Joe Biden just threw you anti-gun people under the bus

I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.

In your rush to ridicule people, you have forgotten that it’s very likely he won’t even finish his first year as potus.
Not to mention another fact that you don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to think of is that he can infringe on the 2nd Amendment in other ways, such as levy taxes and allow people to sue gun manufacturers. Oh, we’ll get to keep our guns but we won’t be able to afford to use them.

On what basis are you making these assertions? Your fear mongering post is reliant upon belief of facts not in evidence and yet you choose to go with your fears over sanity, reason and logic, and reality. How very Republican of you. Fear mongering over all.

No wonder your country is in such a mess. Fools like you are allowed to vote on your fears and reality be damned.
He is making his assertions based on exactly what Pedo Joe said he would do regarding guns on his own website, you blithering idiot.

Joe Biden doesn’t have to “ban” assault rifles, or high capacity magazines, or anything like that. He can simply add taxes and fees to gun ownership, gun sales, and gun manufacturers making them unaffordable to the majority of the public. He can also pack the SCOTUS and have them allow gun manufacturers to be sued by anyone who gets injured by guns or loses a loved one to gun violence. It could potentially put most gun manufacturers out of business.

There are other options for Biden and his tyrannical administration and he could make it so that you get to keep your guns, but they will be reduced to paperweights.
You thought he was going to immediately sign an executive order banning "assault weapons", didn't you?

Suckers! :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:

In leaked recording, Biden says GOP used 'defund the police' to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats

"Biden said he would be able to do some things by executive order, but — as he often did publicly throughout the campaign — he said, "I am not going to violate the Constitution."

"Where I have executive authority, I will use it to undo every single damn thing this guy's done by executive authority," Biden said, according to the audio. "But I'm not going to exercise executive authority where it's a question where I can come along and say I can do away with assault weapons. There's no executive authority to do that. And no one has fought harder to get rid of assault weapons than me, me. You can't do it by executive order."

In leaked recording, Biden says GOP used 'defund the police' to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats

He said that to Harris in a debate where she mentioned executive order and Biden told her she should check the legality of it with Constitutional Lawyers...

Biden has never had interest in doing it unless the House and Senate agreed to pass the legislation...
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.

In your rush to ridicule people, you have forgotten that it’s very likely he won’t even finish his first year as potus.
Not to mention another fact that you don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to think of is that he can infringe on the 2nd Amendment in other ways, such as levy taxes and allow people to sue gun manufacturers. Oh, we’ll get to keep our guns but we won’t be able to afford to use them.

On what basis are you making these assertions? Your fear mongering post is reliant upon belief of facts not in evidence and yet you choose to go with your fears over sanity, reason and logic, and reality. How very Republican of you. Fear mongering over all.

No wonder your country is in such a mess. Fools like you are allowed to vote on your fears and reality be damned.
They just take a news item or event and impulsively run with wild assumptions and extrapolations, constantly. Life just doesn't play out that way.

except that that is not what I did. She either didn’t bother to read my post fully or is unable to fully understand what she reads. She got it all wrong and now you are foolishly supporting her.

Tiday just isn’t your day. You should probably take a day or two off from here. You’re losing it.

I read your post fully. It's all based on the notion of what might happen because Joe Biden won't be President long, and Kamala Harris is a clear and present danger to your rights. It doesn't seem to me that I missed a thing.

Fear mongering and lies, with no facts to support any of it.
Notice how they're admitting it will be President Biden?

Interesting. Maybe they grew tired of pretending and the paranoia is back.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.

In your rush to ridicule people, you have forgotten that it’s very likely he won’t even finish his first year as potus.
Not to mention another fact that you don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to think of is that he can infringe on the 2nd Amendment in other ways, such as levy taxes and allow people to sue gun manufacturers. Oh, we’ll get to keep our guns but we won’t be able to afford to use them.

On what basis are you making these assertions? Your fear mongering post is reliant upon belief of facts not in evidence and yet you choose to go with your fears over sanity, reason and logic, and reality. How very Republican of you. Fear mongering over all.

No wonder your country is in such a mess. Fools like you are allowed to vote on your fears and reality be damned.
They just take a news item or event and impulsively run with wild assumptions and extrapolations, constantly. Life just doesn't play out that way.

except that that is not what I did. She either didn’t bother to read my post fully or is unable to fully understand what she reads. She got it all wrong and now you are foolishly supporting her.

