Joe Biden must be very proud


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2020
Joe Biden must be very proud of his record of weaponizing the government agencies to serve the Democratic-Socialist-Progressive Party. The coalition of elites and jailing all rest of the MAGA Supporters, like the January 6th protesters, or those who Dare to run against him. What a guy! I wouldn't call that favoring or enforcing authority,. I'd call it full blown Fascism
Joe Biden must be very proud of his record of weaponizing the government agencies to serve the Democratic-Socialist-Progressive Party. The coalition of elites and jailing all rest of the MAGA Supporters, like the January 6th protesters, or those who Dare to run against him. What a guy! I wouldn't call that favoring or enforcing authority,. I'd call it full blown Fascism
They need to write a new Constitution and begin it with, "A government by and for the DNC".

Let's have some clarity, shall we?

Or we can prance around pretending the Republic is not lost.
Joe Biden must be very proud of his record of weaponizing the government agencies to serve the Democratic-Socialist-Progressive Party. The coalition of elites and jailing all rest of the MAGA Supporters, like the January 6th protesters, or those who Dare to run against him. What a guy! I wouldn't call that favoring or enforcing authority,. I'd call it full blown Fascism
Ole Potatohead is a worthless incompetent corrupt asshole but you have to give either him or his handlers begrudging credit for pulling off the steal of the 2020 Presidential election and weaponizing the government against any Leftest opposition. Turning the greatest Constitutional Republic in the world into a Banana Republic in a couple of years took some hard work.
"Joe Biden must be very proud of his record of weaponizing the government agencies to serve the Democratic-Socialist-Progressive Party. The coalition of elites and jailing all rest of the MAGA Supporters, like the January 6th protesters......"
They need to write a new Constitution and begin it with, "A government by and for the DNC".
pulling off the steal of the 2020 Presidential election and weaponizing the government against any Leftest opposition.

Well, gut morgan, mein freunds, Radical, Votto, and Flash.
With no disrespect intended your 3 postings above are straight out of
It is QAnon nutjobbery. I think, deep down, you know that.
If you truly believe what you have posted then it ain't the Trump Train you are on, it is the Paranoiac Conspiracy Express, speeding straight into Hissyfitistan. The suburb of Ineffective whiners and complainers.

And with no desire to pick on just Radical, but his whining about jailing January 6th protesters is nuttery to the max.
Look, amigo......many many of those January 6th Jackasses are on video clubbing down a cop, spraying repellant in the face of a uniformed officer. Many of them are on social media describing and boasting about what they did. And you intimate that is wrongful prosecution. Well, partner, your QAnon roots are showing.

Again, I don't mean to be critical of the above three posters, rather to merely bring attention to the Grievance Filled Nutjobbery that attempts to pass as informed thoughtful adult discussion.

But, in truth, as my avatar has posted several times....."I love this bar".
We've got winners. We've got _____________!

Well, gut morgan, mein freunds, Radical, Votto, and Flash.
With no disrespect intended your 3 postings above are straight out of
It is QAnon nutjobbery. I think, deep down, you know that.
If you truly believe what you have posted then it ain't the Trump Train you are on, it is the Paranoiac Conspiracy Express, speeding straight into Hissyfitistan. The suburb of Ineffective whiners and complainers.

And with no desire to pick on just Radical, but his whining about jailing January 6th protesters is nuttery to the max.
Look, amigo......many many of those January 6th Jackasses are on video clubbing down a cop, spraying repellant in the face of a uniformed officer. Many of them are on social media describing and boasting about what they did. And you intimate that is wrongful prosecution. Well, partner, your QAnon roots are showing.

Again, I don't mean to be critical of the above three posters, rather to merely bring attention to the Grievance Filled Nutjobbery that attempts to pass as informed thoughtful adult discussion.

But, in truth, as my avatar has posted several times....."I love this bar".
We've got winners. We've got _____________!
J6 was a mostly peaceful protest compared to the summer BLM riots.


In case you were wondering how the riots compared:

The DOJ and FBI (aka Waffen SS) are weaponized against Republicans, Christians, Parents, veterans, and people with 3-digit IQs.
Joe Biden must be very proud of his record of weaponizing the government agencies to serve the Democratic-Socialist-Progressive Party. The coalition of elites and jailing all rest of the MAGA Supporters, like the January 6th protesters, or those who Dare to run against him. What a guy! I wouldn't call that favoring or enforcing authority,. I'd call it full blown Fascism
Not to mention opening the borders to criminals and terrorists!

I think of the story of the convicted rapist ILLEGAL who raped a 6 year old (!!) in Brazil and is just now being deported.

