irreversibly transformed this nation, down to the cellular level. Many of his accomplishments won't even be realized for generations.
You’re right in this regard. Trump’s attack on the institutions of this country will have ramifications long after he’s gone. It will take a generation to fix the damage Trump has done to the Country in less than 3 years, if his damage is ever repaired.
before you'd vote for a guy running on a total 100% pro-American make America Great platform whose been a huge success for the USA in his first term.

Uh, sorry, Trump has turned us into a fascist dystopia.... I've never been ashamed of being an American until now.

And yet we are all still ashamed of you.

Your problem Joe is you elected a guy who ran the government as a fascist dystopia, considered it progress, and now that a guy is undoing all of that against your will, you consider his success fascism even as your party still practices it and just made a circus of it just last month.
His legacy is large. Very large. President Trump has fundamentally and irreversibly transformed this nation, down to the cellular level. Many of his accomplishments won't even be realized for generations.

Trump will be a huge hangover we will wake up from in 2021, and ask ourselves how we let a racist demagogue fool so many people.

Nobody is going to look back at this period of history with anything but shame.
Please Hillary stop!
His legacy is large. Very large. President Trump has fundamentally and irreversibly transformed this nation, down to the cellular level. Many of his accomplishments won't even be realized for generations.

Trump will be a huge hangover we will wake up from in 2021, and ask ourselves how we let a racist demagogue fool so many people.

Nobody is going to look back at this period of history with anything but shame.

The entire Democrat Party is based on demagoguery. They appeal to the desires, prejudices, and fears of the populace, rather than coming up with rational solutions.

Now how is Trump "racist"? Is he "racist" because his policies have caused the lowest black unemployment, welfare, and food stamp usage?
The goal of the entire primary and caucus season is to arrive at a nominee and to win the White House. Having your nominee being able to focus on the General instead of trying to shore up support from the vocal minorities (by that I am not talking about ethnicities) is a big plus in my view.

I don't necessarily buy that.

I look at Mitt Romney. He won the primaries fairly easily, but there was never much enthusiasm. Same with John McCain. Or John Kerry.

On the other hand, Hillary and Obama ran a very vigorous campaign that wasn't sorted out until the last few primaries, and Obama won the most votes in history afterwards.

Obama was a category killer in 08. Romney got more votes in 12 than McCain in 08.

Hillary got 65M in 2016 (75,000 fewer than Obama got) and she and Bernie went to the convention without a clear winner as memory serves. She may have gotten more—and the Oval without having to spend money fending off Sanders all the way to the convention
Of your list..I like Pete..his gayness means nothing to me..and I like that he is a Vet. I doubt that he can get the Black and Hispanic votes though.

The Right will never get past the fact that he is gay..and his last name begins with Butt..never.
The irony about Conservative hatred of Buttigieg is that they support Trump. A man that wears more make up than RuPaul and has a drag queen look about him. Not to mention that Trump is by far the biggest drama queen to ever hold the office of the presidency.

View attachment 306985

Sorry, Coleslaw, but that fake photo was already circulated and proven fake on another thread. You'll need to get a new one to pump your fake stories with and get a refund from the person who sold you this one..
It appears that Boob Toob is triggered. Be that as it may, Boob Toob, my post is accurate.

It's not your post we care about, Slaw, it's your doctored photo-shopped pictures already proven fake here. You idiots have Trump three different weights, with three different hairs and with five different complexions all within the same 24 hours because you pass so much meme garbage around between yourselves, you haven't a CLUE what is even real or true anymore!
Asking the trump idiots to stay out of this is like asking fleas to stay away from dogs. Your'e going to get some stupidity regardless of how much you don't want it.

Tulsi Gabbard can go. Pete doesn't have the experience. He was the mayor of a town with 100,000 people in it and had problems. He has a bright future and should run for another higher office before trying to be president. Bernie has a cult following, but the most qualified candidate for president is Biden and a Biden/Klobachar ticket would win. Warren is great but she may be better off in a cabinet position. Steyer and Bloomberg can buy ads. Bloomberg has major problems, and while he is not trump, his past is bad enough to disqualify him with me. But if he ends up being the nominee, I'll vote for him because 1 is still better than zero.

But they all are better than what we have now.
Okay, all you Trump supporters, please sit this one out. You have 500 other threads where you can scream "They are all communists!!!"

In no particular order.

Bernie Sanders - Sanders is in a strong position because he has dedicated followers. This helps a lot in a primary battle. He's leading a movement, everyone else is just running a campaign.

His weakness- he's a lot further to the left than any Democrat since McGovern. If Trump weren't the alternative, even I'd consider voting Republican. Also, his age, he's pushing 80!

Peter Buttigeig - He's young, he's dynamic. He's the only veteran in the group. (Seriously, both parties, we've just been through a 19 year war and you can't find any vets to run?) The downside. He's gay, and I'm not sure the country is ready for a gay president yet. Right now, he's benefiting from being an alternative to Bernie and Biden. But he's running fifth nationally, and you have to wonder if this is just another case of placing too much emphasis on NH and IA.