Tiday just isn’t your day. You should probably take a day or two off from here. You’re losing it.

I read your post fully. It's all based on the notion of what might happen because Joe Biden won't be President long, and Kamala Harris is a clear and present danger to your rights. It doesn't seem to me that I missed a thing.

Fear mongering and lies, with no facts to support any of it.

If you understood it, then you wouldn’t have asked me what I base my argument on.

If you understood it, then you wouldn’t call simple facts “Fear Mongering and lies”.

You are lying or really just not very smart.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.

In your rush to ridicule people, you have forgotten that it’s very likely he won’t even finish his first year as potus.
Not to mention another fact that you don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to think of is that he can infringe on the 2nd Amendment in other ways, such as levy taxes and allow people to sue gun manufacturers. Oh, we’ll get to keep our guns but we won’t be able to afford to use them.

On what basis are you making these assertions? Your fear mongering post is reliant upon belief of facts not in evidence and yet you choose to go with your fears over sanity, reason and logic, and reality. How very Republican of you. Fear mongering over all.

No wonder your country is in such a mess. Fools like you are allowed to vote on your fears and reality be damned.
They just take a news item or event and impulsively run with wild assumptions and extrapolations, constantly. Life just doesn't play out that way.

except that that is not what I did. She either didn’t bother to read my post fully or is unable to fully understand what she reads. She got it all wrong and now you are foolishly supporting her.

Tiday just isn’t your day. You should probably take a day or two off from here. You’re losing it.

I read your post fully. It's all based on the notion of what might happen because Joe Biden won't be President long, and Kamala Harris is a clear and present danger to your rights. It doesn't seem to me that I missed a thing.

Fear mongering and lies, with no facts to support any of it.
Notice how they're admitting it will be President Biden?

Interesting. Maybe they grew tired of pretending and the paranoia is back.

I admitted no such thing. This thread is about what Joe Biden has said he would do. The assumption that he will be POTUS is inherent in the title and OP.

I told you you should stop, but you didn’t and now look at you!
You thought he was going to immediately sign an executive order banning "assault weapons", didn't you?

Suckers! :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:

In leaked recording, Biden says GOP used 'defund the police' to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats

"Biden said he would be able to do some things by executive order, but — as he often did publicly throughout the campaign — he said, "I am not going to violate the Constitution."

"Where I have executive authority, I will use it to undo every single damn thing this guy's done by executive authority," Biden said, according to the audio. "But I'm not going to exercise executive authority where it's a question where I can come along and say I can do away with assault weapons. There's no executive authority to do that. And no one has fought harder to get rid of assault weapons than me, me. You can't do it by executive order."

In leaked recording, Biden says GOP used 'defund the police' to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats

Your point? Only the far left progressives & anarchists want to defund the police. What most of us (the rational and reasonable people) want is for every LE Agency to use less than lethal tactics when they are appropriate, and spell out in their Use of Force Policy when lethal force is warranted. That Body Cams are turned on every time a field interview or intervention commences, and both the audio and video to be part of every report when physical tactics are employed.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.

In your rush to ridicule people, you have forgotten that it’s very likely he won’t even finish his first year as potus.
Not to mention another fact that you don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to think of is that he can infringe on the 2nd Amendment in other ways, such as levy taxes and allow people to sue gun manufacturers. Oh, we’ll get to keep our guns but we won’t be able to afford to use them.

On what basis are you making these assertions? Your fear mongering post is reliant upon belief of facts not in evidence and yet you choose to go with your fears over sanity, reason and logic, and reality. How very Republican of you. Fear mongering over all.

No wonder your country is in such a mess. Fools like you are allowed to vote on your fears and reality be damned.
They just take a news item or event and impulsively run with wild assumptions and extrapolations, constantly. Life just doesn't play out that way.

except that that is not what I did. She either didn’t bother to read my post fully or is unable to fully understand what she reads. She got it all wrong and now you are foolishly supporting her.

Tiday just isn’t your day. You should probably take a day or two off from here. You’re losing it.

I read your post fully. It's all based on the notion of what might happen because Joe Biden won't be President long, and Kamala Harris is a clear and present danger to your rights. It doesn't seem to me that I missed a thing.

Fear mongering and lies, with no facts to support any of it.

If you understood it, then you wouldn’t have asked me what I base my argument on.

If you understood it, then you wouldn’t call simple facts “Fear Mongering and lies”.

You are lying or really just not very smart.