I was wondering if anyone was being deported anymore
In 2016 Trump caught the DC swamp sleeping, winning against all odds. In 2020 we discovered just how corrupt the swamp is and what a SHAM elections are. The swamp pulled out all the stops to RIG it for Biden. This blithering idiot hid in his basement not campaigning, and got more votes than Obama at his best? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Joe Biden must be very proud of his record of weaponizing the government agencies to serve the Democratic-Socialist-Progressive Party. The coalition of elites and jailing all rest of the MAGA Supporters, like the January 6th protesters, or those who Dare to run against him. What a guy! I wouldn't call that favoring or enforcing authority,. I'd call it full blown Fascism
joe biden is suffering dementia, sadly, he does not know what is going on
Joe Biden must be very proud of his record of weaponizing the government agencies to serve the Democratic-Socialist-Progressive Party. The coalition of elites and jailing all rest of the MAGA Supporters, like the January 6th protesters, or those who Dare to run against him. What a guy! I wouldn't call that favoring or enforcing authority,. I'd call it full blown Fascism
That must be frustrating....could you imagine if it were true?

It is true. Could you imagine if you were honest?

There is no act so blatant, so corrupt or so lawless that Sloppy Joe's lackeys in the DOJ, led by Merrick Garland, will not stoop to. Everything from putting the 'terrorist' label on parents at schoolboard meetings to christening David Weiss as a 'special councel' to investigate Hunter Biden. Weiss is the one man who can be counted on to continue covering up for the Biden Crime family Syndicate.

I'll bet you didn't know it was Weiss who allowed the statute of limitations to lapse on Hunter Biden's most serious crimes. It was Weiss who offered Hunter Biden a plea deal so laughably lenient, and for crimes so watered down that the prosecutor Weiss sent to court admitted to the judge that there was no legal precedent for it. The judge rejected that sweetheart plea deal out of hand.

We can also review the instances of Biden's lackeys in the IRS using their tactics of intimidation by an unannounced visit to the the home of Matt Taibbi while he testified before congress.

Stalinist tactics by the Biden politburo. Imagine if it were true?
It is true. Could you imagine if you were honest?

There is no act so blatant, so corrupt or so lawless that Sloppy Joe's lackeys in the DOJ, led by Merrick Garland, will not stoop to. Everything from putting the 'terrorist' label on parents at schoolboard meetings to christening David Weiss as a 'special councel' to investigate Hunter Biden. Weiss is the one man who can be counted on to continue covering up for the Biden Crime family Syndicate.

I'll bet you didn't know it was Weiss who allowed the statute of limitations to lapse on Hunter Biden's most serious crimes. It was Weiss who offered Hunter Biden a plea deal so laughably lenient, and for crimes so watered down that the prosecutor Weiss sent to court admitted to the judge that there was no legal precedent for it. The judge rejected that sweetheart plea deal out of hand.

We can also review the instances of Biden's lackeys in the IRS using their tactics of intimidation by an unannounced visit to the the home of Matt Taibbi while he testified before congress.

Stalinist tactics by the Biden politburo. Imagine if it were true?
So Biden's DOJ is investigating Biden's Son? Wow. Would your blob have done the same thing with Jr? Nope.
So Biden's DOJ is investigating Biden's Son? Wow. Would your blob have done the same thing with Jr? Nope.

You sweepingly miss the point. There was no investigation. Biden's lackeys stalled any investigation to allow the statute of limitations to expire. Biden picked a lackey who he knew was a compliant tool. The Biden Crime Family Syndicate thought they could ignore the law until an ethical judge put the brakes on the runaway train of Dem / Socialist corruption.
You guys are funny. Cocooning in your basement making up reasons why the majority of Americans reject leadership by a kindergartener.
Joe Biden must be very proud of his record of weaponizing the government agencies to serve the Democratic-Socialist-Progressive Party. The coalition of elites and jailing all rest of the MAGA Supporters, like the January 6th protesters, or those who Dare to run against him. What a guy! I wouldn't call that favoring or enforcing authority,. I'd call it full blown Fascism
YOu know that's bullshit, right? Every one of those people committed terrible crimes against my country. Most of them are getting off far lighter than they deserve.
You sweepingly miss the point. There was no investigation. Biden's lackeys stalled any investigation to allow the statute of limitations to expire. Biden picked a lackey who he knew was a compliant tool. The Biden Crime Family Syndicate thought they could ignore the law until an ethical judge put the brakes on the runaway train of Dem / Socialist corruption.
Statute of limitations? That's usually decades.

How long do you think Joe Biden has been in office?
YOu know that's bullshit, right? Every one of those people committed terrible crimes against my country. Most of them are getting off far lighter than they deserve.
No. Unlike you ,they are true American patriots.

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