Joe Biden just threw you anti-gun people under the bus

Biden is demonstrating his leadership.

He is a Pragmatist. He knows talk about confiscating guns is just

He spent enough time in the Senate to know that gun control is a non-starter

But conservatives will continue to propagate the ridiculous lie about gun 'bands' and 'confiscation.'
You mean quoting Biden and company’s statements, posting videos of them saying it, etc?
The lies we are propagating are their official policy statements and stated goals.
How do you even say the shit you do with a straight face?
Biden is demonstrating his leadership.

He is a Pragmatist. He knows talk about confiscating guns is just

He spent enough time in the Senate to know that gun control is a non-starter
sounds like you are a personal frind of xidens. when did xiden tell you that? leadership? you must mean for geriatric dementia patients. this chinese fucker couldnt get out of a wet paper bag. 47 years in the senate and did nothing for AMERICA. you are really brain dead, still
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
Will he try to ban "assault weapons" in direct conflict with the constitution?
How in the world would I know that?
You could read his plan he posted on his website, Dummy.
So in your mind, plans on a website always come to fruition?
So, according to you, we can't take Dems like Biden at their word?
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
Will he try to ban "assault weapons" in direct conflict with the constitution?
How in the world would I know that?
You could read his plan he posted on his website, Dummy.
So in your mind, plans on a website always come to fruition?
I never made any such claim, idiot.

The question was:

Will he try to ban "assault weapons" in direct conflict with the constitution?

Are you too stupid to follow a conversation?

An AWB does not conflict with the Constitution; the Supreme Court has never ruled on the constitutionally of AWBs.

And only Congress can enact an AWB, having nothing to do with what Biden thinks, wants, or believes.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
Will he try to ban "assault weapons" in direct conflict with the constitution?
How in the world would I know that?
You could read his plan he posted on his website, Dummy.
So in your mind, plans on a website always come to fruition?
Don’t move the goal posts.
The issue isn’t can he pull it all off.
The issue is Biden is a gun grabber and you folks (except for Joe) seem to be saying that he isn’t, that he isn’t going to try and ban all sorts of weapons and pass restrictions, and that he hasn’t said he would.
Nostra showed you his words and his plans. They are straight out of Joe’s mouth, and he has also posted them.
In summary....
People said joe Biden is a gun grabber.
You say he isn’t.
People showed you his stated intentions.
You lost the argument because you are wrong.
There is no argument to lose. We'll see what happens. If you want to go through your days gripped by paranoia, that's up to you.

Me? No thanks.
Can't even admit to your folly in voting for a tyrant gun-grabbing POS.


This is the classic example of TDS. Chop off your dick to spite your balls.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
Will he try to ban "assault weapons" in direct conflict with the constitution?
How in the world would I know that?
You could read his plan he posted on his website, Dummy.
So in your mind, plans on a website always come to fruition?
Don’t move the goal posts.
The issue isn’t can he pull it all off.
The issue is Biden is a gun grabber and you folks (except for Joe) seem to be saying that he isn’t, that he isn’t going to try and ban all sorts of weapons and pass restrictions, and that he hasn’t said he would.
Nostra showed you his words and his plans. They are straight out of Joe’s mouth, and he has also posted them.
In summary....
People said joe Biden is a gun grabber.
You say he isn’t.
People showed you his stated intentions.
You lost the argument because you are wrong.

Trump said that he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall also. Some of us take what a politician says with a grain of salt when we know it's B.S.
These guys just love to get themselves all riled up 'n stuff.

Of course, being Trump followers they're prone to succumbing to comical hyperbole.
All I did was post Pedo Joe's official position on guns. You were obviously ignorant of those positions as your posts prove.

I have no idea how you get that I'm "riled up 'n stuff" from that. :cuckoo: I guess that's how you are trying to cover for your ignorance of the positions of the clown you voted for.

Where did you post that? None of your posts quotes Joe's website or even links to it. You're lying again.
In the alternate universe. It's right there.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
Will he try to ban "assault weapons" in direct conflict with the constitution?
How in the world would I know that?
You could read his plan he posted on his website, Dummy.
So in your mind, plans on a website always come to fruition?
Don’t move the goal posts.
The issue isn’t can he pull it all off.
The issue is Biden is a gun grabber and you folks (except for Joe) seem to be saying that he isn’t, that he isn’t going to try and ban all sorts of weapons and pass restrictions, and that he hasn’t said he would.
Nostra showed you his words and his plans. They are straight out of Joe’s mouth, and he has also posted them.
In summary....
People said joe Biden is a gun grabber.
You say he isn’t.
People showed you his stated intentions.
You lost the argument because you are wrong.

