Joe B updated Democratic Field Rating (Progressives only, please)

HAha... so you reduced all that he has said to it's lightest form?
He said much worse and you know it.
The fact is, he is right. But regressive will not allow anyone to interrupt their fantasy make believe thinking.

Again, it's funny to watch you right wingers who defended every police shooting of a black kid suddenly clutch your pearls over the thought that Mike Bloomberg supported one of your policies.

Deflect much?

Why, yes you do.
My problem with PB is that he is the mayor of the 4th largest city in IN. Not stunning qualifications

Again, more qualified than running a game show.

He's also the only vet in the group.
Was for Joe Biden, but now leaning MB. You are correct that Joe is in free fall and I don’t see any reversal of that trend. I thought I would never vote for a businessman for president given the atrocious track record of W. and Trump, but Bloomberg at least sounds reasonable and has the best chance of taking out the the Orange scourge.

So your primary requirement for a potential President, is whether or not he can beat an incumbent?


‘LOL...first, I said Bloomberg sounds reasonable and second yeah, I am not going to vote for someone who will lose to Trump.Though that sounds like Trumpist logic. Trumpist votes for the biggest loser to ever to hold the Presidency.
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We’ll know more after Tx and CA weigh in in about 3 weeks.

The DEMs are really hurting themselves with their primary rules and awarding delegates proportionally. In the case of Sanders, the matters are worse because his core will not automatically fall in line behind any other nominee. If one of the others were to have it sewn up by April, you could peel off some of his core over time but the DEMs are not going to have a consensus front runner it seems.

I'm not entirely sure that is a good idea. Winner takes all gets you to a nominee faster, but it also means someone can sew this up with only about 30% of the already small primary vote.
Of your list..I like Pete..his gayness means nothing to me..and I like that he is a Vet. I doubt that he can get the Black and Hispanic votes though.

The Right will never get past the fact that he is gay..and his last name begins with Butt..never.

My problem with PB is that he is the mayor of the 4th largest city in IN. Not stunning qualifications organizer and freshman Senator didn't exactly shine out either, now did it? Especially as it was clear to most that his Senate seat was clearly a stepping stone. Had Obama not been Black..he would have never gained the traction to win the election..and we both know it.

I like that Pete's not a boomer...and that this generation can relate to him. "No more Geezers" should be the Democratic Campaign slogan!
DECONSTRUCTING JOE B: In no particular order.
Any of them would be an improvement over Trump, except Moscow Tulsi... And she might be a good pick if she promises to wear that surf outfit her whole term.
So, other than a sexist too, we can now put you down as being for:
  • a Communist
  • an anti-constitutional Fag
  • a total perv Loser
  • a Fraud
  • someone you don't even consider viable for the office
  • a rich plutocrat
  • a Russian puppet
  • and someone you don't even know what they stand for
before you'd vote for a guy running on a total 100% pro-American make America Great platform whose been a huge success for the USA in his first term.

Got it.
Of your list..I like Pete..his gayness means nothing to me..and I like that he is a Vet. I doubt that he can get the Black and Hispanic votes though.

The Right will never get past the fact that he is gay..and his last name begins with Butt..never.
The irony about Conservative hatred of Buttigieg is that they support Trump. A man that wears more make up than RuPaul and has a drag queen look about him. Not to mention that Trump is by far the biggest drama queen to ever hold the office of the presidency.

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Was for Joe Biden, but now leaning MB. You are correct that Joe is in free fall and I don’t see any reversal of that trend. I thought I would never vote for a businessman for president given the atrocious track record of W. and Trump, but Bloomberg at least sounds reasonable and has the best chance of taking out the the Orange scourge.

So your primary requirement for a potential President, is whether or not he can beat an incumbent?


‘LOL...first, I said Bloomberg sounds reasonable and second yeah, I am not going to vote someone that will lose to Trump.Though that sounds like Trumpist logic. Trumpist votes for the biggest loser to ever to hold the Presidency.

Every one of those clownshoes Democratic candidates is like the proverbial dog chasing the car: If they ever do really catch it, they're not going to have a clue as to what to do with it. Do you really think any of those losers can fill a real President's shoes?
Was for Joe Biden, but now leaning MB. You are correct that Joe is in free fall and I don’t see any reversal of that trend. I thought I would never vote for a businessman for president given the atrocious track record of W. and Trump, but Bloomberg at least sounds reasonable and has the best chance of taking out the the Orange scourge.

I agree, but who is W.?
George W. Bush. W. was our first M.B.A. president. Like Trump, his primary qualification for the presidency was running businesses to the ground.
We’ll know more after Tx and CA weigh in in about 3 weeks.

The DEMs are really hurting themselves with their primary rules and awarding delegates proportionally. In the case of Sanders, the matters are worse because his core will not automatically fall in line behind any other nominee. If one of the others were to have it sewn up by April, you could peel off some of his core over time but the DEMs are not going to have a consensus front runner it seems.