Joe Biden - He's pretty much in freefall right now. He could still pull a rally at South Carolina. Let's not forget, Bill Clinton lost both IA and NH, and still turned it around. His big strength remains that there's still a lot of good will for him in the African American community for being Obama's wingman for 8 years.

Liz Warren - Probably turned out to be too smart for the room. She had lots of good ideas, and got bogged down into arguments about her Native American heritage and whether or not Bernie said a woman couldn't
run. (Ignoring Bernie's decades of support for female candidates.)

Amy Klochabar - this is a case of someone running for Vice President. She knows she's not going to be the nominee, we know it.. She's trying to place strong enough where someone will pick her up because she's a woman from the midwest.

Mike Bloomberg - Bloomberg's big strength is that he has nearly an infinite amount of money to run. He has strong progressive creds, but also strong cred as someone who can work in a bi-partisan manner. If it comes down to him and Bernie, it would be ironic if the the top two contenders for the Democratic Nomination aren't actually Democrats.

His weaknesses - the current mood in the Democratic party is anti-plutocratic, and his stances on gun control wouldn't play well in the red states.

Tom Steyer - Um, yeah, I guess he's still in this.

Tulsi Gabbard - The Kremlin needs to ask for it's money back.
All of them are idiots. And yes, commies like you.
His legacy is large. Very large. President Trump has fundamentally and irreversibly transformed this nation, down to the cellular level. Many of his accomplishments won't even be realized for generations.

Trump will be a huge hangover we will wake up from in 2021, and ask ourselves how we let a racist demagogue fool so many people.

Nobody is going to look back at this period of history with anything but shame.
Hey Joe, what do you think of the following statement made by Caitlin Johnstone.

“The problem with threatening the DNC with a Trump re-election if they install a right-wing candidate is that Democratic Party elites don't care if Trump gets re-elected; he supports all their favorite agendas and they keep their jobs regardless. It's not a real threat to them.”

ps. When quoting your beloved Hillary as you often do, you need to use the citation. Okay?
Asking the trump idiots to stay out of this is like asking fleas to stay away from dogs. Your'e going to get some stupidity regardless of how much you don't want it.

Tulsi Gabbard can go. Pete doesn't have the experience. He was the mayor of a town with 100,000 people in it and had problems. He has a bright future and should run for another higher office before trying to be president. Bernie has a cult following, but the most qualified candidate for president is Biden and a Biden/Klobachar ticket would win. Warren is great but she may be better off in a cabinet position. Steyer and Bloomberg can buy ads. Bloomberg has major problems, and while he is not trump, his past is bad enough to disqualify him with me. But if he ends up being the nominee, I'll vote for him because 1 is still better than zero.

But they all are better than what we have now.
LOL. Biden is a known fool. Even your beloved Messiah refuses to support the dunce.
Okay, all you Trump supporters, please sit this one out. You have 500 other threads where you can scream "They are all communists!!!"

In no particular order.

Bernie Sanders - Sanders is in a strong position because he has dedicated followers. This helps a lot in a primary battle. He's leading a movement, everyone else is just running a campaign.

His weakness- he's a lot further to the left than any Democrat since McGovern. If Trump weren't the alternative, even I'd consider voting Republican. Also, his age, he's pushing 80!

Peter Buttigeig - He's young, he's dynamic. He's the only veteran in the group. (Seriously, both parties, we've just been through a 19 year war and you can't find any vets to run?) The downside. He's gay, and I'm not sure the country is ready for a gay president yet. Right now, he's benefiting from being an alternative to Bernie and Biden. But he's running fifth nationally, and you have to wonder if this is just another case of placing too much emphasis on NH and IA.

Joe Biden - He's pretty much in freefall right now. He could still pull a rally at South Carolina. Let's not forget, Bill Clinton lost both IA and NH, and still turned it around. His big strength remains that there's still a lot of good will for him in the African American community for being Obama's wingman for 8 years.

Liz Warren - Probably turned out to be too smart for the room. She had lots of good ideas, and got bogged down into arguments about her Native American heritage and whether or not Bernie said a woman couldn't
run. (Ignoring Bernie's decades of support for female candidates.)

Amy Klochabar - this is a case of someone running for Vice President. She knows she's not going to be the nominee, we know it.. She's trying to place strong enough where someone will pick her up because she's a woman from the midwest.

Mike Bloomberg - Bloomberg's big strength is that he has nearly an infinite amount of money to run. He has strong progressive creds, but also strong cred as someone who can work in a bi-partisan manner. If it comes down to him and Bernie, it would be ironic if the the top two contenders for the Democratic Nomination aren't actually Democrats.

His weaknesses - the current mood in the Democratic party is anti-plutocratic, and his stances on gun control wouldn't play well in the red states.

Tom Steyer - Um, yeah, I guess he's still in this.

