Joe Biden might not be the greatest debater or the best candidate, but at least...

...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol
If they weren’t stupid themselves, trumpkins would realize their orange psychopath is a moron who can’t even pronounce basic words or finish a though

Looks like you can't finish a though. If you're going to refer to somebody as a moron, it's best not to look like one yourself.
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol
Yeah. Sure. Getting in a voters face sure is presidential. He sucks.
Yeah, grabbing pussies is presidential. Paying off porn stars is presidential. Rigging elections is presidential. Telling three lies a minute is presidential.

What a President does on his personal time has no reflection on his least that's what you leftists told us during the Clinton years.
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol


I wanted Bernie badly to win the nomination so America will become the United Socialist States of Amerika but now that Bernie has crashed and Bern I will hold my nose and vote for Biden instead...

Wouldn't it be great!

The U.S. would become socialist, and Russia would be capitalist - then we could have a second cold war!

Only then would we truly know whether it's the ideology or geography that matters!
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol
Yeah. Sure. Getting in a voters face sure is presidential. He sucks.
Yeah, grabbing pussies is presidential. Paying off porn stars is presidential. Rigging elections is presidential. Telling three lies a minute is presidential.

What a President does on his personal time has no reflection on his least that's what you leftists told us during the Clinton years.
I really have to admire Trump for getting pseudocons to violate every last principle they ever claimed to believe in. The man is a world class huckster.
Yeah, all those billionaires are stupid.

I watched Trump as he wiped the floor during the Republican debates. He took all those professional politicians, some with money coming out of their ass, and showed them how it's done. Of sure, they tried to shame Trump, put him down, but again, Trump is so quick with the comebacks, he made them sorry they tried.

A sitting President always has the advantage. When the Democrats criticize each other, it's fodder for opposition of the eventual nominee.
Billionaires in general are not. Trump is the exception because daddy gave him 10s of millions of dollars. Without that, he’d he working fast food right now.

Of course this all begs the question: are millionaires stupid? That’s what Biden is.

Be a man and answer this question: how often does Trump say stupid shit? Is it worse than the average person? Why or why not?

Yeah, Biden is a millionaire because he was in government, just like all the other congress critters end up being millionaires. It's different when you have to work for wealth.

Nobody knows exactly how much Trump was given by his father, but his fathers worth was 70 million, and Trump has several siblings--one which didn't get anything. So even if he started out with lets say 30 million, it takes 1000 million to make one billion. You try taking any amount of money, and make business deals to net you over 60 times that amount. You have to be pretty smart and energetic to come anywhere close.
So you won’t answer the question? Yeah not surprised.

Biden is a lawyer. Say what you want about lawyers, but obviously they aren’t dumb people. Trust is obviously way too stupid for law school lol. 10’s of millions is what he got from daddy. And sure, daddy probably gave him some basic investing advice. Of course, Trump’s wealth aside, most of his business ventures have failed. One of his CASINOS went bankrupt. How do you explain that?

Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses. Failures are normal, especially at that volume. Trump's bankruptcies happened during trying economic times. Your failures are less indicative of your business acumen than how you recovered, which Donald Trump obviously did very well.

Biden was not always lost in space. But different people react differently with age. Some people (like my father at 88 years old) still have all their knowledge and marbles. My father still drives. Although limited physical ability, he can tell you how to fix anything in or on a house. I still seek his advice from time to time when I need to repair something.

Biden did not age very well mentally. He's lost. Not only can he not remember a lot of things, but he flew off the handle at his own constituents on several occasions. If he can't handle them, how is he going to handle Trump? The more angry he gets, the dumber he sounds.
You’re still in denial about Trump huh? Okay I’ll play along. Are all those Twitter tantrums about stupid shit any indication of his intelligence and emotional maturity? It’s amazing how you are ducking this. Again, it’s impossible to take you people seriously.

