Joe Biden might not be the greatest debater or the best candidate, but at least...

What a lousy freakin' choice. What a mess.

Maybe this is what happens when politics becomes so UGLY, TRIBAL and DISHONEST that our REAL Best & Brightest know to STAY AWAY.

Self-inflicted wound here.
Sleepy Joe trounced Crazy Bernie mano y mano and it was designed to be a love fest by the fake news hosts for the two idiot douchebags! :pinkygirly:

President Trump will destroy Sleepy Joe hilariously and repeatedly! :)
Yeah Biden is so great he has lost every Presidential Primary he has run in until now. He will only likely win now because the rest of the field was so weak and lame hardly a great selling point for a general election.

The strong ones didn't get a shoe in; the fix was in when Biden decided to run; he knew he had the Dem machine. Nothing changed.

Now that I think of it there was only one really; Tulsi. She's the only one both camps in the Dems could have got behind. Glad they didn't; her policies are shit!

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol
What edge would Biden have?

The Obama administration was dubbed the most criminally non-compliant with the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Records Act

Obama and Biden headed an administration that violated both Constitution and Rule of Law:
- Ruled to be in violation of the US Constitution several times
- Ruled in Contempt of Court several time for defying Federal Judges' orders
- Engaged in numerous scandals, such as arming / supplying weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, ISIS, Al Qaeda...
- Biden confessed live, on videotape, to extorting the former Ukraine President...with the full knowledge and support of the President, which Nadler confirmed during the Senate impeachment hearings
- Illegally spied on / was caught illegally spying on reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Judges...and initiated illegal spying on an opposing political party Presidential Candidate based on known false information from a known lying, agenda-driven, partisan foreign spy

Biden has been wrong on every single foreign policy stance he has taken....and Obama's handpicked state department reps have testified under oath that foreign policy is not better under Trump than it was under Obama

And let's not forget Biden's obvious dementia, which he demonstrated while debating Sanders, bring up Jack the Ripper....then stopping, not finishing his thought process / his verbal point

Compare that to the most successful President in the last several DECADES who has kept more promises than any politician in the modern era. And if toy are upset about Trump telling lies, then you must have been in a coma during the Obama administration and must hate every politician on the face of the planet...because they all do it. The biggest difference is, unlike Obama and other politicians, Trump has delivered.

He is not the greatest overall President and I s not a 'polished turd' like career politicians, but he has been a damn good one.
Corvette. The New cowboy hat !
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol

Your OP only begs one question: Do you know who Joe Biden is, you know, a skinny old guy with gray hair that likes sniffing girls?

One major difference between Biden and Trump is that Trump has much thicker skin. Slow Joe is a shack full of dynamite waiting for a smoker to walk in the door. He is so easily triggered that Trump has all sorts of openings to set him off.

Biden can't even think of his next sentence, and the President is a very quick thinker. Biden is likely to make a mistake like "That question isn't one of the ones you gave me!"

It will be a comedy show if anything.
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol

No thanks. I'll stay with Trump. He communicates just fine. Biden has moved further left to try and gain the Bernie voters.
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol

Your OP only begs one question: Do you know who Joe Biden is, you know, a skinny old guy with gray hair that likes sniffing girls?

One major difference between Biden and Trump is that Trump has much thicker skin. Slow Joe is a shack full of dynamite waiting for a smoker to walk in the door. He is so easily triggered that Trump has all sorts of openings to set him off.

Biden can't even think of his next sentence, and the President is a very quick thinker. Biden is likely to make a mistake like "That question isn't one of the ones you gave me!"

It will be a comedy show if anything.
Lol it’s amazing how you people delude yourselves. You and I both know that Trump talks like an idiot and all you can do is harp on Biden. I at least
Have the maturity to acknowledge that Biden says dumb things. It’s just completely obvious that Trump says dumb shit way more often. Try some objectivity for once.
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol

Your OP only begs one question: Do you know who Joe Biden is, you know, a skinny old guy with gray hair that likes sniffing girls?

One major difference between Biden and Trump is that Trump has much thicker skin. Slow Joe is a shack full of dynamite waiting for a smoker to walk in the door. He is so easily triggered that Trump has all sorts of openings to set him off.

Biden can't even think of his next sentence, and the President is a very quick thinker. Biden is likely to make a mistake like "That question isn't one of the ones you gave me!"

