Joe Biden Campaign Ad Includes More Trump Bashing

So how exactly is this going to help you win votes genius? Everybody voting for Trump already can see through this sham.

I also see commercials about

a. Inflation coming down
b. Grocery prices coming down
c. Jobs market keeps adding jobs month after month
d. Stock market up
e. Unemployment low
f. Biden fixing the border
g. Prescription drugs lowered
h. We are energy independent

The exact opposite of Trump's commercials that just lie and predict doom and gloom. Same as he did in 2020 and none of it came true.
A campaign ad that bashes your God..someone alert the media!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Well you see the difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump can actually say what he promises to do to make this country better, Biden can't because he's going to continue to make it worse.
Well you see the difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump can actually say what he promises to do to make this country better, Biden can't because he's going to continue to make it worse.
That is your belief. Unfortunately. Facts say otherwise. Trump is a whore. Will say whatever he needs to in order to get you to send him your money. And you'll do it willingly.
Trump was an absolute disaster for this country. Someone whose political career should have been over the moment he took his foot off the escalator (if only Republicans still possessed testicles. :)).
So how exactly is this going to help you win votes genius? Everybody voting for Trump already can see through this sham.

Did you know that Republicans vote less than do Democrats?
That is a problem for Trumpsters who think he's a winner while others don't want a felon in the WH.
Reminder: If the same rules had applied in 2020 than applied in 2016 (either vote in person or Absentee), Trump would have won in a landslide. No matter how you slice it, the election was stolen. Maybe not two in a row.
Newsflash. That goes the same for Trump...and the rest of the baby boomer retreads in Congress. Retire already! :)

What goes the same for Trump? He talks about a whole lot more than just bashing Biden.

His only alternative is to continue to play the same old tired democrat tune---Bbbbbut, Bbbbbut, Bbbbbut, TRUMP, and what people are hearing is VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, TRUMP.

Exactly!! Just like what happens on this message board.
So how exactly is this going to help you win votes genius? Everybody voting for Trump already can see through this sham.

Very important that Trump doesn't run off his cakehole again with stupid shit.

But still, super important that the Dems don't take down Biden and bring in Hilary! That's like betting that a nuclear war is survivable??
What goes the same for Trump? He talks about a whole lot more than just bashing Biden.

Exactly!! Just like what happens on this message board.
No he doesn't. In fact, this time around, I haven't heard him articulate one thing he will do to make the average voter's life better.
Just the revenge and bile tour (which, if it comes down to that, won't work out well for him. We don't do dictators in this country. :)).'s not a cult.
What goes the same for Trump? He talks about a whole lot more than just bashing Biden.

Exactly!! Just like what happens on this message board.
Give it a rest Jack, Trump can't talk about sharks and batteries if he's not running against a zombie.

What better time for the demokkkrats to bring in the women's dream candidate?

This is not gud!
So how exactly is this going to help you win votes genius? Everybody voting for Trump already can see through this sham.

Candidates most often attack their opponents.

Trump isn’t reticent to attack Potato.

The difference is, Trump relies on the truth.

Potato’s ads lie.

Sadly, this also is nothing new.
Reminder: If the same rules had applied in 2020 than applied in 2016 (either vote in person or Absentee), Trump would have won in a landslide. No matter how you slice it, the election was stolen. Maybe not two in a row.
Face it, Dems cheat and you have no idea how to stop us.
Absentee ballots have nothing to do with it.

Biden will win Bigly in November

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