I'm not entirely sure that is a good idea. Winner takes all gets you to a nominee faster, but it also means someone can sew this up with only about 30% of the already small primary vote.

The goal of the entire primary and caucus season is to arrive at a nominee and to win the White House. Having your nominee being able to focus on the General instead of trying to shore up support from the vocal minorities (by that I am not talking about ethnicities) is a big plus in my view.
before you'd vote for a guy running on a total 100% pro-American make America Great platform whose been a huge success for the USA in his first term.

Uh, sorry, Trump has turned us into a fascist dystopia.... I've never been ashamed of being an American until now.
Was for Joe Biden, but now leaning MB. You are correct that Joe is in free fall and I don’t see any reversal of that trend. I thought I would never vote for a businessman for president given the atrocious track record of W. and Trump, but Bloomberg at least sounds reasonable and has the best chance of taking out the the Orange scourge.

So your primary requirement for a potential President, is whether or not he can beat an incumbent?


‘LOL...first, I said Bloomberg sounds reasonable and second yeah, I am not going to vote someone that will lose to Trump.Though that sounds like Trumpist logic. Trumpist votes for the biggest loser to ever to hold the Presidency.

Every one of those clownshoes Democratic candidates is like the proverbial dog chasing the car: If they ever do really catch it, they're not going to have a clue as to what to do with it. Do you really think any of those losers can fill a real President's shoes?
Trump’s shoe size like his hand size are very, very small.
The goal of the entire primary and caucus season is to arrive at a nominee and to win the White House. Having your nominee being able to focus on the General instead of trying to shore up support from the vocal minorities (by that I am not talking about ethnicities) is a big plus in my view.

I don't necessarily buy that.

I look at Mitt Romney. He won the primaries fairly easily, but there was never much enthusiasm. Same with John McCain. Or John Kerry.

On the other hand, Hillary and Obama ran a very vigorous campaign that wasn't sorted out until the last few primaries, and Obama won the most votes in history afterwards.
The truth is, the Democrats are going to be stuck with whatever POS candidate the DNC foists on them.

Hold yer nose and cast yer vote. :21:
Of your list..I like Pete..his gayness means nothing to me..and I like that he is a Vet. I doubt that he can get the Black and Hispanic votes though.

The Right will never get past the fact that he is gay..and his last name begins with Butt..never.
The irony about Conservative hatred of Buttigieg is that they support Trump. A man that wears more make up than RuPaul and has a drag queen look about him. Not to mention that Trump is by far the biggest drama queen to ever hold the office of the presidency.

View attachment 306985

Sorry, Coleslaw, but that fake photo was already circulated and proven fake on another thread. You'll need to get a new one to pump your fake stories with and get a refund from the person who sold you this one..
The truth is, the Democrats are going to be stuck with whatever POS candidate the DNC foists on them.

Will they? If that were the case, Biden would have had this wrapped up by now. Biden was the DNC's plan "A", and he's faltering badly.
Was for Joe Biden, but now leaning MB. You are correct that Joe is in free fall and I don’t see any reversal of that trend. I thought I would never vote for a businessman for president given the atrocious track record of W. and Trump, but Bloomberg at least sounds reasonable and has the best chance of taking out the the Orange scourge.

So your primary requirement for a potential President, is whether or not he can beat an incumbent?


‘LOL...first, I said Bloomberg sounds reasonable and second yeah, I am not going to vote someone that will lose to Trump.Though that sounds like Trumpist logic. Trumpist votes for the biggest loser to ever to hold the Presidency.

Every one of those clownshoes Democratic candidates is like the proverbial dog chasing the car: If they ever do really catch it, they're not going to have a clue as to what to do with it. Do you really think any of those losers can fill a real President's shoes?
Trump’s shoe size like his hand size are very, very small.

His legacy is large. Very large. President Trump has fundamentally and irreversibly transformed this nation, down to the cellular level. Many of his accomplishments won't even be realized for generations.
Of your list..I like Pete..his gayness means nothing to me..and I like that he is a Vet. I doubt that he can get the Black and Hispanic votes though.

The Right will never get past the fact that he is gay..and his last name begins with Butt..never.
The irony about Conservative hatred of Buttigieg is that they support Trump. A man that wears more make up than RuPaul and has a drag queen look about him. Not to mention that Trump is by far the biggest drama queen to ever hold the office of the presidency.

View attachment 306985

Sorry, Coleslaw, but that fake photo was already circulated and proven fake on another thread. You'll need to get a new one to pump your fake stories with and get a refund from the person who sold you this one..
A bunch of Trumpist saying a photo is fake is really convincing, Boob Toob. Be that as it may, all I said was true.
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