Joe Biden: i never said i wanted to ban fracking, play the video!

I think the majority of Americans would be sympathetic to and appreciative of a ban on fracking if they could see the negative impact with their own eyes. It's (fracking) not worth it in my opinion.
Yeah? What negative impact?

Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about?

Water contamination is the main threat fracking can have. If surface water or water systems have toxic chemicals leach into it then it can be deadly for wildlife, plants, general ecosystems, and ultimately humans. There are other concerns too but that's the main one.
I think the majority of Americans would be sympathetic to and appreciative of a ban on fracking if they could see the negative impact with their own eyes. It's (fracking) not worth it in my opinion.

Would you rather be sending our men to Venezuela and Iran to defend foreign oil fields? The people in Fracking Country love it.

Ok but it's not an either/or though. It's not frack or send people to foreign oil fields. We have find a better balance between fossil fuel consumption and renewable energy creation until fossil fuels can become the exception rather than the norm. Our country's infrastructure is outdated and until we reimagine our infrastructure away from fossil fuels we will be literally digging ourselves into a hole.

Its impossible to say when a cheaper, better, easier fuel will be invented. It might be a hundred years or longer before we get a good, cheap source of coaxium or dilithium crystals to replace them.

"No NEW fracking" is not a ban on fracking.

He said phase out.

You heard him.

That is a ban.

Let me just phase out your free speech. It's not a ban. See how that works?

It will phase out on its own . Look at all the hybrid and electric cars. Heck lots of people have electric lawn mowers too.

Electricity has to be produced in sufficient quantities from fuel. It isn't a fuel unto itself.
I think the majority of Americans would be sympathetic to and appreciative of a ban on fracking if they could see the negative impact with their own eyes. It's (fracking) not worth it in my opinion.

Would you rather be sending our men to Venezuela and Iran to defend foreign oil fields? The people in Fracking Country love it.

Ok but it's not an either/or though. It's not frack or send people to foreign oil fields. We have find a better balance between fossil fuel consumption and renewable energy creation until fossil fuels can become the exception rather than the norm. Our country's infrastructure is outdated and until we reimagine our infrastructure away from fossil fuels we will be literally digging ourselves into a hole.

Its impossible to say when a cheaper, better, easier fuel will be invented. It might be a hundred years or longer before we get a good, cheap source of coaxium or dilithium crystals to replace them.

If it's impossible to say then there's no better time than the present to begin.
I think the majority of Americans would be sympathetic to and appreciative of a ban on fracking if they could see the negative impact with their own eyes. It's (fracking) not worth it in my opinion.

Would you rather be sending our men to Venezuela and Iran to defend foreign oil fields? The people in Fracking Country love it.

Ok but it's not an either/or though. It's not frack or send people to foreign oil fields. We have find a better balance between fossil fuel consumption and renewable energy creation until fossil fuels can become the exception rather than the norm. Our country's infrastructure is outdated and until we reimagine our infrastructure away from fossil fuels we will be literally digging ourselves into a hole.

Its impossible to say when a cheaper, better, easier fuel will be invented. It might be a hundred years or longer before we get a good, cheap source of coaxium or dilithium crystals to replace them.

If it's impossible to say then there's no better time than the present to begin.

New technologies are being worked on all the time. They never stopped.

"No NEW fracking" is not a ban on fracking.

He said phase out.

You heard him.

That is a ban.

Let me just phase out your free speech. It's not a ban. See how that works?

It will phase out on its own . Look at all the hybrid and electric cars. Heck lots of people have electric lawn mowers too.

Electricity has to be produced in sufficient quantities from fuel. It isn't a fuel unto itself.

Solar and wind are growing. It will be phased out.
I think the majority of Americans would be sympathetic to and appreciative of a ban on fracking if they could see the negative impact with their own eyes. It's (fracking) not worth it in my opinion.

Would you rather be sending our men to Venezuela and Iran to defend foreign oil fields? The people in Fracking Country love it.

Ok but it's not an either/or though. It's not frack or send people to foreign oil fields. We have find a better balance between fossil fuel consumption and renewable energy creation until fossil fuels can become the exception rather than the norm. Our country's infrastructure is outdated and until we reimagine our infrastructure away from fossil fuels we will be literally digging ourselves into a hole.

Its impossible to say when a cheaper, better, easier fuel will be invented. It might be a hundred years or longer before we get a good, cheap source of coaxium or dilithium crystals to replace them.

If it's impossible to say then there's no better time than the present to begin.

New technologies are being worked on all the time. They never stopped.

I agree, but my main point is that if we are waiting for the perfect time to make real attempts of reducing our want and need for fossil fuels then we will probably never get there until it's too late in my opinion. Our government on all levels need to be focused on reimagining the infrastructure of our country so that oil and gas are not the main sources of energy. There is a legitimate fear of the pain that could come from these transitions but we have to start somewhere and relying on private businesses to one by one make a transition isn't realistic when the infrastructure is set up for the past. Just my opinion.
I think the majority of Americans would be sympathetic to and appreciative of a ban on fracking if they could see the negative impact with their own eyes. It's (fracking) not worth it in my opinion.

Would you rather be sending our men to Venezuela and Iran to defend foreign oil fields? The people in Fracking Country love it.

Ok but it's not an either/or though. It's not frack or send people to foreign oil fields. We have find a better balance between fossil fuel consumption and renewable energy creation until fossil fuels can become the exception rather than the norm. Our country's infrastructure is outdated and until we reimagine our infrastructure away from fossil fuels we will be literally digging ourselves into a hole.