It will be a comedy show if anything.
Lol it’s amazing how you people delude yourselves. You and I both know that Trump talks like an idiot and all you can do is harp on Biden. I at least
Have the maturity to acknowledge that Biden says dumb things. It’s just completely obvious that Trump says dumb shit way more often. Try some objectivity for once.

All I can say is good luck with your hopes and dreams. If you think Biden is any match for Trump when it comes to a debate, you're the one that's deluded--not me. They are going to attack each other like any other debate, and Biden is not up to it. Trump is very quick with replies, and many times comical. One of the funniest Biden F-ups on stage:

...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol

Your OP only begs one question: Do you know who Joe Biden is, you know, a skinny old guy with gray hair that likes sniffing girls?

One major difference between Biden and Trump is that Trump has much thicker skin. Slow Joe is a shack full of dynamite waiting for a smoker to walk in the door. He is so easily triggered that Trump has all sorts of openings to set him off.

Biden can't even think of his next sentence, and the President is a very quick thinker. Biden is likely to make a mistake like "That question isn't one of the ones you gave me!"

It will be a comedy show if anything.
Lol it’s amazing how you people delude yourselves. You and I both know that Trump talks like an idiot and all you can do is harp on Biden. I at least
Have the maturity to acknowledge that Biden says dumb things. It’s just completely obvious that Trump says dumb shit way more often. Try some objectivity for once.

All I can say is good luck with your hopes and dreams. If you think Biden is any match for Trump when it comes to a debate, you're the one that's deluded--not me. They are going to attack each other like any other debate, and Biden is not up to it. Trump is very quick with replies, and many times comical. One of the funniest Biden F-ups on stage:

Right yeah that’s all you can say lol. You’re too much of a wuss to acknowledge how stupid Trump is. It’s impossible to take you people seriously.
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol

Your OP only begs one question: Do you know who Joe Biden is, you know, a skinny old guy with gray hair that likes sniffing girls?

One major difference between Biden and Trump is that Trump has much thicker skin. Slow Joe is a shack full of dynamite waiting for a smoker to walk in the door. He is so easily triggered that Trump has all sorts of openings to set him off.

Biden can't even think of his next sentence, and the President is a very quick thinker. Biden is likely to make a mistake like "That question isn't one of the ones you gave me!"

It will be a comedy show if anything.
Lol it’s amazing how you people delude yourselves. You and I both know that Trump talks like an idiot and all you can do is harp on Biden. I at least
Have the maturity to acknowledge that Biden says dumb things. It’s just completely obvious that Trump says dumb shit way more often. Try some objectivity for once.

All I can say is good luck with your hopes and dreams. If you think Biden is any match for Trump when it comes to a debate, you're the one that's deluded--not me. They are going to attack each other like any other debate, and Biden is not up to it. Trump is very quick with replies, and many times comical. One of the funniest Biden F-ups on stage:

Right yeah that’s all you can say lol. You’re too much of a wuss to acknowledge how stupid Trump is. It’s impossible to take you people seriously.

Yeah, all those billionaires are stupid.

I watched Trump as he wiped the floor during the Republican debates. He took all those professional politicians, some with money coming out of their ass, and showed them how it's done. Of sure, they tried to shame Trump, put him down, but again, Trump is so quick with the comebacks, he made them sorry they tried.

A sitting President always has the advantage. When the Democrats criticize each other, it's fodder for opposition of the eventual nominee.
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol

Are you serious? Biden will not stand a chance in a debate with TRUMP mainly because TRUMP won't let the moderators control the narrative.
In last nights debate at no point during the CV discussion did the moderators make clear that many of the things both Biden and Bernie were suggesting they would do are in fact already being done and put into place by the TRUMP administration.
Instead of using the debate as a way to inform people on what is being done CNN aloud Biden and Bernie to present a narrative of nothing is being done. This was irresponsible and exactly why MSM has earned the label of fake news and enemy of the people.
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol

Your OP only begs one question: Do you know who Joe Biden is, you know, a skinny old guy with gray hair that likes sniffing girls?

One major difference between Biden and Trump is that Trump has much thicker skin. Slow Joe is a shack full of dynamite waiting for a smoker to walk in the door. He is so easily triggered that Trump has all sorts of openings to set him off.

Biden can't even think of his next sentence, and the President is a very quick thinker. Biden is likely to make a mistake like "That question isn't one of the ones you gave me!"