Not only is your comment not rebuttal it is an ad hominem, i.e. a logical fallacy. You didn't provide any fact or evidence to support your claim, thus it is you who is not very smart.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
I agree... but if/when Biden dies/incapacitated, which is a real possibility... do the math.... Harris as President will not be.

Harris is just as centrist as Biden. You keep perpetuating Republican lies about Democrats. They're not criminals, and they're not a danger to the Republic. Democrats have never gone to court and asked the SC to throw out the votes of 40 million voters so their guy could stay in office.

Republicans have abandoned the idea of a democratic republic and are now embracing authoritarian dictatorship.

Harris is just as centrist as Biden.

Why are you even here? Are you here just to expose what a colossal moron you are regarding our Government? Harris is the farthest left Senator there is, according to Govtrack. She is to the left of Commie Bernie you raving lunatic.

No kidding... Harris is a centrist... not even CNN touts that! :lol:
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.

In your rush to ridicule people, you have forgotten that it’s very likely he won’t even finish his first year as potus.
Not to mention another fact that you don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to think of is that he can infringe on the 2nd Amendment in other ways, such as levy taxes and allow people to sue gun manufacturers. Oh, we’ll get to keep our guns but we won’t be able to afford to use them.

On what basis are you making these assertions? Your fear mongering post is reliant upon belief of facts not in evidence and yet you choose to go with your fears over sanity, reason and logic, and reality. How very Republican of you. Fear mongering over all.

No wonder your country is in such a mess. Fools like you are allowed to vote on your fears and reality be damned.
They just take a news item or event and impulsively run with wild assumptions and extrapolations, constantly. Life just doesn't play out that way.

except that that is not what I did. She either didn’t bother to read my post fully or is unable to fully understand what she reads. She got it all wrong and now you are foolishly supporting her.

Tiday just isn’t your day. You should probably take a day or two off from here. You’re losing it.

I read your post fully. It's all based on the notion of what might happen because Joe Biden won't be President long, and Kamala Harris is a clear and present danger to your rights. It doesn't seem to me that I missed a thing.

Fear mongering and lies, with no facts to support any of it.
Notice how they're admitting it will be President Biden?

Interesting. Maybe they grew tired of pretending and the paranoia is back.

I admitted no such thing. This thread is about what Joe Biden has said he would do. The assumption that he will be POTUS is inherent in the title and OP.

I told you you should stop, but you didn’t and now look at you!
Do you really think your opinion matters to me? It's your behaviors I find so fascinating.

Trumpism has really turned you, and many here, into an absolute mess. A quivering, paranoid drama queen.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.

In your rush to ridicule people, you have forgotten that it’s very likely he won’t even finish his first year as potus.
Not to mention another fact that you don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to think of is that he can infringe on the 2nd Amendment in other ways, such as levy taxes and allow people to sue gun manufacturers. Oh, we’ll get to keep our guns but we won’t be able to afford to use them.

On what basis are you making these assertions? Your fear mongering post is reliant upon belief of facts not in evidence and yet you choose to go with your fears over sanity, reason and logic, and reality. How very Republican of you. Fear mongering over all.

No wonder your country is in such a mess. Fools like you are allowed to vote on your fears and reality be damned.
They just take a news item or event and impulsively run with wild assumptions and extrapolations, constantly. Life just doesn't play out that way.

except that that is not what I did. She either didn’t bother to read my post fully or is unable to fully understand what she reads. She got it all wrong and now you are foolishly supporting her.

Tiday just isn’t your day. You should probably take a day or two off from here. You’re losing it.

I read your post fully. It's all based on the notion of what might happen because Joe Biden won't be President long, and Kamala Harris is a clear and present danger to your rights. It doesn't seem to me that I missed a thing.

Fear mongering and lies, with no facts to support any of it.

If you understood it, then you wouldn’t have asked me what I base my argument on.

If you understood it, then you wouldn’t call simple facts “Fear Mongering and lies”.

You are lying or really just not very smart.

Not only is your comment not rebuttal it is an ad hominem, i.e. a logical fallacy. You didn't provide any fact or evidence to support your claim, thus it is you who is not very smart.
They're a mess.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.

In your rush to ridicule people, you have forgotten that it’s very likely he won’t even finish his first year as potus.
Not to mention another fact that you don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to think of is that he can infringe on the 2nd Amendment in other ways, such as levy taxes and allow people to sue gun manufacturers. Oh, we’ll get to keep our guns but we won’t be able to afford to use them.