Trump said that he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall also. Some of us take what a politician says with a grain of salt when we know it's B.S.
These guys just love to get themselves all riled up 'n stuff.

Of course, being Trump followers they're prone to succumbing to comical hyperbole.
All I did was post Pedo Joe's official position on guns. You were obviously ignorant of those positions as your posts prove.

I have no idea how you get that I'm "riled up 'n stuff" from that. :cuckoo: I guess that's how you are trying to cover for your ignorance of the positions of the clown you voted for.

I see I have you in your crawl in the turtle shell mode.
I don't know how to communicate with you people.

Just claim victory, I'm fine with that.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
Will he try to ban "assault weapons" in direct conflict with the constitution?
How in the world would I know that?
You could read his plan he posted on his website, Dummy.
So in your mind, plans on a website always come to fruition?
Don’t move the goal posts.
The issue isn’t can he pull it all off.
The issue is Biden is a gun grabber and you folks (except for Joe) seem to be saying that he isn’t, that he isn’t going to try and ban all sorts of weapons and pass restrictions, and that he hasn’t said he would.
Nostra showed you his words and his plans. They are straight out of Joe’s mouth, and he has also posted them.
In summary....
People said joe Biden is a gun grabber.
You say he isn’t.
People showed you his stated intentions.
You lost the argument because you are wrong.
There is no argument to lose. We'll see what happens. If you want to go through your days gripped by paranoia, that's up to you.

Me? No thanks.
Can't even admit to your folly in voting for a tyrant gun-grabbing POS.


This is the classic example of TDS. Chop off your dick to spite your balls.
Get a grip. These constant meltdowns are tedious.
Biden is demonstrating his leadership.

He is a Pragmatist. He knows talk about confiscating guns is just

He spent enough time in the Senate to know that gun control is a non-starter
sounds like you are a personal frind of xidens. when did xiden tell you that? leadership? you must mean for geriatric dementia patients. this chinese fucker couldnt get out of a wet paper bag. 47 years in the senate and did nothing for AMERICA. you are really brain dead, still

Never heard of him
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
Will he try to ban "assault weapons" in direct conflict with the constitution?
How in the world would I know that?
You could read his plan he posted on his website, Dummy.
So in your mind, plans on a website always come to fruition?
Don’t move the goal posts.
The issue isn’t can he pull it all off.
The issue is Biden is a gun grabber and you folks (except for Joe) seem to be saying that he isn’t, that he isn’t going to try and ban all sorts of weapons and pass restrictions, and that he hasn’t said he would.
Nostra showed you his words and his plans. They are straight out of Joe’s mouth, and he has also posted them.
In summary....
People said joe Biden is a gun grabber.
You say he isn’t.
People showed you his stated intentions.
You lost the argument because you are wrong.

Trump said that he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall also. Some of us take what a politician says with a grain of salt when we know it's B.S.
These guys just love to get themselves all riled up 'n stuff.

Of course, being Trump followers they're prone to succumbing to comical hyperbole.
All I did was post Pedo Joe's official position on guns. You were obviously ignorant of those positions as your posts prove.

I have no idea how you get that I'm "riled up 'n stuff" from that. :cuckoo: I guess that's how you are trying to cover for your ignorance of the positions of the clown you voted for.

Where did you post that? None of your posts quotes Joe's website or even links to it. You're lying again.
In the alternate universe. It's right there.
Are you calling Joe Biden's website an "alternative universe"? I might have to agree with you on that one.
Just look at what the dems propose for gun laws and how they run their states...they want America disarmed.

If the senial fool cant go EO, he has many other tools to destroy guns with.
What are they proposing?

Background checks
Restricting access to guns for domestic abusers and the mentally deranged
Restricting high capacity magazines

Most gun owners support these restrictions
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
Will he try to ban "assault weapons" in direct conflict with the constitution?
How in the world would I know that?
You could read his plan he posted on his website, Dummy.
So in your mind, plans on a website always come to fruition?
Don’t move the goal posts.
The issue isn’t can he pull it all off.
The issue is Biden is a gun grabber and you folks (except for Joe) seem to be saying that he isn’t, that he isn’t going to try and ban all sorts of weapons and pass restrictions, and that he hasn’t said he would.
Nostra showed you his words and his plans. They are straight out of Joe’s mouth, and he has also posted them.
In summary....
People said joe Biden is a gun grabber.
You say he isn’t.
People showed you his stated intentions.
You lost the argument because you are wrong.