Twitter tantrums are not a political debate. You are talking apples and oranges. Yeah, he gets carried away on Twitter, but that's his only real contact with the people outside of Fox news and evil right-wing radio. During his debates, he wipes the floor with his opponents.
It's interesting.

I spent at least ten minutes looking for a viewer opinion poll of who won the debate.

I could not find one. They always have informal polls. I wonder why they didn't have one this time. . . :dunno:

I can't find one anywhere.

Probably because nobody watched it, or they can't find people that did. :laughing0301:
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol
Yeah. Sure. Getting in a voters face sure is presidential. He sucks.
Yeah, grabbing pussies is presidential. Paying off porn stars is presidential. Rigging elections is presidential. Telling three lies a minute is presidential.

What a President does on his personal time has no reflection on his least that's what you leftists told us during the Clinton years.
I really have to admire Trump for getting pseudocons to violate every last principle they ever claimed to believe in. The man is a world class huckster.

They do have short memories, don't they? You have to love the hypocrisy.
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol
Yeah. Sure. Getting in a voters face sure is presidential. He sucks.
Yeah, grabbing pussies is presidential. Paying off porn stars is presidential. Rigging elections is presidential. Telling three lies a minute is presidential.

What a President does on his personal time has no reflection on his least that's what you leftists told us during the Clinton years.
I really have to admire Trump for getting pseudocons to violate every last principle they ever claimed to believe in. The man is a world class huckster.

They do have short memories, don't they? You have to love the hypocrisy.
Just getting sick of Democrats. They all suck.
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol
Yeah. Sure. Getting in a voters face sure is presidential. He sucks.
Yeah, grabbing pussies is presidential. Paying off porn stars is presidential. Rigging elections is presidential. Telling three lies a minute is presidential.

What a President does on his personal time has no reflection on his least that's what you leftists told us during the Clinton years.
I really have to admire Trump for getting pseudocons to violate every last principle they ever claimed to believe in. The man is a world class huckster.
Sure. According to the lying ,filthy MEDIA.
Yeah Biden is so great he has lost every Presidential Primary he has run in until now. He will only likely win now because the rest of the field was so weak and lame hardly a great selling point for a general election.
What really sucks is the outright incompetence of ALL the Dem candidates. They cry "Racism" while the Virus spreads. They IMPEACH while the Virus spreads. Nothing better to do?
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol
If they weren’t stupid themselves, trumpkins would realize their orange psychopath is a moron who can’t even pronounce basic words or finish a though

Joe Biden is an orange psychopath ?

Who knew ?
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol
Despite Trump's lack of eloquence when he speaks, if you actually listen to him, the topics he ran on and promised, he has been keeping.
At least Trump backs the US Constitution, which the left no longer does. This life we all enjoy in the United States is because of that Constitution. There is no other government with as much freedom. Try living in any nation other than here and you will see that this is true.
As for Biden, he has publicly stated that the US doesn't need an actual standing army. With the continued ongoing enemies across this planet, this is an idiotic concept. If we were some miniscule island country, it would be fine, as we would hold no tactical value, but this isn't the case. The man is also against the Constitution, wanting to take away law-abiding citizens rights.
This nation has been steadily infiltrated by Marxist-Leninists throughout our public educational system and it must end.
...he can speak in complete sentences.

Just like any debate Trump has been in, he talks incoherently and bizarrely. In general, he can barely stay on a topic for more than 5 seconds.

Biden is lame and I gladly didn’t vote for him in Colorado, but he basically has an edge over Trump by default lol

That might be the most "lame" endorsement of a candidate I've ever heard, Billy! By default? That's what you're pushing as the rationale for voting for Joe Biden?
What a lousy freakin' choice. What a mess.

Maybe this is what happens when politics becomes so UGLY, TRIBAL and DISHONEST that our REAL Best & Brightest know to STAY AWAY.

Self-inflicted wound here.

If you are talking about the democrat party, yes.

The republicans already elected the best and the brightest.

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