Tulsi Gabbard - The Kremlin needs to ask for it's money back.

It’s interesting that leftwingers look at their candidates superficial attributes in determining who to give their support to.

None of you are choosing a candidate based on the policies and ideas they champion. Of course the candidates aren’t actually running on any ideas of how to make the country better. Their only message is “Orange Man Bad”.

Maybe if you focused on which President Trump policies you want reversed, then you could find your candidate:

Which candidate will promise to cave to China and promise to ship them our manufacturing jobs?

Which candidate promises to bring back ISIS and get us involved in more unnecessary wars like the Hussein did?

Which candidate promises to end the record low unemployment rates for blacks and get more of them back on welfare?

Which candidate promises to defund and weaken our military like BJ Clinton and the Hussein did?

Which candidate promises to allow other nations to impose tariffs and unfair trade deals on the US without repercussions?

Which candidate promises to not put an end to corruption?

Which candidate promises to put America last?

Answer those and you might have your candidate.
Basically any liberal who thinks Obama was a good President is no liberal. Just ignorant and easily duped.
It is hilarious to hear someone like JoeB talk about Reaganomics and trickle down theory... and not realize that Obama was the greatest trickle down President in America history. The wealth gap grew at a faster rate than at any other time. The very people who caused the collapse were rewarded with magnificent gains thanks to Obama. Millions lost their homes, while the investment banks that owned the mortgages made $billions in profits at the same time. Record profits.
So it is difficult to take JoeB seriously.
Here's the thing. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM is leading Trump in the polls. Why do you think that is if things are so wonderful?

For starters, I don't believe the polls, however, it is possible they are correct. If so, it is likely due to the gullibility of American people. They mindlessly believe what they read on the front page of some liberal rag as they walk by or the blip they hear on the nightly MSM news. People who truly delve into the state of the economy, the job market, wages, etc. know the truth. The problem is, this is a very small percentage of the population. Most are too concerned with whatever is trending on Twitter. A dumbed down electorate is a huge advantage for the left and the MSM continues to work towards that goal.
Was for Joe Biden, but now leaning MB. You are correct that Joe is in free fall and I don’t see any reversal of that trend. I thought I would never vote for a businessman for president given the atrocious track record of W. and Trump, but Bloomberg at least sounds reasonable and has the best chance of taking out the the Orange scourge.
Bloomberg ran NYC for a dozen years. He has experience with politics and experience with Trump
Uh, sorry, Trump has turned us into a fascist dystopia.... I've never been ashamed of being an American until now.

We should all be ashamed if any of the Democrats gets elected. The world will love us though, because we will put their interests well ahead of our own. I know how much leftists want world approval.
Okay, all you Trump supporters, please sit this one out. You have 500 other threads where you can scream "They are all communists!!!"

In no particular order.

Bernie Sanders - Sanders is in a strong position because he has dedicated followers. This helps a lot in a primary battle. He's leading a movement, everyone else is just running a campaign.

His weakness- he's a lot further to the left than any Democrat since McGovern. If Trump weren't the alternative, even I'd consider voting Republican. Also, his age, he's pushing 80!

Peter Buttigeig - He's young, he's dynamic. He's the only veteran in the group. (Seriously, both parties, we've just been through a 19 year war and you can't find any vets to run?) The downside. He's gay, and I'm not sure the country is ready for a gay president yet. Right now, he's benefiting from being an alternative to Bernie and Biden. But he's running fifth nationally, and you have to wonder if this is just another case of placing too much emphasis on NH and IA.

Joe Biden - He's pretty much in freefall right now. He could still pull a rally at South Carolina. Let's not forget, Bill Clinton lost both IA and NH, and still turned it around. His big strength remains that there's still a lot of good will for him in the African American community for being Obama's wingman for 8 years.

Liz Warren - Probably turned out to be too smart for the room. She had lots of good ideas, and got bogged down into arguments about her Native American heritage and whether or not Bernie said a woman couldn't
run. (Ignoring Bernie's decades of support for female candidates.)

Amy Klochabar - this is a case of someone running for Vice President. She knows she's not going to be the nominee, we know it.. She's trying to place strong enough where someone will pick her up because she's a woman from the midwest.

Mike Bloomberg - Bloomberg's big strength is that he has nearly an infinite amount of money to run. He has strong progressive creds, but also strong cred as someone who can work in a bi-partisan manner. If it comes down to him and Bernie, it would be ironic if the the top two contenders for the Democratic Nomination aren't actually Democrats.

His weaknesses - the current mood in the Democratic party is anti-plutocratic, and his stances on gun control wouldn't play well in the red states.

Tom Steyer - Um, yeah, I guess he's still in this.

Tulsi Gabbard - The Kremlin needs to ask for it's money back.
Progressive Era ended in 1920. Get an education. Stop calling yourselves "progressives." Call yourselves "Eugene V. Debs Socialist" because that's what you are.
The Progressive Era (1890 - 1920)

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