Trump said that he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall also. Some of us take what a politician says with a grain of salt when we know it's B.S.
These guys just love to get themselves all riled up 'n stuff.

Of course, being Trump followers they're prone to succumbing to comical hyperbole.
All I did was post Pedo Joe's official position on guns. You were obviously ignorant of those positions as your posts prove.

I have no idea how you get that I'm "riled up 'n stuff" from that. :cuckoo: I guess that's how you are trying to cover for your ignorance of the positions of the clown you voted for.

Where did you post that? None of your posts quotes Joe's website or even links to it. You're lying again.
In the alternate universe. It's right there.
Are you calling Joe Biden's website an "alternative universe"? I might have to agree with you on that one.
You thought he was going to immediately sign an executive order banning "assault weapons", didn't you?

Suckers! :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:

In leaked recording, Biden says GOP used 'defund the police' to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats

"Biden said he would be able to do some things by executive order, but — as he often did publicly throughout the campaign — he said, "I am not going to violate the Constitution."

"Where I have executive authority, I will use it to undo every single damn thing this guy's done by executive authority," Biden said, according to the audio. "But I'm not going to exercise executive authority where it's a question where I can come along and say I can do away with assault weapons. There's no executive authority to do that. And no one has fought harder to get rid of assault weapons than me, me. You can't do it by executive order."

In leaked recording, Biden says GOP used 'defund the police' to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats

Holy cow. What we told you about Biden not being opposed to gun ownership and opposing defunding the police was right all along. The right wing Republican media lied to you about what he would do. It wasn't the left that got played a$$hat, it was you, because you're the one who believed the lies.

Imagine that!!!

Do you understand the difference between "won't" and "can't"?

I know you'd like to convince people that Joe Biden is "gun friendly", and supports law-enforcement, but nobody is falling for your lies.
Just look at what the dems propose for gun laws and how they run their states...they want America disarmed.

If the senial fool cant go EO, he has many other tools to destroy guns with.
What are they proposing?

Background checks
Restricting access to guns for domestic abusers and the mentally deranged
Restricting high capacity magazines

Most gun owners support these restrictions

You don't speak for "most gun owners." Do you own an AR-15, an AK-47, a Ruger Mini-14, or a handgun with a 15-round magazine?

Are you even a "gun owner"?
Just look at what the dems propose for gun laws and how they run their states...they want America disarmed.

If the senial fool cant go EO, he has many other tools to destroy guns with.
What are they proposing?

Background checks
Restricting access to guns for domestic abusers and the mentally deranged
Restricting high capacity magazines

Most gun owners support these restrictions
Background checks are already a part of the process.
Domestic violence already prohibits you from owning a weapon.
And no, we don’t support banning “high capacity” magazines.

As liberals have demonstrated, you will keep moving the goal posts with weapons, like you always do. First it’s limiting mags to 15 rounds. Then 10. Then 8. Etc etc.
You’ve done it with every other feature.
Biden is demonstrating his leadership.

He is a Pragmatist. He knows talk about confiscating guns is just

He spent enough time in the Senate to know that gun control is a non-starter

But conservatives will continue to propagate the ridiculous lie about gun 'bands' and 'confiscation.'

Right wing billionaire owned mass media has a vested interest in keeping a Republican in power just for the tax cuts their owners receive, and given the failure of Republican economic and social policies over the past four decades, it's getting harder and harder to convince people to vote Republican.

Republicans keep lying about the dangers of a Democratic government, but the facts show exactly the opposite. The economy, including job growth, stock market prices, and GDP, all do much better under Democrats than Republicans. 3 out of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the economy, and each time it happens, the investor class benefits, while the working and middle classes, lose ground.

It's no accident that Republican voters are the least likely to question their party on the effects of their policies. Conservatives are far less questioning of the information they're being fed, so they're easier to lie to. It's no accident that their favourite news sources, are the least honest or trustworthy.
So you mean your fear mongering about Biden being a hard core anti-gun socialist was bullshit?

No kidding

No, it wasn't bullshit. He was elected on the premise that he would do that, but now he admits that's not going to be that easy.

It's interesting though. When Democrats start backpedaling on gun legislation after pushing it non-stop, you better believe they are losing their grip on power.
Boy do you sound confused.

First he's a gun grabber...then you say he's not...and now he is again?

He is and always will be a gun-grabber. But he's admitting that it's not going to be easy...

