Joe B updated Democratic Field Rating (Progressives only, please)

I am only posting to point out, I have seen this thread and will honor not posting about it..........

We know you wake up at night screaming, MIKEY BLOOMBERG IS AFTER MY GUN!!!!
And this thread represents quite well how regressive people think.
They are only interested in saying what they want to say, with no one disagreeing, and if they do... they should be banned from the thread.
And this thread represents quite well how regressive people think.
They are only interested in saying what they want to say, with no one disagreeing, and if they do... they should be banned from the thread.

Not at all. It's just that anything from a Trump Supporter wouldn't add anything to the conversation.

Right now, I haven't picked a candidate to support. I was leaning towards Warren, but she has flamed out, probably won't be around after SC>

Now, here's the thing. If you were to aggregate all their view on the issues, they are probably in agreement on 90% of them. (Except Moscow Tulsi.. she's just a nut who went to Congress because no one pays that much attention) So any one of them will still get me 90% of what I want in terms of issues. Probably less when they get into office and encounter the system's basic resistance to change.

The real question is, which one would be the strongest against Trump. I think the only ones who would be strong at this point would be Bernie, because he has a corps of dedicated followers, and Bloomberg, because he has the resources and media Savvy to promote himself.
Typical JoeB131 ...
JB - "This is what is true, no disagreements can be made"
Other - "you are wrong because X"
JB - "You are a Trump lover, and stupid"
Other - "ok so... Fact1 ....Fact2..."
JB - You have nothing to add, Trumpbot"
Other - "and you won't discuss facts..."
JB - "THis is what is true and no disagreements can be made"
When he is not slamming black kids against walls...

The question is, is Stop and Frisk really an issue. I do think we have to have a better discussion about policing and race relations in this country. He could phrase it in such a way that he was continuing a policy that his predecessor had started that a lot of people in the community supported when crime was through the roof. But he has to phrase it very carefully.
Of your list..I like Pete..his gayness means nothing to me..and I like that he is a Vet. I doubt that he can get the Black and Hispanic votes though.

The Right will never get past the fact that he is gay..and his last name begins with Butt..never.
The real question is, which one would be the strongest against Trump. I think the only ones who would be strong at this point would be Bernie, because he has a corps of dedicated followers, and Bloomberg, because he has the resources and media Savvy to promote himself.

For the sake of our country, I hope none of them have a snowball's chance. They are all completely off their rocker.
Typical JoeB131 ...
JB - "This is what is true, no disagreements can be made"
Other - "you are wrong because X"
JB - "You are a Trump lover, and stupid"
Other - "ok so... Fact1 ....Fact2..."
JB - You have nothing to add, Trumpbot"
Other - "and you won't discuss facts..."
JB - "THis is what is true and no disagreements can be made"

I spend a lot of time here arguing directly with Trump supporters and challenging them, thanks. If you were intellectually honest, you'd admit that.

I wanted to have one thread to get other people's thoughts on the Democratic Feild other than, "fuh, fuh, they're all socialists".
For the sake of our country, I hope none of them have a snowball's chance. They are all completely off their rocker.

This is why I didn't want to talk to right wingers in this thread.

Here's the thing. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM is leading Trump in the polls. Why do you think that is if things are so wonderful?
When he is not slamming black kids against walls...

The question is, is Stop and Frisk really an issue. I do think we have to have a better discussion about policing and race relations in this country. He could phrase it in such a way that he was continuing a policy that his predecessor had started that a lot of people in the community supported when crime was through the roof. But he has to phrase it very carefully.
HAha... so you reduced all that he has said to it's lightest form?
He said much worse and you know it.
The fact is, he is right. But regressive will not allow anyone to interrupt their fantasy make believe thinking.
Was for Joe Biden, but now leaning MB. You are correct that Joe is in free fall and I don’t see any reversal of that trend. I thought I would never vote for a businessman for president given the atrocious track record of W. and Trump, but Bloomberg at least sounds reasonable and has the best chance of taking out the the Orange scourge.

So your primary requirement for a potential President, is whether or not he can beat an incumbent?

We’ll know more after Tx and CA weigh in in about 3 weeks.

The DEMs are really hurting themselves with their primary rules and awarding delegates proportionally. In the case of Sanders, the matters are worse because his core will not automatically fall in line behind any other nominee. If one of the others were to have it sewn up by April, you could peel off some of his core over time but the DEMs are not going to have a consensus front runner it seems.
Of your list..I like Pete..his gayness means nothing to me..and I like that he is a Vet. I doubt that he can get the Black and Hispanic votes though.

The Right will never get past the fact that he is gay..and his last name begins with Butt..never.

My problem with PB is that he is the mayor of the 4th largest city in IN. Not stunning qualifications
HAha... so you reduced all that he has said to it's lightest form?
He said much worse and you know it.
The fact is, he is right. But regressive will not allow anyone to interrupt their fantasy make believe thinking.

Again, it's funny to watch you right wingers who defended every police shooting of a black kid suddenly clutch your pearls over the thought that Mike Bloomberg supported one of your policies.
If this guy was running against Trump the liberals on this board would vote for him and just say he is misunderstood.
Was for Joe Biden, but now leaning MB. You are correct that Joe is in free fall and I don’t see any reversal of that trend. I thought I would never vote for a businessman for president given the atrocious track record of W. and Trump, but Bloomberg at least sounds reasonable and has the best chance of taking out the the Orange scourge.

I agree, but who is W.?

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