Joe Biden announces 2020 presidential campaign


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.
The old white guy has a chance if he can survive the primaries. On the other hand, he has tons of baggage that Trump will use. I love the fact he's a proven plagiarist.
The old white guy has a chance if he can survive the primaries. On the other hand, he has tons of baggage that Trump will use. I love the fact he's a proven plagiarist.
Plagarist? He and Melania can write a book, maybe?
My guess is that, knowing he'll need to make the ticket far more PC-friendly, he'll name a PC-appropriate running mate fairly soon. He'd probably like it to be Kamala Harris, but she might last too long. Stacey Abrams is another possibility, but I'm sure there are more possibles.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

Joe looks better when Steven Speilberg directs his performance.

Oh, note the primary focus of Joe Biden's candidacy.
It's nothing more than "Trump is a racist and I'm gonna stop him from being one".
Never mind the fact that Obama was a racist.....and Crazy Joe never said one thing against his black ass for 8 years.
His whole ad was a backfire loaded bullshit catsasstrophe. LOL, what a dope.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

Just another Democrat/Hollywood production without depth. Essentially an old coot mouthing a script he himself does not believe. The Republicans can do the identity politics segment just as well with tape of Antifa rioting and pussy hats screaming to the sky in despair over losing 2016.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

Opened his campaign by being divisive and playing the race card. Called Antifa “heroic.”

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

Joe looks better when Steven Speilberg directs his performance.

Oh, note the primary focus of Joe Biden's candidacy.
It's nothing more than "Trump is a racist and I'm gonna stop him from being one".
Never mind the fact that Obama was a racist.....and Crazy Joe never said one thing against his black ass for 8 years.

What can Groping Joe run on?

Obama's 1% GDP average, that was the new norm?
Obama failed unaffordable healthcare that was created because of the "stupidity of the liberal voter"?
Obama's attack on Libya that allowed ISIS, the Jr varsity team" to rise up and force millions of Muslims to flee their country seeking asylum?
Obama's cash for clunkers that went over real well, and shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready, but boy did the liberal elites get billions of dollars?
Obama's QE forever where 4.5 trillion dollars was created so Apple, GM and other liberal companies can borrow money at 0% interest so they can buy their stock making 3% interest?
There are plenty more, but I get tired of repeating myself, because a liberal is just too stupid to know better, which is why public education needs to be privatized.


Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

Joe looks better when Steven Speilberg directs his performance.

Oh, note the primary focus of Joe Biden's candidacy.
It's nothing more than "Trump is a racist and I'm gonna stop him from being one".
Never mind the fact that Obama was a racist.....and Crazy Joe never said one thing against his black ass for 8 years.

We're all racists if we are conservatives. I got written up at work for mentioning there are more blacks shot by other blacks than white cops shooting blacks. Happened to be a black person present and he went right to the boss and next thing I know I'm being written up for "racist conversation". The left is unhinged.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

Joe looks better when Steven Speilberg directs his performance.

Oh, note the primary focus of Joe Biden's candidacy.
It's nothing more than "Trump is a racist and I'm gonna stop him from being one".
Never mind the fact that Obama was a racist.....and Crazy Joe never said one thing against his black ass for 8 years.

What can Groping Joe run on?

Obama's 1% GDP average, that was the new norm?
Obama failed unaffordable healthcare that was created because of the "stupidity of the liberal voter"?
Obama's attack on Libya that allowed ISIS, the Jr varsity team" to rise up and force millions of Muslims to flee their country seeking asylum?
Obama's cash for clunkers that went over real well, and shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready, but boy did the liberal elites get billions of dollars?
Obama's QE forever where 4.5 trillion dollars was created so Apple, GM and other liberal companies can borrow money at 0% interest so they can buy their stock making 3% interest?
There are plenty more, but I get tired of repeating myself, because a liberal is just too stupid to know better, which is why public education needs to be privatized.

View attachment 257783

Yep....get government out of our education system.
Everything government touches turns to shit.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

Joe looks better when Steven Speilberg directs his performance.

Oh, note the primary focus of Joe Biden's candidacy.
It's nothing more than "Trump is a racist and I'm gonna stop him from being one".
Never mind the fact that Obama was a racist.....and Crazy Joe never said one thing against his black ass for 8 years.

We're all racists if we are conservatives. I got written up at work for mentioning there are more blacks shot by other blacks than white cops shooting blacks. Happened to be a black person present and he went right to the boss and next thing I know I'm being written up for "racist conversation". The left is unhinged.

Yet Eric Holder called Americans cowards for not discussing race.
Only proves that you can't do anything right in their wokish mindset.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

Joe looks better when Steven Speilberg directs his performance.

Oh, note the primary focus of Joe Biden's candidacy.
It's nothing more than "Trump is a racist and I'm gonna stop him from being one".
Never mind the fact that Obama was a racist.....and Crazy Joe never said one thing against his black ass for 8 years.

Biden has made some pretty racist comments. Something tells me the Bernie crazies will take out Joe in less than a month. One of Biden's problems is he's not a victim of anything.

Okay am I the only one confused. So Biden has formally announced and I guess this is the video. Is this it, a 3:30 minute clip, seriously? 1% Joe couldn't do some kind of live announcement at a rally to announce, oh that's right he already made that gaffe...either way will be fun to watch if the democrats running will let Biden drive the clown car.

Joe looks better when Steven Speilberg directs his performance.

Oh, note the primary focus of Joe Biden's candidacy.
It's nothing more than "Trump is a racist and I'm gonna stop him from being one".
Never mind the fact that Obama was a racist.....and Crazy Joe never said one thing against his black ass for 8 years.

We're all racists if we are conservatives. I got written up at work for mentioning there are more blacks shot by other blacks than white cops shooting blacks. Happened to be a black person present and he went right to the boss and next thing I know I'm being written up for "racist conversation". The left is unhinged.

Yet Eric Holder called Americans cowards for not discussing race.
Only proves that you can't do anything right in their wokish mindset.

You can't argue with reason with an indoctrinated mind.
Has he gone down the road of "Trump and conservatives are all racists!" yet?

I imagine this will be his angle, as without division and having voters vote against their self interests, he is going to have a really difficult time confronting Trumps booming economy and confronting of China. Trump just needs to remind voters what administration he was a part of and compare the numbers, along with a "do you want to go back to China winning again?!"

To me, that should be Trumps main angle. The economy and fight against China. More Americans see they are a problem and the Obama admin did nothing. Throw in Iran and other International issues for good measure once in awhile and Biden will be the one on his toes as he screams the usual platitudes.

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