It will be a comedy show if anything.
Lol it’s amazing how you people delude yourselves. You and I both know that Trump talks like an idiot and all you can do is harp on Biden. I at least
Have the maturity to acknowledge that Biden says dumb things. It’s just completely obvious that Trump says dumb shit way more often. Try some objectivity for once.

All I can say is good luck with your hopes and dreams. If you think Biden is any match for Trump when it comes to a debate, you're the one that's deluded--not me. They are going to attack each other like any other debate, and Biden is not up to it. Trump is very quick with replies, and many times comical. One of the funniest Biden F-ups on stage:

Right yeah that’s all you can say lol. You’re too much of a wuss to acknowledge how stupid Trump is. It’s impossible to take you people seriously.

Yeah, all those billionaires are stupid.

I watched Trump as he wiped the floor during the Republican debates. He took all those professional politicians, some with money coming out of their ass, and showed them how it's done. Of sure, they tried to shame Trump, put him down, but again, Trump is so quick with the comebacks, he made them sorry they tried.

A sitting President always has the advantage. When the Democrats criticize each other, it's fodder for opposition of the eventual nominee.

Billionaires in general are not. Trump is the exception because daddy gave him 10s of millions of dollars. Without that, he’d he working fast food right now.

Of course this all begs the question: are millionaires stupid? That’s what Biden is.

Be a man and answer this question: how often does Trump say stupid shit? Is it worse than the average person? Why or why not?
Your OP only begs one question: Do you know who Joe Biden is, you know, a skinny old guy with gray hair that likes sniffing girls?

One major difference between Biden and Trump is that Trump has much thicker skin. Slow Joe is a shack full of dynamite waiting for a smoker to walk in the door. He is so easily triggered that Trump has all sorts of openings to set him off.

Biden can't even think of his next sentence, and the President is a very quick thinker. Biden is likely to make a mistake like "That question isn't one of the ones you gave me!"

It will be a comedy show if anything.
Lol it’s amazing how you people delude yourselves. You and I both know that Trump talks like an idiot and all you can do is harp on Biden. I at least
Have the maturity to acknowledge that Biden says dumb things. It’s just completely obvious that Trump says dumb shit way more often. Try some objectivity for once.

All I can say is good luck with your hopes and dreams. If you think Biden is any match for Trump when it comes to a debate, you're the one that's deluded--not me. They are going to attack each other like any other debate, and Biden is not up to it. Trump is very quick with replies, and many times comical. One of the funniest Biden F-ups on stage:

Right yeah that’s all you can say lol. You’re too much of a wuss to acknowledge how stupid Trump is. It’s impossible to take you people seriously.

Yeah, all those billionaires are stupid.

I watched Trump as he wiped the floor during the Republican debates. He took all those professional politicians, some with money coming out of their ass, and showed them how it's done. Of sure, they tried to shame Trump, put him down, but again, Trump is so quick with the comebacks, he made them sorry they tried.

A sitting President always has the advantage. When the Democrats criticize each other, it's fodder for opposition of the eventual nominee.

Billionaires in general are not. Trump is the exception because daddy gave him 10s of millions of dollars. Without that, he’d he working fast food right now.

Of course this all begs the question: are millionaires stupid? That’s what Biden is.

Be a man and answer this question: how often does Trump say stupid shit? Is it worse than the average person? Why or why not?

Yeah, Biden is a millionaire because he was in government, just like all the other congress critters end up being millionaires. It's different when you have to work for wealth.

Nobody knows exactly how much Trump was given by his father, but his fathers worth was 70 million, and Trump has several siblings--one which didn't get anything. So even if he started out with lets say 30 million, it takes 1000 million to make one billion. You try taking any amount of money, and make business deals to net you over 60 times that amount. You have to be pretty smart and energetic to come anywhere close.
Lol it’s amazing how you people delude yourselves. You and I both know that Trump talks like an idiot and all you can do is harp on Biden. I at least
Have the maturity to acknowledge that Biden says dumb things. It’s just completely obvious that Trump says dumb shit way more often. Try some objectivity for once.

All I can say is good luck with your hopes and dreams. If you think Biden is any match for Trump when it comes to a debate, you're the one that's deluded--not me. They are going to attack each other like any other debate, and Biden is not up to it. Trump is very quick with replies, and many times comical. One of the funniest Biden F-ups on stage:

Right yeah that’s all you can say lol. You’re too much of a wuss to acknowledge how stupid Trump is. It’s impossible to take you people seriously.

