Joe Biden is becoming a sad individual to watch

Joe Biden is becoming a sad figure to watch

My my and this was the only choice dems had. To watch him regress into dementia before our very eyes
I realize you dems really had no choice
But to force a guy in the winter of his life to take on this responsibility is cruel and unusual punishment.
Dem should be ashamed.
Biden has three months to live, throws live puppies into rush hour traffic, impregnated a two year old, and aborted the second coming of Jesus.

Biden has committed serial adultery, paid off a porn star to keep her silent, ran a fake university which ripped off the elderly, lies constantly, and dodged the draft in Vietnam by claiming to have bone spurs.

Biden will also run trillion dollar deficits, alienate our allies, and have one of the most corrupt administrations in history.
This is not the same Joe, these aren't "gaffes" these are the musngs of a befuddled mind.
Sad? Hell I just voted for Joe three times, and everytime the Jax Miss dem party gave me a generous 1.5 oz shot of Taaka. I'm feeling pretty good right now.
Too bad you're unsympathetic with Constitutionalists who believe in self-defense when up against a monster Constitutional-destroyer like Biden, who wishes to do away with Constitutional Amendment #2: Biden Tells Detroit Auto Plant Worker He's 'Full of Sh*t' on Gun Control That's your man Biden cursing a working man who wishes to keep his firearm, supported by the Constitution as a human right being capable of self-defense from an oppressor.
Ah guy was a punk trying to disrupt a campaign event. Trump would have had him beaten. I may vote a fourth time on the way home. Whohoo!
Low IQ Joe became a "sad individual to watch" during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings....

where Democrats decided that a joke about a pubic hair was a worse offense than paying Paula Jones $1 mil for actual sex harassment....

This is the classic bigot double standard of the left. They had nothing on Clarence Thomas, but they hate hate hated him for being black and not Dem.... so they trotted out a serial liar in Anita Hill and had Low IQ Joe spearheading the lynch mob.... but Low IQ Joe and Anita Hillary didn't quite get "the job done..."

Sad? Hell I just voted for Joe three times, and everytime the Jax Miss dem party gave me a generous 1.5 oz shot of Taaka. I'm feeling pretty good right now.
Too bad you're unsympathetic with Constitutionalists who believe in self-defense when up against a monster Constitutional-destroyer like Biden, who wishes to do away with Constitutional Amendment #2: Biden Tells Detroit Auto Plant Worker He's 'Full of Sh*t' on Gun Control That's your man Biden cursing a working man who wishes to keep his firearm, supported by the Constitution as a human right being capable of self-defense from an oppressor.
Ah guy was a punk trying to disrupt a campaign event. Trump would have had him beaten. I may vote a fourth time on the way home. Whohoo!
Defending one's constitutional rights makes one a punk who is disrupting a little party? Oh, I get it. You and Joe Biden get yer manicures at the same shop. lol What ever was I thinking!!!???!!! :laughing0301:
Sad? Hell I just voted for Joe three times, and everytime the Jax Miss dem party gave me a generous 1.5 oz shot of Taaka. I'm feeling pretty good right now.
Too bad you're unsympathetic with Constitutionalists who believe in self-defense when up against a monster Constitutional-destroyer like Biden, who wishes to do away with Constitutional Amendment #2: Biden Tells Detroit Auto Plant Worker He's 'Full of Sh*t' on Gun Control That's your man Biden cursing a working man who wishes to keep his firearm, supported by the Constitution as a human right being capable of self-defense from an oppressor.
Ah guy was a punk trying to disrupt a campaign event. Trump would have had him beaten. I may vote a fourth time on the way home. Whohoo!
Defending one's constitutional rights makes one a punk who is disrupting a little party? Oh, I get it. You and Joe Biden get yer manicures at the same shop. lol What ever was I thinking!!!???!!! :laughing0301:
oh yeah, the slob/punk was defending his rights interrupting a campaign event when guns are not even an issue. the 2nd isn't going anwhere, and Michigan loves hunting. LOL
Sad? Hell I just voted for Joe three times, and everytime the Jax Miss dem party gave me a generous 1.5 oz shot of Taaka. I'm feeling pretty good right now.
Too bad you're unsympathetic with Constitutionalists who believe in self-defense when up against a monster Constitutional-destroyer like Biden, who wishes to do away with Constitutional Amendment #2: Biden Tells Detroit Auto Plant Worker He's 'Full of Sh*t' on Gun Control That's your man Biden cursing a working man who wishes to keep his firearm, supported by the Constitution as a human right being capable of self-defense from an oppressor.
Ah guy was a punk trying to disrupt a campaign event. Trump would have had him beaten. I may vote a fourth time on the way home. Whohoo!
Defending one's constitutional rights makes one a punk who is disrupting a little party? Oh, I get it. You and Joe Biden get yer manicures at the same shop. lol What ever was I thinking!!!???!!! :laughing0301:
oh yeah, the slob/punk was defending his rights interrupting a campaign event when guns are not even an issue. the 2nd isn't going anwhere, and Michigan loves hunting. LOL
Guns were not an issue? When Joe Biden said that he was full of shit on Gun Control?

That's some case of Tourette's Syndrome when saying "I agree that we disagree" would do. There's far more courtesy in the USMB Flame Zone than Biden shows a working man.
Sad? Hell I just voted for Joe three times, and everytime the Jax Miss dem party gave me a generous 1.5 oz shot of Taaka. I'm feeling pretty good right now.
In the words of Joe-Joe Binks......"You-sa in big doo-doo dis time"!
in at least the first debate, Biden may have to be wired up to some device that will keep him from making a gaffe

So what are they gonna do, put a shock collar on him like they do dogs to control barking?
I'm a little worried that he won't be able to track on Trump's stream of consciousness diatribes that have nothing to do with questions in a debate.
Joe Biden is becoming a sad figure to watch

My my and this was the only choice dems had. To watch him regress into dementia before our very eyes
I realize you dems really had no choice
But to force a guy in the winter of his life to take on this responsibility is cruel and unusual punishment.
Dem should be ashamed.
Still a 100 times better than Diaper Donnie.
Sad? Hell I just voted for Joe three times, and everytime the Jax Miss dem party gave me a generous 1.5 oz shot of Taaka. I'm feeling pretty good right now.
Too bad you're unsympathetic with Constitutionalists who believe in self-defense when up against a monster Constitutional-destroyer like Biden, who wishes to do away with Constitutional Amendment #2: Biden Tells Detroit Auto Plant Worker He's 'Full of Sh*t' on Gun Control That's your man Biden cursing a working man who wishes to keep his firearm, supported by the Constitution as a human right being capable of self-defense from an oppressor.
Ah guy was a punk trying to disrupt a campaign event. Trump would have had him beaten. I may vote a fourth time on the way home. Whohoo!
Defending one's constitutional rights makes one a punk who is disrupting a little party? Oh, I get it. You and Joe Biden get yer manicures at the same shop. lol What ever was I thinking!!!???!!! :laughing0301:
oh yeah, the slob/punk was defending his rights interrupting a campaign event when guns are not even an issue. the 2nd isn't going anwhere, and Michigan loves hunting. LOL
Biden used the word "gun." Wanna rephrase yer insult, doll?

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