On what basis are you making these assertions? Your fear mongering post is reliant upon belief of facts not in evidence and yet you choose to go with your fears over sanity, reason and logic, and reality. How very Republican of you. Fear mongering over all.

No wonder your country is in such a mess. Fools like you are allowed to vote on your fears and reality be damned.
He is making his assertions based on exactly what Pedo Joe said he would do regarding guns on his own website, you blithering idiot.

Joe Biden doesn’t have to “ban” assault rifles, or high capacity magazines, or anything like that. He can simply add taxes and fees to gun ownership, gun sales, and gun manufacturers making them unaffordable to the majority of the public. He can also pack the SCOTUS and have them allow gun manufacturers to be sued by anyone who gets injured by guns or loses a loved one to gun violence. It could potentially put most gun manufacturers out of business.

There are other options for Biden and his tyrannical administration and he could make it so that you get to keep your guns, but they will be reduced to paperweights.

Biden wants to tax guns people already own $200 each. How does he think that isn't raising taxes on people making less than $400,000 per year?
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.

In your rush to ridicule people, you have forgotten that it’s very likely he won’t even finish his first year as potus.
Not to mention another fact that you don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to think of is that he can infringe on the 2nd Amendment in other ways, such as levy taxes and allow people to sue gun manufacturers. Oh, we’ll get to keep our guns but we won’t be able to afford to use them.

On what basis are you making these assertions? Your fear mongering post is reliant upon belief of facts not in evidence and yet you choose to go with your fears over sanity, reason and logic, and reality. How very Republican of you. Fear mongering over all.

No wonder your country is in such a mess. Fools like you are allowed to vote on your fears and reality be damned.
They just take a news item or event and impulsively run with wild assumptions and extrapolations, constantly. Life just doesn't play out that way.

except that that is not what I did. She either didn’t bother to read my post fully or is unable to fully understand what she reads. She got it all wrong and now you are foolishly supporting her.

Tiday just isn’t your day. You should probably take a day or two off from here. You’re losing it.

I read your post fully. It's all based on the notion of what might happen because Joe Biden won't be President long, and Kamala Harris is a clear and present danger to your rights. It doesn't seem to me that I missed a thing.

Fear mongering and lies, with no facts to support any of it.

If you understood it, then you wouldn’t have asked me what I base my argument on.

If you understood it, then you wouldn’t call simple facts “Fear Mongering and lies”.

You are lying or really just not very smart.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.

In your rush to ridicule people, you have forgotten that it’s very likely he won’t even finish his first year as potus.
Not to mention another fact that you don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to think of is that he can infringe on the 2nd Amendment in other ways, such as levy taxes and allow people to sue gun manufacturers. Oh, we’ll get to keep our guns but we won’t be able to afford to use them.

On what basis are you making these assertions? Your fear mongering post is reliant upon belief of facts not in evidence and yet you choose to go with your fears over sanity, reason and logic, and reality. How very Republican of you. Fear mongering over all.

No wonder your country is in such a mess. Fools like you are allowed to vote on your fears and reality be damned.
They just take a news item or event and impulsively run with wild assumptions and extrapolations, constantly. Life just doesn't play out that way.

except that that is not what I did. She either didn’t bother to read my post fully or is unable to fully understand what she reads. She got it all wrong and now you are foolishly supporting her.

Tiday just isn’t your day. You should probably take a day or two off from here. You’re losing it.

I read your post fully. It's all based on the notion of what might happen because Joe Biden won't be President long, and Kamala Harris is a clear and present danger to your rights. It doesn't seem to me that I missed a thing.

Fear mongering and lies, with no facts to support any of it.

If you understood it, then you wouldn’t have asked me what I base my argument on.

If you understood it, then you wouldn’t call simple facts “Fear Mongering and lies”.

You are lying or really just not very smart.

Not only is your comment not rebuttal it is an ad hominem, i.e. a logical fallacy. You didn't provide any fact or evidence to support your claim, thus it is you who is not very smart.
Learn to read you idiot. I made no claim that would require facts or evidence. What I stated was fact. Read my original post, if you can’t understand it, I’m sorry I don’t have the crayons to make it easier for you.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.

In your rush to ridicule people, you have forgotten that it’s very likely he won’t even finish his first year as potus.
Not to mention another fact that you don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to think of is that he can infringe on the 2nd Amendment in other ways, such as levy taxes and allow people to sue gun manufacturers. Oh, we’ll get to keep our guns but we won’t be able to afford to use them.