Yeah, all those billionaires are stupid.

I watched Trump as he wiped the floor during the Republican debates. He took all those professional politicians, some with money coming out of their ass, and showed them how it's done. Of sure, they tried to shame Trump, put him down, but again, Trump is so quick with the comebacks, he made them sorry they tried.

A sitting President always has the advantage. When the Democrats criticize each other, it's fodder for opposition of the eventual nominee.

Billionaires in general are not. Trump is the exception because daddy gave him 10s of millions of dollars. Without that, he’d he working fast food right now.

Of course this all begs the question: are millionaires stupid? That’s what Biden is.

Be a man and answer this question: how often does Trump say stupid shit? Is it worse than the average person? Why or why not?

Yeah, Biden is a millionaire because he was in government, just like all the other congress critters end up being millionaires. It's different when you have to work for wealth.

Nobody knows exactly how much Trump was given by his father, but his fathers worth was 70 million, and Trump has several siblings--one which didn't get anything. So even if he started out with lets say 30 million, it takes 1000 million to make one billion. You try taking any amount of money, and make business deals to net you over 60 times that amount. You have to be pretty smart and energetic to come anywhere close.

So you won’t answer the question? Yeah not surprised.

Biden was a lawyer. Say what you want about lawyers, but obviously they aren’t dumb people. Trump is obviously way too stupid for law school lol. 10’s of millions is what he got from daddy. And sure, daddy probably gave him some basic investing advice. Of course, Trump’s wealth aside, most of his business ventures have failed. One of his CASINOS went bankrupt. How do you explain that?
Last edited:
All I can say is good luck with your hopes and dreams. If you think Biden is any match for Trump when it comes to a debate, you're the one that's deluded--not me. They are going to attack each other like any other debate, and Biden is not up to it. Trump is very quick with replies, and many times comical. One of the funniest Biden F-ups on stage:

Right yeah that’s all you can say lol. You’re too much of a wuss to acknowledge how stupid Trump is. It’s impossible to take you people seriously.

Yeah, all those billionaires are stupid.

I watched Trump as he wiped the floor during the Republican debates. He took all those professional politicians, some with money coming out of their ass, and showed them how it's done. Of sure, they tried to shame Trump, put him down, but again, Trump is so quick with the comebacks, he made them sorry they tried.

A sitting President always has the advantage. When the Democrats criticize each other, it's fodder for opposition of the eventual nominee.

Billionaires in general are not. Trump is the exception because daddy gave him 10s of millions of dollars. Without that, he’d he working fast food right now.

Of course this all begs the question: are millionaires stupid? That’s what Biden is.

Be a man and answer this question: how often does Trump say stupid shit? Is it worse than the average person? Why or why not?

Yeah, Biden is a millionaire because he was in government, just like all the other congress critters end up being millionaires. It's different when you have to work for wealth.

Nobody knows exactly how much Trump was given by his father, but his fathers worth was 70 million, and Trump has several siblings--one which didn't get anything. So even if he started out with lets say 30 million, it takes 1000 million to make one billion. You try taking any amount of money, and make business deals to net you over 60 times that amount. You have to be pretty smart and energetic to come anywhere close.

So you won’t answer the question? Yeah not surprised.

Biden is a lawyer. Say what you want about lawyers, but obviously they aren’t dumb people. Trust is obviously way too stupid for law school lol. 10’s of millions is what he got from daddy. And sure, daddy probably gave him some basic investing advice. Of course, Trump’s wealth aside, most of his business ventures have failed. One of his CASINOS went bankrupt. How do you explain that?

Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses. Failures are normal, especially at that volume. Trump's bankruptcies happened during trying economic times. Your failures are less indicative of your business acumen than how you recovered, which Donald Trump obviously did very well.

Biden was not always lost in space. But different people react differently with age. Some people (like my father at 88 years old) still have all their knowledge and marbles. My father still drives. Although limited physical ability, he can tell you how to fix anything in or on a house. I still seek his advice from time to time when I need to repair something.

Biden did not age very well mentally. He's lost. Not only can he not remember a lot of things, but he flew off the handle at his own constituents on several occasions. If he can't handle them, how is he going to handle Trump? The more angry he gets, the dumber he sounds.
Biden is a forfeit of the General.

If anyone really wants Trump out, wait until the Libertarians get a candidate, and support that candidate, who almost certainly will be vastly more intelligent and better at debate than Low IQ Joe...

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