Joe Biden has another gaffe

So, we are all on the same page…

this “ Potato in Chief who can’t put coherent sentences together even on a teleprompter.… “ is he the same guy who beat the orange douchebag like a rented mule?

Beat him so bad that the orange loser is still whining about it 3 years later? That same guy?
Yes. Really says a lot about our voting base, doesnt it?
Mostly why I support restricting voting.
No. You didn't use ''laser rays and Chinese bamboo ballots'' to fix the 2020 election. The Dems / Marxists used lies and deceit. There is a lot of data showing that Dem / Marxist lies and falsehoods surrounding the Russia collusion fraud moved voters toward Sloppy Joe.

What's tragically funny is that the Dems / Marxists are now dealing with the disaster they voted for. Drugs, crime, homelessness, illegal immigration, the decay and rot destroying entire Dem / Marxist cities is what you voted for. Now you're left to wallow in the pig styes you created.
They're use to wallowing in pig slop, so it's just another walk in the park for them.

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