Its impossible to say when a cheaper, better, easier fuel will be invented. It might be a hundred years or longer before we get a good, cheap source of coaxium or dilithium crystals to replace them.

If it's impossible to say then there's no better time than the present to begin.

New technologies are being worked on all the time. They never stopped.

I agree, but my main point is that if we are waiting for the perfect time to make real attempts of reducing our want and need for fossil fuels then we will probably never get there until it's too late in my opinion. Our government on all levels need to be focused on reimagining the infrastructure of our country so that oil and gas are not the main sources of energy. There is a legitimate fear of the pain that could come from these transitions but we have to start somewhere and relying on private businesses to one by one make a transition isn't realistic when the infrastructure is set up for the past. Just my opinion.

Needless to say, I disagree. When the world switched from horse transportation to automobiles 100 years ago, it was a no brainer. Cars are cleaner, more reliable, require less maintenance. When a change is ready to be made, it isn't going to be "painful" at all, except for guys who are working as street sweepers or blacksmiths.
For all those in support of getting rid of fossil fuels quick couple questions.

1. Where does all the new electrical power come from we need? We currently don't have enough and we are using fossil fuel plants to create a lot of what we do have.

2. In an emergency when all the power is down what do we use to fuel the emergency generators that provide the power for the emergency crews?
When these professional liars speak, the first thing they say is usually the truth. Of course with Biden, he's flip flopped on so many issues it is hard to keep his lies straight.

I take Joe at his word on the campaign.- he will ban fracking and eliminate "fossil Fuels" just like his far left wing handers have promised.

With his horrid performance in the debate , and the confirmation that the laptop is real, Bden lost the election last night.

Out of context. You forgot to add "on federal lands" to Biden's no fracking statement. Big difference.


Bidens plan would end ALL FOSSIL FUELS by the end of his second term were he to win.

How is that not banning ALL FRACKING?
He said "on federal lands". Off-shore drilling comes later and he wants alternate forms of energy--clean
energy as opposed to environmental destruction. Trump has slashed 100 environmental laws that were put into place to protect you and me and industry was adjusting nicely. It is all about money for the wealthy where Trump is concerned.

Actually, industry wasn't "adjusting nicely". Most of O's environmental regulations were x-orders signed in the twilight of the Obama Regime. Poison pills designed to wreck his successor's administration.

Horse shit. Where do you and your ilk get this kind of crap? I know. From that genius grifter.

Out of context. You forgot to add "on federal lands" to Biden's no fracking statement. Big difference.


Bidens plan would end ALL FOSSIL FUELS by the end of his second term were he to win.

How is that not banning ALL FRACKING?
He said "on federal lands". Off-shore drilling comes later and he wants alternate forms of energy--clean
energy as opposed to environmental destruction. Trump has slashed 100 environmental laws that were put into place to protect you and me and industry was adjusting nicely. It is all about money for the wealthy where Trump is concerned.

If he plans on having zero carbon emissions by 2025, that means he is banning fracking, drilling and all gas powered vehicles. Its an absurd idea and you are dumb for defending it.

It is hardly an absurd idea. Only the timeline is questionable, but we have to start somewhere. Trump is setting us back in the name of profit.

Climate change: what the EU is doing - Consilium › policies › climate-change

Tackling climate change and minimizing its effects is a priority for the EU. ... Text Edge Style ... The EU is already ahead of these targets. ... By these targets, the EU is committed to cutting its greenhouse gas emissions ... goals and defines the collaboration and control mechanisms for EU member states in the energy sector

Out of context. You forgot to add "on federal lands" to Biden's no fracking statement. Big difference.


Bidens plan would end ALL FOSSIL FUELS by the end of his second term were he to win.

How is that not banning ALL FRACKING?
He said "on federal lands". Off-shore drilling comes later and he wants alternate forms of energy--clean
energy as opposed to environmental destruction. Trump has slashed 100 environmental laws that were put into place to protect you and me and industry was adjusting nicely. It is all about money for the wealthy where Trump is concerned.

The Democrats’ stance on Environment is just a vehicle to appease their Globalist masters. Getting out of the bullshit Paris Accords scam is one of Trump’s greatest accomplishments. It’s a front to punish and hinder US while China, Russia, and India get passes.

Duh. It's all a big hoax, yes? Let's appear to appease our masters and stink up the place instead.
I have a sneaking hunch that the video will played over and over again up to and perhaps after the reelection is over and done. Careful what you wish for, you just may get it shoved up your dumb ass! LOL
I think the majority of Americans would be sympathetic to and appreciative of a ban on fracking if they could see the negative impact with their own eyes. It's (fracking) not worth it in my opinion.

Would you rather be sending our men to Venezuela and Iran to defend foreign oil fields? The people in Fracking Country love it.

Ok but it's not an either/or though. It's not frack or send people to foreign oil fields. We have find a better balance between fossil fuel consumption and renewable energy creation until fossil fuels can become the exception rather than the norm. Our country's infrastructure is outdated and until we reimagine our infrastructure away from fossil fuels we will be literally digging ourselves into a hole.

Its impossible to say when a cheaper, better, easier fuel will be invented. It might be a hundred years or longer before we get a good, cheap source of coaxium or dilithium crystals to replace them.
A cheaper, better, cleaner, safer fuel has already been developed. Look up thorium fueled nuclear reactors called LFTRs. They were actually developed and proven feasible and workable with two separate reactors built and run in the late 50s early 60s.

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