Joe Biden isn't all there Vol 98.

We can't say the same about all the Democrat politicians. Democrat politicians are all there. All there as tyrants using a dying man to hide behind and abuse to retain their power.

Democrats have demonstrated they will abuse a dying man, Democrats have demonstrated that they have no respect for the office of the presidency. Democrats have demonstrated they will not uphold their oath of office. Democrats have spit on the Constitution, Justice, and Liberty.
We can't say the same about all the Democrat politicians. Democrat politicians are all there. All there as tyrants using a dying man to hide behind and abuse to retain their power.

Democrats have demonstrated they will abuse a dying man, Democrats have demonstrated that they have no respect for the office of the presidency. Democrats have demonstrated they will not uphold their oath of office. Democrats have spit on the Constitution, Justice, and Liberty.

You whored for an anti-American coup, you moron.
Biden is the perfect representative for Dems. Non of them are all the way there.
You whored for an anti-American coup, you moron.
says the peanut gallery
you are very much naive to believe what is dictated you by the democrat party
our country was not built by those of your character
you could say the old USSR was built by those of your like, but not the USA
All these are just from this last week. And it leaves out his freeze up just the other night.

Face it guys, he is not fit to be President. I'm guessing the only response from Biden supporters will be ORANGE MAN BAD!


We can't say the same about all the Democrat politicians. Democrat politicians are all there. All there as tyrants using a dying man to hide behind and abuse to retain their power.

Democrats have demonstrated they will abuse a dying man, Democrats have demonstrated that they have no respect for the office of the presidency. Democrats have demonstrated they will not uphold their oath of office. Democrats have spit on the Constitution, Justice, and Liberty.
Most Democrats are broadcasting that it doesn't matter who gets elected President so long as the person has a D following his/her name. If it's Joe, if it's Kamala, if it's Gavin it won't matter. The Deep State, whoever that is that is ordering all the shots, writing the speeches, setting the agenda will still be in charge. And we will continue on the slow but steady destruction of America as we know it.

I am no longer blaming Joe. He was morally and ethically unfit for office and bears much blame before the dementia became obvious. But what he says, what he does, what he orders now he has no clue what he is saying. I doubt he even knows where he is most of the time he is away from home in Delaware.

From a purely selfish perspective I hope he is still on the ballot come November. But I think what the Democrats have done and are doing with him is inexcusable both as Americans who should care about their country and as people who should have more compassion for a seriously damaged human being.
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Still more fit than your convicted felon and adjudicated rapist Orange Jesus!

Hate to break it to ya: But roughly 70% of Americans (maybe more) don't care about your weird obsessive compulsive hatred of Orange Man.

They're too busy worrying about the highest inflation in 40 years, and open border, and World War 3.

And they will vote accordingly.

In other words?

You lose.

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