Joe Biden is Insane and should be replaced immediately


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Joe Biden is crazy, nuts, insane, however you want to say it; the guy is clearly not in his right mind. Maybe it's the Botox, I don't fucking care, he should step down as VP.

Put Hillary there, I don't fucking care who you put there. Biden should not be in a position of power

It's not funny anymore
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Joe Biden is crazy, nuts, insane, however you want to say it; the guy is clearly not in his right mind. Maybe it's the Botox, I don't fucking care, he should step down as VP.

Put Hillary there, I don;t fucking care who you put there. Biden should not be in a position of power

It's not funny anymore

I had the same sentiments when he was heading the Senate committee in the confirmation hearings of Justice Clarence Thomas.

This idiot and the gratefully gone asshole, Ted Kennedy made a mockery of justice, democracy and fairness, then and this racist punk still does now.

He is the reason I don't wish for Obama's demise.
Biden’s claim of brush with gun massacre questioned
Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s claim that he heard the gunshots of a 2006 school massacre while playing golf is raising questions about his veracity or his memory.
Mr. Biden told a meeting of mayors in Washington Thursday that he was about a quarter-mile away from an Amish schoolhouse on Oct. 2, 2006, when a gunman shot and killed five students and wounded five others.

“I happened to be literally — probably, it turned out, to be a quarter of a mile [away] at an outing when I heard gunshots in the woods,” Mr. Biden recounted. “We didn’t know … we thought they were hunters.”

But a search of maps of the area in Lancaster County, Pa., shows the nearest golf course to the site of the shooting, Moccasin Run Golf Club, is about five miles away. Rodney King, the golf pro at Moccasin Run, said Friday he was working at the course on the day of the shooting and never saw Mr. Biden, who was then a U.S. senator.
“There’s a lot of things here that I find hard to believe,” Mr. King said. “I looked in my database, and he [Mr. Biden] is not in my database.”

Even if Mr. Biden had played at the course that day, Mr. King said, “It’s very far-fetched that he would have heard it.”

“I know he didn’t hear those gunshots,” Mr. King said. “They were inside the school. Even if they were outside, he wouldn’t have heard them.”​
considering how bad obama is

You have to have a complete fuckhole in the pen as his relief to make him look not so bad.
Biden: We need more gun laws because we don’t have time to enforce the ones we have
Joe Biden headed up the task force on gun violence that supposedly wanted to hear all perspectives before proposing a new raft of laws that would restrict access to weapons, magazines, and ammunition. According to one participant, one reason that Biden and Barack Obama want new laws is because they don’t have time to enforce the laws already on the books — specifically, the laws relating to background checks that Biden and Obama want expanded:

During the National Rifle Association’s meeting with Vice President Joe Biden and the White House gun violence task force, the vice president said the Obama administration does not have the time to fully enforce existing gun laws.

Jim Baker, the NRA representative present at the meeting, recalled the vice president’s words during an interview with The Daily Caller: “And to your point, Mr. Baker, regarding the lack of prosecutions on lying on Form 4473s, we simply don’t have the time or manpower to prosecute everybody who lies on a form, that checks a wrong box, that answers a question inaccurately.” …

In 2010, prosecutors considered just 22 cases of information falsification, according to a 2012 report to the Department of Justice by the Regional Justice Information Service. Forty additional background-check cases ended up before prosecutors for reasons related to unlawful gun possession.

In all, prosecutors pursued just 44 of those 62 cases. More than 72,600 applications were denied on the basis of a background check. …

Gun prosecutions in 2011 were down 35 percent from the previous administration’s peak in 2004, according to Justice Department data compiled by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University.​
If it’s that they don’t have time to check more failures, as Biden insisted, then why on Earth are we demanding a higher volume of background checks? What we need is a higher volume of follow-up on existing red flags.

The Daily Caller asked for some clarification on this point, but …

Vice President Biden’s press office did not respond to requests for comment.​
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the man President Obama appointed to his gun task force. :cool:
Joe Biden will be elected President in 2016

If Hillary decides to run and if Biden makes the tragic mistake of running against her, he will be shred to tiny little pieces not only by Hillary but also by the press.

The press and everyone else know fully well that Biden is nothing but a pitiful poor imitation of Dan Quayle, with the only difference that while Quayle was a poor speller, at least he could read.
I had a whole thread on this yesterday when g5000 spammed it claiming Joe Biden was hunting instead of golfing and that the Washington Times is not a credible source. It was sent to the FLAMER zone.
Joe Biden will be elected President in 2016

If Hillary decides to run and if Biden makes the tragic mistake of running against her, he will be shred to tiny little pieces not only by Hillary but also by the press.

