Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

So would you deny this claim if I made it?

Would I then be able to use your “huh uh“ meme?

Do you not realize how stupid this reasoning is?

When the left speaks of "white supremacist," it is defined as "having white skin."

Oh, and the most violent Brown Shirts in BLM are white.

A swing, and a miss.

You're not very good at this,.
Please let the ADULTS talk
That's a lie.

Your meme is an accusation.

You pose a logical fallacy.

More idiocy,
It is an accusation. I just fucking said that. I’m accusing you of thinking that anyone who disagrees with you politically is a Nazi.

Is my claim inaccurate? Yes or no. Quit being a coward and answer the fucking question already.

Brown Shirts looting and burning businesses? Check
A controlled media defaming the opposition? Check
Repression of protest against the Reich? Check
Arrest of political enemies? Check
Using troops to suppress political opponents? Check
Rounding up political prisoners? Check
Disestablishment of the rule of law? Check

You are what you are, and what you are is Nazis.
Conservatives storming the Capitol because they don’t line the results. Check.

Right-wing media attacking Democrats. Check.

Chanting “lock her up”. Check.

Arresting Antifa and BLM criminals. Check.

If you weren’t such an emotional child, you would see that I can flip any of those points against your side. Does that make you guys Nazis as well? Your partisan stupidity only allows you to see one side.

Your retarded conclusion is that it’s acceptable when your side does it. When the opposition does it, it’s because they’re Nazis. You’re a child.
It is an accusation. I just fucking said that. I’m accusing you of thinking that anyone who disagrees with you politically is a Nazi.

Is my claim inaccurate? Yes or no. Quit being a coward and answer the fucking question already.

It's not even rational. You have nothing but logical fallacy.

I was never beating my wife in the first place. Dude, you're a clown. Your arguments don't even rise to sophomoric.
Conservatives storming the Capitol because they don’t line the results. Check.

Right-wing media attacking Democrats. Check.

Chanting “lock her up”. Check.

Arresting Antifa and BLM criminals. Check.

If you weren’t such an emotional child, you would see that I can flip any of those points against your side. Does that make you guys Nazis as well? Your partisan stupidity only allows you to see one side.

Your retarded conclusion is that it’s acceptable when your side does it. When the opposition does it, it’s because they’re Nazis. You’re a child.
Mimicry may be a form of flattery, but that's just pathetic.

If you weren’t such an drooling moron, you would see that you failed miserably to flip any of those points against my side and merely revealed yourself to be a dishonest fool.
If you weren’t such an drooling moron, you would see that you failed miserably to flip any of those points against my side and merely revealed yourself to be a dishonest fool.
Dang, is this Nazi asswipe _still_ crying?

See, that's a perfect flip. Uncensored-the-Nazi-shitstain just calls everyone a Nazi for no reason, meaning by his stanards, it's perfectly fine to point out, in every post, what Nazi loser filth he is.

I wonder what his Nazi response will be?

And did I mention he's a NaziNaziNazi?

Dang. It's so much fun to debate like Uncensored-the-Nazi, and to savor his Nazi tears.
Dang, is this Nazi asswipe _still_ crying?

See, that's a perfect flip. Uncensored-the-Nazi-shitstain just calls everyone a Nazi for no reason, meaning by his stanards, it's perfectly fine to point out, in every post, what Nazi loser filth he is.

I wonder what his Nazi response will be?

And did I mention he's a NaziNaziNazi?

Dang. It's so much fun to debate like Uncensored-the-Nazi, and to savor his Nazi tears.

For no reason?

Lying again.

Brown Shirts looting and burning businesses? Check
A controlled media defaming the opposition? Check
Repression of protest against the Reich? Check
Arrest of political enemies? Check
Using troops to suppress political opponents? Check
Rounding up political prisoners? Check
Disestablishment of the rule of law? Check

You are what you are, and what you are is Nazis.
Mimicry may be a form of flattery, but that's just pathetic.
Actually it’s using your own reasoning against you. If you weren’t such a partisan moron, you’d realize this.

When you hate an entire group, it’s rational. When they do, it’s because they’re Nazis. Inconsistent reasoning.

Not complicated. Too complicated for partisan children.
For no reason?
Of course you have a reason. You're a Nazi, so you do what Nazis do.

Lying again.
Yes, Nazis always lie and project their own actions on to their opposition, just as you do.

I'm trying to think of even one way in which you _don't_emulate the Nazis, and I'm drawing a blank. Your Naziism is perfect. Hitler himself would be jealous of how you beat even him at being a Nazi.

Now, what Nazi propaganda do the Nazis tell you to respond with, Nazi?




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