Joe Biden has another gaffe

If the election wasn't stolen by Dems, then they successfully elected a blithering retard to the highest public office.
So which is it ? Is it Biden that is the lone idiot or is it the entire Biden base that allegedly voted such a crackpot into the office of the presidency ? I think it was both myself. 😬
Still don’t get it. There’s no way he got 15 million more votes than Obama. Just look at the corrupt Garland now shutting down House investigations on Joe by using a left wing hack as special prosecutor who let Hunter get away with multiple felonies. Wake up! Biden is far worse and a threat to democracy than Trump.
Then how come you retards can't prove it in court. If you idiots are so sure of your facts, then why have every judge laughed you, idiots, out of court?

Even judges appointed by the orange douchebag start giggling when you guys appear before them.

And, I am the one who has to Wake up!? :auiqs.jpg:
Then how come you retards can't prove it in court. If you idiots are so sure of your facts, then why have every judge laughed you, idiots, out of court?

Even judges appointed by the orange douchebag start giggling when you guys appear before them.

And, I am the one who has to Wake up!? :auiqs.jpg:
Because the courts are run by Democrats.
Biden can have all the gaffes he wants, because all of America knows he will never be as bad as Trump.
Did Trump take $50 million dollar bribes and extort countries around the world like Joe Biden has? Nope. Now, what was so bad under Trump. Tell us. His lowering regulations so small businesses could thrive and grow? By lowering taxes so businesses could hire more people and pay them way more. Blacks income was the highest ever and also their unemployment was the lowest ever. Inflation was very low but the economy was doing just fine growing every quarter. Gas prices were way down and we didn't have to worry about the axis of evil as Trump silenced them all. Kim of NK stopped lobbing missiles at Japan and threatening countries with Nukes. Putin didn't start any wars and China quit threatening Taiwan. Iran didn't have money to keep their nuke program on schedule. No wars except Afghanistan in which Trump was winding down and would have ended it without 13 dead service members. So, tell us, what was so bad under Trump?
This guy needs to resign before his brain turns completely to mush.
The obvious problem is that Sloppy Joe has these mental meltdowns on the world stage. It’s just an embarrassment to see him being herded around by world leaders when he loses his way on stage trying to exit a conference and when he loses his war with the teleprompter.
Even the judges appointed by your orange douchebag? Doesn't speak too highly of his decisions, does it?

No wonder you retards are always so mad. :itsok:
LOL, you sit back enjoying what you know is the results of this nation going straight to bad, and this after trying to repair itself right after the botched Vietnam war, and during it's on going easily exploitable battle with the stigma of slavery and anything else that is being exploited today... These things have been kept alive by activist who want far more than equality and access, even after so much sacrifice and accomplishments have since taken place in order to help to fix such things throughout the years.

The Democrat's are pushing us back into a very bad place, otherwise as if all that was accomplished was all for nothing, and so the Democrat's want the smoldering ashes to be reignited again and again is what their agenda's now want.

However, this time in history it's for a weak charactered party of knucklehead's who are using every issue possible in order to stay in power so they can stay empowered, and this is for their agenda's to stay empowered even if some of their agenda's are wrong or wrong headed.
Did Trump take $50 million dollar bribes and extort countries around the world like Joe Biden has? Nope. Now, what was so bad under Trump. Tell us. His lowering regulations so small businesses could thrive and grow? By lowering taxes so businesses could hire more people and pay them way more. Blacks income was the highest ever and also their unemployment was the lowest ever. Inflation was very low but the economy was doing just fine growing every quarter. Gas prices were way down and we didn't have to worry about the axis of evil as Trump silenced them all. Kim of NK stopped lobbing missiles at Japan and threatening countries with Nukes. Putin didn't start any wars and China quit threatening Taiwan. Iran didn't have money to keep their nuke program on schedule. No wars except Afghanistan in which Trump was winding down and would have ended it without 13 dead service members. So, tell us, what was so bad under Trump?
They can't... It's all just deflections and delusions on their parts. They hope to keep fooling the masses with Joe and Hunters influence peddling that is now being used on us.