"On Tuesday, Stef Feldman, the national policy director of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, announced in a meeting put on by the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service, that gun control is at the top of Biden’s list. There will be no vote or democratic process, and like Trump and Obama before him, Biden will use Execute Orders to implement his will.

Feldman pointed out that when he gets in the White House, Biden is planning to “make big, bold changes through executive action, not just on policing and climate like we talked about previously, but in healthcare and education, on gun violence, on a range of issues,” adding, “there’s really a lot you can do through guidance and executive action.”

One Of The First Unconstitutional Executive Orders Biden Will Pass Is Gun Control - Will You Comply? - Guns in the News

Can you show where Biden has ever advocated confiscating guns?

During the first Democrat debate he said:

"Folks, look, and I would buy back [assault] weapons. We already started talking about that. We tried to get it done. I think it can be done. And it should be demanded that we do it. And that’s a good expenditure of money."

During a November 6, 2019, CNN interview, Biden answered in the affirmative when asked if he was coming for guns:

"CNN: So, to gun owners out there who say, well, a Biden administration means they’re going to come for my guns?

BIDEN: Bingo. You’re right if you have an assault weapon. The fact of the matter is, they should be illegal, period. Look, the Second Amendment doesn’t say you can’t restrict the kinds of weapons people can own. You can’t buy a bazooka. You can’t have a flame thrower."

And what about Beto? He ran on a platform of firearms confiscation and was promised a position in Biden's cabinet...

Joe Biden promises to put Beto O’Rourke in charge of gun control
One bang and bong are broke enough they can buy them...New iFone out yet ?
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
Will he try to ban "assault weapons" in direct conflict with the constitution?
How in the world would I know that?
You could read his plan he posted on his website, Dummy.
So in your mind, plans on a website always come to fruition?
Don’t move the goal posts.
The issue isn’t can he pull it all off.
The issue is Biden is a gun grabber and you folks (except for Joe) seem to be saying that he isn’t, that he isn’t going to try and ban all sorts of weapons and pass restrictions, and that he hasn’t said he would.
Nostra showed you his words and his plans. They are straight out of Joe’s mouth, and he has also posted them.
In summary....
People said joe Biden is a gun grabber.
You say he isn’t.
People showed you his stated intentions.
You lost the argument because you are wrong.

Trump said that he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall also. Some of us take what a politician says with a grain of salt when we know it's B.S.
These guys just love to get themselves all riled up 'n stuff.

Of course, being Trump followers they're prone to succumbing to comical hyperbole.
All I did was post Pedo Joe's official position on guns. You were obviously ignorant of those positions as your posts prove.

I have no idea how you get that I'm "riled up 'n stuff" from that. :cuckoo: I guess that's how you are trying to cover for your ignorance of the positions of the clown you voted for.

Where did you post that? None of your posts quotes Joe's website or even links to it. You're lying again.
In the alternate universe. It's right there.
Are you calling Joe Biden's website an "alternative universe"? I might have to agree with you on that one.
At least you admit your Messiah Pedo Joe has no connection to reality.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
Will he try to ban "assault weapons" in direct conflict with the constitution?
How in the world would I know that?
You could read his plan he posted on his website, Dummy.
So in your mind, plans on a website always come to fruition?
Don’t move the goal posts.
The issue isn’t can he pull it all off.
The issue is Biden is a gun grabber and you folks (except for Joe) seem to be saying that he isn’t, that he isn’t going to try and ban all sorts of weapons and pass restrictions, and that he hasn’t said he would.
Nostra showed you his words and his plans. They are straight out of Joe’s mouth, and he has also posted them.
In summary....
People said joe Biden is a gun grabber.
You say he isn’t.
People showed you his stated intentions.
You lost the argument because you are wrong.

Trump said that he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall also. Some of us take what a politician says with a grain of salt when we know it's B.S.
These guys just love to get themselves all riled up 'n stuff.

Of course, being Trump followers they're prone to succumbing to comical hyperbole.
All I did was post Pedo Joe's official position on guns. You were obviously ignorant of those positions as your posts prove.

I have no idea how you get that I'm "riled up 'n stuff" from that. :cuckoo: I guess that's how you are trying to cover for your ignorance of the positions of the clown you voted for.

Where did you post that? None of your posts quotes Joe's website or even links to it. You're lying again.
In the alternate universe. It's right there.
Are you calling Joe Biden's website an "alternative universe"? I might have to agree with you on that one.
At least you admit your Messiah Pedo Joe has no connection to reality.
My messiah Pedo Joe has no connection to reality.

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