Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

It’s happened multiple times now. Only democrats don’t get charged because somehow maybe a jury wouldn’t convict them anyway. A stance not given to republicans.

Plenty of Democrats get charged, what the fuck are you talking about?

TJ Cox, a Democrat from California
Corrine Brown, a Democrat from Florida
Anthony Weiner, a Democrat from New York
Chaka Fattah, a Democrat from Pennsylvania
Bob Menendez, a Democrat from New Jersey
Jesse Jackson Jr., a Democrat from Illinois
William Jefferson, a Democrat from Louisiana
Then all they have on Trump as far as classified documents are concerned, is an obstruction case.

Whoopie shit.
If you say, so, but it looks willful, and conspiratorial. The jury will decide the case, I am sure.
Just more of the BS that stated with Comey regarding not prosecuting Hillary.
It's a pretty sure thing that those who investigate themselves will find that they aren't guilty of anything. At least anything that merits any action.
He doesn’t know who the president of Mexico is or why he may not have anything to do with Gaza. He doesn’t know where the rosary he’s worn since his kid died came from.

He probably doesn’t even know who the fuck Nikki Haley is.

There's the issue. Incoherency
Going to memory and age is somewhat beyond the pale, and suits the Republican narrative. Biden was rightfully pissed, jumping on that quick, during the press conference.

I don't see this going anywhere, or he would have recommended.
Only place this is going is to cement his dementia and cast serious doubt on his ability as president.

That's how people with dementia react in situations like that. I noticed he was getting overloaded with input, you could see it in his face.
TOO FUNNY: the double standard of injustice rises again--- they just couldn't find a thing to charge Hillary or Obumma or Biden with, but they can find enough stuff to charge Trump with for 700 years with a line of still more running out the door.
MAGATS across the Country- :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:
He re-opened the case right before the election, which is why Trump won in the first place. Cheer up. Incompetent Republican lawyers have always been to dumb to conquer that Hill in court. Republican lawyers are notorius for not being able to win in court. Look at the Trump history. He's had the lousiest lawyers imaginable, time after time, including in front of Trump judges or the supreme court with 3 member appointed by him and a conservative majority.
I listened to the entire Supreme Court hearing today. Trump's lawyer seemed sharp. The Colorado lawyer got spanked hard by Thomas, Gorsuch and Alito.
Joe Bidumb is too fucking mentally feeble and unfit for prosecution due to his mental state but would be a fine president for the next four years. That’s your moronic left wing selling point.
What qualifications does the SC have to judge Biden's mental state?

None, which shows he's a hack for including a negative inference to Biden in his report.
Only place this is going is to cement his dementia and cast serious doubt on his ability as president.

That's how people with dementia react in situations like that. I noticed he was getting overloaded with input, you could see it in his face.
I listened to the entire Supreme Court hearing today. Trump's lawyer seemed sharp. The Colorado lawyer got spanked hard by Thomas, Gorsuch and Alito.
Everybody seemed pretty sharp, well versed, professional. I didn't expect it to end with the Supremes deciding there was insurrection, but leaning toward Colorado doesn't get to choose for the country.
The actual decision will be interesting, as they didn't leave any hints of who does decide if it was insurrection satisfying 14-3.

Everybody seemed pretty sharp, well versed, professional. I didn't expect it to end with the Supremes deciding there was insurrection, but leaning toward Colorado doesn't get to choose for the country.
The actual decision will be interesting, as they didn't leave any hints of who does decide if it was insurrection satisfying 14-3.
So you didn't hear the Colorado lawyer get rebuked for not answering questions?

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