I'm surprised Biden hasn't come out in a conference yet and say "shut down the Republican party" or you don't get the trillions of printed money I promised all you knucklehead's, and oh and make sure I get kicked back 10% for being the alleged "big guy". 👍
i take voting very seriously. everyone in my precinct votes, at most, once, and maybe i need a good nickname for you.

If you take voting seriously you should be outraged at what transpired in 2020. In reality you take leftism very seriously .
If you take voting seriously you should be outraged at what transpired in 2020. In reality you take leftism very seriously .
i have been working elections in the 9th ward of new orleans for 1/2 century. nothing like that wholesale fraud is possible.
too many signatures are matched, number of ballots must, without a real good reason equal the number of signatures.
Trump can't beat anybody. All the other GOP can beat Biden.

It would be great to have a GOP executive (not DeSatan or Orange Turd) and a solid blue Congress.
LOL, you sit back enjoying what you know is the results of this nation going straight to bad, and this after trying to repair itself right after the botched Vietnam war, and during it's on going easily exploitable battle with the stigma of slavery and anything else that is being exploited today... These things have been kept alive by activist who want far more than equality and access, even after so much sacrifice and accomplishments have since taken place in order to help to fix such things throughout the years.

The Democrat's are pushing us back into a very bad place, otherwise as if all that was accomplished was all for nothing, and so the Democrat's want the smoldering ashes to be reignited again and again is what their agenda's now want.

However, this time in history it's for a weak charactered party of knucklehead's who are using every issue possible in order to stay in power so they can stay empowered, and this is for their agenda's to stay empowered even if some of their agenda's are wrong or wrong headed.
Sure. We will sit back and enjoy Biden in the WH.

But not just... we will also sit back and enjoy your orange douchebag whining about losing the election. Whining about all his indictments... whining about... does he ever stop whining? Seriously, this guy is worse than a mangy cur on the streets.

And oh... we will also sit back and enjoy you retards moaning about how your orange douchebag is being prosecuted.

Never. Gets. Old. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
Still don’t get it. There’s no way he got 15 million more votes than Obama. Just look at the corrupt Garland now shutting down House investigations on Joe by using a left wing hack as special prosecutor who let Hunter get away with multiple felonies. Wake up! Biden is far worse and a threat to democracy than Trump.
In other words... still can't get over the fact that your orange douchebag lost? Awwww

Suck it up, kiddo. There is a mountain of hurt coming your way. Your orange loser is going to be indicted (again) and most probably will spend a few years locked up.

But before that, he will lose again and you retards will whine all over again. :laughing0301:
The Orange Man lost fair and square.

If he is the GOP nominee next year, he is almost guaranteed to lose fair and square.

And with no odd at all in his favor, he will be remanded into federal custody for the remainder of his life.
So, that was a different Joe that beat the orange douchebag like a rented mule so badly that the orange loser is still whining about it 3 years later?

How many Joes have beaten the orange douchebag?
None. To beat anyone would take a valid election. Bribery Biden was selected because he was senseless and easily controlled. He and his odious son were permitted to sell influence and accept bribes in exchange for letting someone else run the country. Who is that someone else? Best guess is shitstain obama.

Shitstain obama used fraud to beat Trump like a rented mule. We aren't supposed to notice.
Did Trump take $50 million dollar bribes and extort countries around the world like Joe Biden has? Nope. Now, what was so bad under Trump. Tell us. His lowering regulations so small businesses could thrive and grow? By lowering taxes so businesses could hire more people and pay them way more. Blacks income was the highest ever and also their unemployment was the lowest ever. Inflation was very low but the economy was doing just fine growing every quarter. Gas prices were way down and we didn't have to worry about the axis of evil as Trump silenced them all. Kim of NK stopped lobbing missiles at Japan and threatening countries with Nukes. Putin didn't start any wars and China quit threatening Taiwan. Iran didn't have money to keep their nuke program on schedule. No wars except Afghanistan in which Trump was winding down and would have ended it without 13 dead service members. So, tell us, what was so bad under Trump?
2,400 soldiers were killed in Afghanistan but you only PRETEND to care about 13. Kim and Trump had a love affair and that`s what made you proud. Did Trump sell Kim our Top Secrets too? Clown.

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