The press and everyone else know fully well that Biden is nothing but a pitiful poor imitation of Dan Quayle, with the only difference that while Quayle was a poor speller, at least he could read.

Yea....if you get all your news from FoxNews you believe that

Vice President Biden had a distinguished career in the Senate and was one of the top five Senators before he ran for VP

In the next four years you will see Biden front and center on more issues as he is groomed for President

No Republican currently has his credentials
Joe Biden will be elected President in 2016

If Hillary decides to run and if Biden makes the tragic mistake of running against her, he will be shred to tiny little pieces not only by Hillary but also by the press.

The press and everyone else know fully well that Biden is nothing but a pitiful poor imitation of Dan Quayle, with the only difference that while Quayle was a poor speller, at least he could read.

Yea....if you get all your news from FoxNews you believe that

Vice President Biden had a distinguished career in the Senate and was one of the top five Senators before he ran for VP

In the next four years you will see Biden front and center on more issues as he is groomed for President

No Republican currently has his credentials

He is a sociopath.. His history of lies, even about his own wife and child being killed, ARE SICK and TWISTED. He's not right in the head and everyone knows it.
Joe Biden will be elected President in 2016

He wont even get the nomination

Right now, it looks like Hillary. But I wouldnt discount Biden if Hillary gets cold feet

Biden is the most qualified of any candidate right now
The liberal definition is "qualified" is an interesting one.

Apparently, it means "no experience" in the case of Obama, and " possibly deranged" in the case of Biden.
Joe Biden is crazy, nuts, insane, however you want to say it; the guy is clearly not in his right mind. Maybe it's the Botox, I don't fucking care, he should step down as VP.

Put Hillary there, I don't fucking care who you put there. Biden should not be in a position of power

It's not funny anymore

Hilary was Obama's first choice. But, the real people that run this country, Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama, said absolutely not. They needed an old bumbling fool , preferably; a white guy, who would not threaten Obama. Any aspiring black, latino, or woman would just detract too much from the President.
If Hillary decides to run and if Biden makes the tragic mistake of running against her, he will be shred to tiny little pieces not only by Hillary but also by the press.

The press and everyone else know fully well that Biden is nothing but a pitiful poor imitation of Dan Quayle, with the only difference that while Quayle was a poor speller, at least he could read.

Yea....if you get all your news from FoxNews you believe that

Vice President Biden had a distinguished career in the Senate and was one of the top five Senators before he ran for VP

In the next four years you will see Biden front and center on more issues as he is groomed for President

No Republican currently has his credentials

He is a sociopath.. His history of lies, even about his own wife and child being killed, ARE SICK and TWISTED. He's not right in the head and everyone knows it.

I encourage the right to spout this nonsense when Biden runs for president

It has worked so well for them in the past
Yea....if you get all your news from FoxNews you believe that

Vice President Biden had a distinguished career in the Senate and was one of the top five Senators before he ran for VP

In the next four years you will see Biden front and center on more issues as he is groomed for President

No Republican currently has his credentials

He is a sociopath.. His history of lies, even about his own wife and child being killed, ARE SICK and TWISTED. He's not right in the head and everyone knows it.

I encourage the right to spout this nonsense when Biden runs for president

It has worked so well for them in the past

Why is the truth NONSENSE?
Seconding the thought that Biden disgraced himself and the nation during the Thomas hearings. Larry Fine, long dead by that time, was more qualified to serve on the court than Thomas, but Biden and his pot gutted drunk pal, Kennedy took the word of a passive aggressive failed civil servant passed over for promotion instead of challenging Thomas on his lack of qualifications for the supremes.

In sum, Biden represents the worst instincts of American politics after 1980. Like Reagan's war stories, Clinton's promises, the Bush League's weapons of mass destruction, and Obama's getting control of the banks, the man is a pathological liar; worse he is all mouth and piss poor results.

It is a testament to the greatness of America's working class that the nation is not getting its Koran lessons in Spanish by now.
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He wont even get the nomination

Right now, it looks like Hillary. But I wouldnt discount Biden if Hillary gets cold feet

Biden is the most qualified of any candidate right now
The liberal definition is "qualified" is an interesting one.

Apparently, it means "no experience" in the case of Obama, and " possibly deranged" in the case of Biden.

From the right where they run people like Palin Nd Bachmann.

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