On what basis are you making these assertions? Your fear mongering post is reliant upon belief of facts not in evidence and yet you choose to go with your fears over sanity, reason and logic, and reality. How very Republican of you. Fear mongering over all.

No wonder your country is in such a mess. Fools like you are allowed to vote on your fears and reality be damned.
He is making his assertions based on exactly what Pedo Joe said he would do regarding guns on his own website, you blithering idiot.

Joe Biden doesn’t have to “ban” assault rifles, or high capacity magazines, or anything like that. He can simply add taxes and fees to gun ownership, gun sales, and gun manufacturers making them unaffordable to the majority of the public. He can also pack the SCOTUS and have them allow gun manufacturers to be sued by anyone who gets injured by guns or loses a loved one to gun violence. It could potentially put most gun manufacturers out of business.

There are other options for Biden and his tyrannical administration and he could make it so that you get to keep your guns, but they will be reduced to paperweights.

Biden wants to tax guns people already own $200 each. How does he think that isn't raising taxes on people making less than $400,000 per year?
“Biden” and “thinking” in that same sentence? Come on, get serious.
You thought he was going to immediately sign an executive order banning "assault weapons", didn't you?

Suckers! :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:

In leaked recording, Biden says GOP used 'defund the police' to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats

"Biden said he would be able to do some things by executive order, but — as he often did publicly throughout the campaign — he said, "I am not going to violate the Constitution."

"Where I have executive authority, I will use it to undo every single damn thing this guy's done by executive authority," Biden said, according to the audio. "But I'm not going to exercise executive authority where it's a question where I can come along and say I can do away with assault weapons. There's no executive authority to do that. And no one has fought harder to get rid of assault weapons than me, me. You can't do it by executive order."

In leaked recording, Biden says GOP used 'defund the police' to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats
Well this is confusing..just before the election the tin foil hats were screaming Biden was going to conficate everybody's guns if he was elected...please make up your minds..
Just look at what the dems propose for gun laws and how they run their states...they want America disarmed.

If the senial fool cant go EO, he has many other tools to destroy guns with.
What are they proposing?

Background checks
Restricting access to guns for domestic abusers and the mentally deranged
Restricting high capacity magazines

Most gun owners support these restrictions

You don't speak for "most gun owners." Do you own an AR-15, an AK-47, a Ruger Mini-14, or a handgun with a 15-round magazine?

Are you even a "gun owner"?

"Most gun owners" don't own any of those weapons either. And you don't speak for ANY gun owners except yourself, a$$hat.
Ummmm yes we do.
I own several. Most of my friends who are gun people own several.
Just look at what the dems propose for gun laws and how they run their states...they want America disarmed.

If the senial fool cant go EO, he has many other tools to destroy guns with.
What are they proposing?

Background checks
Restricting access to guns for domestic abusers and the mentally deranged
Restricting high capacity magazines

Most gun owners support these restrictions

You don't speak for "most gun owners." Do you own an AR-15, an AK-47, a Ruger Mini-14, or a handgun with a 15-round magazine?

Are you even a "gun owner"?

Most NRA members support background checks

Most gun owners are not hunting with an AK-47

The AK isn't a good hunting gun.
Sure we are. The AK is a wonderful weapon, for hunting any manner of creature within reason (not squirrels, not elephant, etc).
And I shouldn’t have to mention this, but hunting and what is used to hunt has exactly zero relevance to the 2nd amendment.
You thought he was going to immediately sign an executive order banning "assault weapons", didn't you?

Suckers! :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:

In leaked recording, Biden says GOP used 'defund the police' to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats

"Biden said he would be able to do some things by executive order, but — as he often did publicly throughout the campaign — he said, "I am not going to violate the Constitution."

"Where I have executive authority, I will use it to undo every single damn thing this guy's done by executive authority," Biden said, according to the audio. "But I'm not going to exercise executive authority where it's a question where I can come along and say I can do away with assault weapons. There's no executive authority to do that. And no one has fought harder to get rid of assault weapons than me, me. You can't do it by executive order."

In leaked recording, Biden says GOP used 'defund the police' to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats
Well this is confusing..just before the election the tin foil hats were screaming Biden was going to conficate everybody's guns if he was elected...please make up your minds..
Are you able to make the logical leap that among the entire GOP and it’s supporters, and/or all of the conservatives on USMB, they just might be some that say he will and some that say he won’t?

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